Topic Review
Pulp Inflammation and Regeneration
The role of inflammatory mediators in dental pulp is unique. The local environment of pulp responds to any changes in the physiology that are highly fundamental, like odontoblast cell differentiation and other secretory activity. 
  • 555
  • 19 May 2021
Topic Review
Professionally applied fluorides
Professionally applied topical fluorides are used by a dental professional in the dental office to protect the oral health of children and adults, particularly for patients at greater risk. They could be in the form of a gel, varnish, foam, or mouthrinse.  Preventive fraction (PF) is a method used to measure the effectiveness of these products in preventing caries. PF is a percentual ratio computed as the difference between increment or prevalence in the control sample and study sample divided by the increment or prevalence in the control sample.
  • 510
  • 21 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Probiotics and Oral Candidiasis
Oral candidiasis (OC) is an increasing health problem due to the introduction of new drugs, population aging, and increasing prevalence of chronic illness.  The intake of probiotics can have a beneficial effect on OC and that the effects could vary according to the patients’ characteristics.
  • 1.1K
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Primary Care for Oral Health
The International Dental Federation (IDF) defines oral health as “multi-faceted and included the ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew, swallow and convey a range of emotions through facial expressions with confidence and without pain, discomfort, and craniofacial complex diseases”. The IDF definition integrates oral health with general health, demonstrating that it affects overall health and well-being. Therefore, increasing awareness about the different dimensions of oral health and how they change over time empowers people by recognizing that values, perceptions, and expectations influence its outcomes.
  • 319
  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Prevention and Treatment of Oral Complications
Phase I, before initiation of cancer treatment (review of medical record and oral history, planning of preventive strategies and dental treatments); phase II, from initiation of chemo-radiotherapy to 30–45 days post-therapy (maintenance of oral hygiene, reinforcement of parent/patient education in oral care, prevention and treatment of complications derived from cancer treatment); phase III, from 1 year to lifetime (periodic check-ups, maintenance, and reinforcement of oral hygiene, dental treatments, symptomatic care of the effects of long-term cancer treatment). The use of standardised protocols can avoid or minimise oral cancer complications and the side effects of cancer therapies. 
  • 391
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Prevalence and Features of Oral Lesions in COVID-19
Regardless of rapidly emerging findings on oral lesions described in adult SARS-CoV-2-positive subjects, the evidence level remains quite low and rather contrasting. It is well known that multiple viral pathogens, first of all, Herpes and human Papilloma viruses, are directly responsible for the genesis of benign, potentially malignant and malignant lesions of the oral mucosa, underlining the necessity to examine the potential causative role of SARS-CoV-2 in oral lesions. 
  • 458
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Preprosthetic Surgery
The atrophic edentulous jaw can cause severe functional impairment for patients, leading to inadequate denture retention, reduced quality of life, and significant health problems. The aim of preprosthetic surgery is to restore function and form due to tooth loss arising from congenital deformity, trauma, or ablative surgery. Alveolar bone loss is due to disuse atrophy following tooth loss. The advent of dental implants and their ability to preserve bone heralded the modern version of preprosthetic surgery. Their ability to mimic natural teeth has overcome the age-old problem of edentulism and consequent jaw atrophy.
  • 236
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Potential Mechanisms for Localization of Osteonecrosis
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) has emerged as a complication of anti-resorptive medications. Many factors have been explored as possible localizing factors, including dental trauma, especially surgical extraction, periodontitis, impaired gingival healing, changes in oral bacteria biofilm profile, and impaired innate immune response specific to the oral cavity.
  • 224
  • 24 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Potential Immunohistochemical Biomarkers for Grading Oral Dysplasia
Oral cancer is becoming more and more frequent worldwide. Despite the widely available prevention, it is one of the most common cancers in the world, with 476,125 new cases and 225,900 deaths in 2020. Among the causes of carcinogenesis in the oral cavity, tobacco smoking or chewing, alcohol consumption, occupational exposure, risky sexual behaviour, genetic factors, and environmental pollution are widely mentioned. Smoking is the most prominent risk factor for oral cancer due to the carcinogenic chemicals in cigarette smoke, including nitrosamines, benzopyrenes, and aromatic amines. The risk of oral cancer is three times higher in smokers compared to non-smokers. In addition, the combination of cigarette smoking and frequent heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing cancer by several times.
  • 153
  • 12 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Postoperative Facial Swelling and Occlusion in Orthognathic Treatment
Orthognathic surgery (OS) is usually performed to improve functional and esthetic parameters by repositioning the maxilla, mandible and/or the symphysis, particularly among patients that have either passed the pubertal growth spurt or may be unsuitable for orthodontic camouflage. 
  • 151
  • 13 Nov 2023
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