Topic Review
Dust-Associated Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
The occurrence of sand and dust storms (SDSs) is essential for the geochemical cycling of nutrients; however, it is considered a meteorological hazard common to arid regions because of the adverse impacts that SDSs brings with them. One common implication of SDSs is the transport and disposition of aerosols coated with anthropogenic contaminants. Studies have reported the presence of such contaminants in desert dust; however, similar findings related to ubiquitous emerging contaminants, such as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), have been relatively scarce in the literature. 
  • 492
  • 17 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Dye Adsorption of Biochar
Biochar (BC) is a highly stable carbonaceous material that is aromatized and amorphous in nature. It is usually formed after thermochemical conversion of organic matter and wastes at temperatures of 350–750 °C under limited oxygen conditions. It is being studied to a great degree because of its potential for carbon sequestration, soil improvement, climate change mitigation, catalysis, wastewater treatment, energy storage, and waste management.
  • 1.5K
  • 12 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Dynamic Groundwater Contamination Vulnerability Assessment Techniques
Assuring the quantity and quality of groundwater resources is essential for the well-being of human and ecological health, society, and the economy. For the last few decades, groundwater vulnerability modeling techniques have become essential for groundwater protection and management. Groundwater contamination is highly dynamic due to its dependency on recharge, which is a function of time-dependent parameters such as precipitation and evapotranspiration. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the time-series analysis in the “approximation” process to model the dynamic vulnerability of groundwater contamination. 
  • 169
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Dynamics of Methane
Mangrove forests sequester a significant amount of organic matter in their sediment and are recognized as an important carbon storage source (i.e., blue carbon, including in seagrass ecosystems and other coastal wetlands). The methane-producing archaea in anaerobic sediments releases methane, a greenhouse gas species. The contribution to total greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove ecosystems remains controversial. However, the intensity CH4 emissions from anaerobic mangrove sediment is known to be sensitive to environmental changes, and the sediment is exposed to oxygen by methanotrophic (CH4-oxidizing) bacteria as well as to anthropogenic impacts and climate change in mangrove forests. This review discusses the major factors decreasing the effect of mangroves on CH4 emissions from sediment, the significance of ecosystem protection regarding forest biomass and the hydrosphere/soil environment, and how to evaluate emission status geospatially. An innovative “digital-twin” system overcoming the difficulty of field observation is required for suggesting sustainable mitigation in mangrove ecosystems, such as a locally/regionally/globally heterogenous environment with various random factors.
  • 452
  • 06 Sep 2021
Topic Review
E-Commerce Challenges in Latin America
E-commerce and urban logistics are deeply connected. The development of new distribution methods, the optimization of last-mile delivery, and the location of urban warehouses in central areas are mainly due to e-commerce’s exponential growth in the last few years. E-commerce has increased last-mile deliveries. Increasingly diverse types of households buy online instead of going to physical stores. The change in consumer behavior affects cities’ mobility, with a growing network of logistic providers overseeing deliveries to final customers The rise of e-commerce has different consequences for cities. It is important to identify the aspects of e-commerce that challenge the urban systems and stakeholders involved. Decarbonization in the e-commerce logistics sector in Latin American countries still has room for improvement (for example, using metrics and electric vehicles) to match the levels of companies with similar characteristics in European, Asian, or North American countries.
  • 266
  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
E-Device Purchase and Disposal Behaviours in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the high-income countries in the Middle Eastern region and is vying for sustainable development in every sector. One of the UAE sustainable development goals is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; hence, the emphasis is on circular economy. UAE is one of largest consumers of e-devices, and their proper disposal is of paramount importance. E-waste disposal awareness leads to better disposal behaviors.
  • 1.7K
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
E-Region Auroral Ionosphere Model
E-region Auroral Ionosphere Model (AIM-E) is a numerical model involving both solar EUV radiation and electron precipitation as ionization sources. The AIM-E model allows to evaluate the concentration of the main ionospheric ions N+, N2+, NO+, O2+, O+(4S), O+(2D), O+(2P), electrons and  minor neutral components NO, N(4S), N(2D), for quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions at specified date, time and geographic location. The model design allows to  calculate the ionospheric composition in the entire high-latitude E-region in the retrospective, nowcast and forecast modes and shows good agreement with measurements.
  • 660
  • 02 Jul 2021
Topic Review
E-Waste in Africa
Waste electronic and electrical equipment (e-waste) consists of used and discarded electrical and electronic items ranging from refrigerators to cell phones and printed circuit boards.
  • 769
  • 05 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Early Chinese Cartography
Early Chinese cartography began in the 5th century BC during the Warring States period when cartographers started to make maps of the Earth's surface. Its scope extended beyond China's borders with the expansion of the Chinese Empire under the Han dynasty. It entered its golden age with the invention of the compass in the 11th century during the Song dynasty, and reached its peak in the 15th century when the Ming dynasty admiral Zheng He went on a series of voyages to the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, and beyond.
  • 2.6K
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Early Crop Mapping Using Dynamic Ecoregion Clustering
Mapping target crops earlier than the harvest period is an essential task for improving agricultural productivity and decision-making. Early crop mapping provides valuable information for crop management, such as predicting yield, monitoring crop growth, and identifying areas with high production potential.
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  • 10 Nov 2023
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