Topic Review
Poplar-Type Propolis
Propolis is a resinous mixture, made by the honeybees from substances collected from tree or other plant buds, plant exudates, or resins found in the stem, branches, or leaves of different plants. 
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  • 18 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Natural Blues by Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins are a subclass of flavonoids; polyphenolic derivatives consisting of a fused benzopyrylium core (C- and A-rings) with an additional phenyl group attached at C2 (B-ring) formed by condensing a C6-C3 unit (p-coumaroyl-CoA) with three molecules of malonyl CoA. Although most anthocyanins are capable of producing blue colours in theory, at neutral pH (where the blue coloured anionic quinonoidal. base is formed) anthocyanins favour the formation of colourless species over the coloured species. The mechanisms whereby blue pigmentation by anthocyanins is achieved in nature are complex and multifold.
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  • 18 May 2021
Topic Review
Updating Phospholipase A2 Biology
The phospholipase A2 (PLA2) superfamily contains more than 50 enzymes in mammals that are subdivided into several distinct families on a structural and biochemical basis. In principle, PLA2 has the capacity to hydrolyze the sn-2 position of glycerophospholipids to release fatty acids and lysophospholipids, yet several enzymes in this superfamily catalyze other reactions rather than or in addition to the PLA2 reaction. PLA2 enzymes play crucial roles in not only the production of lipid mediators, but also membrane remodeling, bioenergetics, and body surface barrier, thereby participating in a number of biological events. Accordingly, disturbance of PLA2-regulated lipid metabolism is often associated with various diseases.
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  • 17 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Seaweeds as a Fermentation Substrate
The interest in marine macroalgae are increasing  as novel and functional food and feed products. Marine macroalgae show a high flexibility and applicability due to the bioactive properties of the compounds produced. In the nutraceutical sector, the development of novel food products with high nutritious value and sustainable development raises the interest in this biological group.  Indeed, seaweeds mainly need exposure to sun, aeration, artificial or naturally, and seawater rich in nutrients to grow and obtain a high amount of biomass to then develop novel functional food products that can be produced by the fermentation method, mainly performed by lactic acid bacteria. Still, this is a topic that needs to be further developed in order to improve the beneficial and organoleptic  properties of seaweeds.Here is proposed to the potential of prebiotic and probiotic fermentation and the potential of seaweed in food and feed industrial sectors.
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  • 08 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture
Biopesticides are organisms or natural formulations that control or eliminate pests via diverse modes of action (MoA). They cover a wide range of organic products and formulations, such as predatory and parasitic species, biochemical compounds (and their chemical equivalents), and plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs). Biopesticides play critical roles in agriculture, which is the frontier sector driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Apart from controlling agricultural pests and diseases, they are friendly to the environment, benign to beneficial organisms such as pollinators and plant growth-promoting microorganisms, promote crop productivity and are sensitive to resistant pests created by synthetic pesticides. In addition, biopesticides are very much compatible with the integrated pest management system, which only admits synthetic pesticides as a last resort. As organic formulations, biopesticides fit the defining criteria of Green Chemistry in that they are safe products synthesised from renewable substrates, produce non-toxic compounds and can be driven by minimal energy and biocatalysts.  
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare clonal disease that presents an estimated incidence of 1.3 cases per million per year, with a prevalence of 15.9 cases per million. It is characterized by hemolysis, bone marrow dysfunction with peripheral blood cytopenia, hypercoagulability, thrombosis, renal impairment and arterial and pulmonary hypertension. Hemolysis and subsequent hemosiderin accumulation in tubular epithelium cells induce tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
T6SS-mediated Stress Responses Influence
The bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a protein secretion apparatus widely distributed in Gram-negative bacterial species. Many bacterial pathogens employ T6SS to compete with the host and to coordinate the invasion process. The T6SS apparatus consists of a membrane complex and an inner tail tube-like structure that is surrounded by a contractile sheath and capped with a spike complex. A series of antibacterial or antieukaryotic effectors is delivered by the puncturing device consisting of a Hcp tube decorated by the VgrG/PAAR complex into the target following the con-traction of the TssB/C sheath, which often leads to damage and death of the competitor and/or host cells. As a tool for protein secretion and interspecies interactions, T6SS can be triggered by many different mechanisms to respond to various physiological conditions.
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  • 25 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Duckweeds for Remediating Water Contaminated with Heavy Metals
Tiny aquatic plants from the Lemnaceae family, commonly known as duckweeds, are often regarded as detrimental to the environment because of their ability to quickly populate and cover the surfaces of bodies of water. The global distribution of duckweeds and their tolerance of ammonia, heavy metals, other pollutants, and stresses are the major factors highlighting their potential for use in purifying agricultural, municipal, and some industrial wastewater. In summary, duckweeds are a powerful tool for bioremediation that can reduce anthropogenic pollution in aquatic ecosystems and prevent water eutrophication in a simple, inexpensive ecologically friendly way.
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  • 09 May 2023
Topic Review
Drying is one of the oldest methods for food preservation that removes the water from fruit and makes it available for consumption throughout the year. Dried fruits can be produced by small- and large-scale processors, which makes them a very popular food among consumers and food manufacturers. The most frequent uses of drying technology include osmotic dehydration, vacuum drying, freeze-drying, and different combinations of other drying technologies. However, drying may provoke undesirable changes with respect to physiochemical, sensory, nutritional, and microbiological quality. The energy efficiency of drying processes and the quality of dried fruits are crucial factors in fruit drying. Recent research shows that innovative technologies such as ultrasound, pulsed electric field, or high pressure may be used as a pretreatment or in combination with traditional drying technologies for process intensification. This could result in quality improvements of dried fruits and enhanced efficiency and capacity of the production process, with a positive impact on environmental and economic benefits.
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  • 19 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Cyanobacterial Extracellular Polymeric Substances
Biopolymers derived from polysaccharides are a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to the synthetic counterparts available in the market. Due to their distinctive properties, the cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), mainly composed of heteropolysaccharides, are a valid alternative to address several biotechnological and biomedical challenges. However, for the successful exploitation of cyanobacterial EPS, it is important to obtain polymers with high purity levels and exploit different strategies of  functionalization  to obtain EPS tailored for given applications. Considering all this, available approaches to isolate, purify and chemically modify cyanobacterial EPS are discussed.  
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  • 30 Jul 2020
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