Topic Review
Great Scientific Oral Communication
Scientific oral communication is a dynamic medium through which researchers share their findings and insights. A great scientific oral presentation transcends the mere conveyance of information; it captivates, inspires, and connects with the audience. This comprehensive exploration uncovers the essential elements that define excellence in scientific oral communication. From the imperative of clear messaging and engaging delivery to the art of storytelling and the strategic use of visuals and interactivity, this research unveils the strategies and techniques that transform presentations into impactful experiences. Effective oral communication not only informs but also leaves an enduring imprint on the audience's understanding and appreciation of research.
  • 423
  • 08 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Great Scientific Poster
Creating a great scientific poster communication is a multifaceted endeavor that involves clarity, engaging design, and effective content organization. This research explores the essential elements that contribute to a stellar scientific poster. Clarity and simplicity are paramount, with a focus on visual hierarchy, minimal text, and effective titles. Engaging visual design, content organization, and a compelling narrative structure are key to conveying complex research concisely. Data presentation should be clear and transparent, promoting accessibility and readability. Engaging the audience through presenter presence and discussion points, as well as emphasizing the relevance and impact of the research, completes the formula for a successful scientific poster.
  • 417
  • 08 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Greek Old Calendarists
Greek Old Calendarists (Greek: Παλαιοημερολογίτες, Paleoimerologites), sometimes abbreviated as GOC ("Genuine Orthodox Christians"), are groups of Old Calendarist Orthodox Christians that remained committed to the traditional Orthodox practice and are not in communion with many other Orthodox churches such as the Orthodox Church of Greece, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, or the Church of Cyprus. The split began with a disagreement over the abandonment of the traditional church calendar (also called the Julian calendar) in preference to the adoption of the Revised Julian calendar which is similar to the papal Gregorian calendar but will pull ahead by one day in the year 2800 and over other liturgical reforms that were introduced.
  • 1.5K
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Greenery-Covered Tall Buildings
The greenery-covered tall building, an innovative building typology that substantially integrates vegetation into the design, promises to transform urban landscapes into more sustainable and livable spaces.
  • 321
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Grihastha (Sanskrit: gr̥hastha) literally means "being in and occupied with home, family" or "householder". It refers to the second phase of an individual's life in a four age-based stages of the Hindu ashram system. It follows celibacy (bachelor student) life stage, and embodies a married life, with the duties of maintaining a home, raising a family, educating one's children, and leading a family-centred and a dharmic social life. This stage of Ashrama is conceptually followed by Vanaprastha (forest dweller, retired) and Sannyasa (renunciation). Combined with other three life stages, Hindu philosophy considers these stages as a facet of Dharma concept, something essential to completing the full development of a human being and fulfilling all the needs of the individual and society. Ancient and medieval era texts of Hinduism consider Grihastha stage as the most important of all stages in sociological context, as human beings in this stage not only pursue a virtuous life, they produce food and wealth that sustains people in other stages of life, as well as the offspring that continues mankind. The householder stage is also considered in Indian philosophy as one where the most intense physical, sexual, emotional, occupational, social and material attachments exist in a human being's life. In Indian traditions, Grihastha stage of life is a recommendation, but not a requirement. Any Brahmacharya may, if he or she wants, skip householder and retirement stage, go straight to Sannyasa stage of life, thereby renouncing worldly and materialistic pursuits and dedicating their lives to spiritual pursuits.
  • 1.7K
  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Guilt-shame-fear Spectrum of Cultures
In cultural anthropology, the distinction between a guilt society (or guilt culture), shame society (also shame culture or honor-shame culture), and a fear society (or culture of fear) has been used to categorize different cultures. The differences can apply to how behavior is governed with respect to government laws, business rules, or social etiquette. This classification has been applied especially to so called "apollonian" societies, sorting them according to the emotions they use to control individuals (especially children) and maintaining social order, swaying them into norm obedience and conformity. The terminology was popularized by Ruth Benedict in The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, who described American culture as a "guilt culture" and Japanese culture as a "shame culture".
  • 13.0K
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Guṇa (Sanskrit: गुण) is a concept in Hinduism and Sikhism, which can be translated as "quality, peculiarity, attribute, property". The concept is originally notable as a feature of Samkhya philosophy. The gunas are now a key concept in nearly all schools of Hindu philosophy. There are three gunas, according to this worldview, that have always been and continue to be present in all things and beings in the world. These three gunas are called: sattva (goodness, constructive, harmonious), rajas (passion, active, confused), and tamas (darkness, destructive, chaotic). All of these three gunas are present in everyone and everything, it is the proportion that is different, according to Hindu worldview. The interplay of these gunas defines the character of someone or something, of nature and determines the progress of life. In some contexts, it may mean "a subdivision, species, kind, quality", or an operational principle or tendency of something or someone. In human behavior studies, Guna means personality, innate nature and psychological attributes of an individual. Like all Sanskrit technical terms, guṇa can be difficult to summarize in a single word. Its original and common meaning is a thread, implying the original materials that weave together to make up reality. The usual, but approximate translation in common usage is "quality".
  • 597
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
GURUKUL: The Schools of Ancient India
"GURUKUL" a combination of the Sanskrit words Guru(Teacher) and Kula(Home or Family) which literally means "Home of the Guru". This research talks about the Gurukuls of Ancient India, the education system of our own India which was demolished by the Britishers.
  • 767
  • 29 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Hailuoto (Finnish: [ˈhɑi̯ˌluo̯to]; Swedish: Karlö) is a Finnish island in the northern Baltic Sea and a municipality in Northern Ostrobothnia region. The municipality covers an area of (excluding sea areas) of which is inland water. Of all the Finnish sea islands, Hailuoto is the third largest after Fasta Åland and Kimitoön. Hailuoto lies opposite the city of Oulu in the Gulf of Bothnia. The distance between Oulu and Hailuoto is 53 kilometres (33 mi), and the sea area between them is called Luodonselkä (literally "the back of islet"). Land in the region is constantly rising due to post-glacial rebound. It is estimated that the first parts of Hailuoto appeared from the Baltic Sea about 1700 years ago. The current island of Hailuoto was formed from many smaller islands. Two large sections, Santonen and Hanhinen merged into the main island (Luoto) only about two centuries ago. The island is continuously expanding and eventually it will join with the continent. Kirkkosalmi, a wetland region between Hanhinen and Luoto is renowned for being an important bird refuge where rare bird species are observed. The theme of the coat of arms of Hailuoto describes the economy of the island municipality; the explanation of the coat of arms is "in a blue field with a silver rowlock." The coat of arms was designed by Teuvo-Pentti Pakkala and approved by the Hailuoto Municipal Council at its meeting on April 28, 1966. The Ministry of the Interior approved the use of the coat of arms on December 19 of the same year.
  • 483
  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Hamburg Temple Disputes
The Hamburg Temple disputes (German: Hamburger Tempelstreite) were the two controversies which erupted around the Israelite Temple in Hamburg, the first permanent Reform synagogue, which elicited fierce protests from Orthodox rabbis. The events were a milestone in the coalescence of both modern perceptions of Judaism. The primary occurred between 1818 and 1821, and the latter from 1841 to 1842.
  • 531
  • 01 Dec 2022
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