Topic Review
Wetlands in China
China has a wetland area of 53.42 million hectares, the fourth largest in the world; it includes all types of wetlands defined by the Ramsar Convention and has a carbon sink capacity of more than 1.71 million metric tons per year. Inland wetlands in China are mainly distributed in 10 major catchments, among which the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, the rivers in the northwest, and the rivers in the northeast each have more than 8 million hectares of wetlands. There are 4220 species of plants and 4015 species of animals in China’s wetland ecosystem. The wetland resources that have been developed and utilized include edible products, reeds for paper making, peat for fertilizer, fuel for power generation, and chemical, pharmaceutical, ceramic, and building materials. Wetland areas in China have shrunk by about 54% since 1980.
  • 1.2K
  • 18 Jul 2022
Topic Review
White Rot Fungi in Industrial Wastewater Treatment
White Rot Fungi (WRF) are a class of microorganisms widely understood for their ability to break down an extensive range of pollutants generally found in industrial wastewater. WRF usually carry out the degradation process with ligninolytic enzyme by targeting complex industrial pollutants, such as aromatic hydrocarbons, dyes, pharmaceuticals, and products of personal care. The unique enzymatic system of WRF converts the complex and harmful industrial pollutants into harmless end and byproducts, thus minimizing the impact on the environment and ecosystem. 
  • 537
  • 01 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Wild Rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) Baby-Leaf
Wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC) is a cruciferous perennial herb, spontaneous in the Mediterranean Basin. Here, a study on evaluating the hyperspectral response of plants to bio-based disease resistance inducers is presented.
  • 672
  • 30 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Wildfire Spread Risk Challenge
Wildfires are sudden and destructive natural hazards that pose significant challenges in response and relief efforts. Wildfires occur annually across the globe, influenced by factors such as climate, combustible materials, and ignition sources. In recent years, researchers have shown increasing interest in studying wildfires, resulting in a large number of related studies. These studies cover a variety of topics including wildfire forecasting and forecasting, spatial and temporal pattern analysis, ecological impact assessment, simulation of wildfire behavior, identification of contributing factors, development of risk assessment models, management techniques for combustible materials, firefighting decision-making techniques, and fire protection. burning method. Understanding the factors that influence wildfire spread behavior, employing modeling methods, and conducting risk assessments are critical for effective wildfire prevention, mitigation, and emergency response.
  • 782
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Wind Farms and Humidity
Several investigations have shown that enhanced mixing brought about by wind turbines alters near-surface meteorological conditions within and downstream of a wind farm. When scalar meteorological parameters have been considered, the focus has most often centered on temperature changes. A subset of these works has also considered humidity to various extents. These limited investigations are complemented by just a few studies dedicated to analyzing humidity changes. With onshore wind turbines often sited in agricultural areas, any changes to the microclimate surrounding a turbine can impact plant health and the length of the growing season; any changes to the environment around an offshore wind farm can change cloud and fog formation and dissipation, among other impacts. This article provides a review of observational field campaigns and numerical investigations examining changes to humidity within wind turbine array boundary layers. Across the range of empirical observations and numerical simulations, changes to humidity were observed in stably stratified conditions. In addition to the role of atmospheric stability, this review reveals that the nature of the change depends on the upstream moisture profile; robustness of the mixing; turbine array layout; distance from the turbine, in all three directions; and vertical temperature profile.
  • 1.1K
  • 15 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Wind Models
Wind forecasts are widely spread because of the growth in wind power, but also because there are other applications to consider, such as the long-term scenario forecasts regarding the effects of global warming. Overall, there have been big developments in global circulation models (GCM) that inform future scenarios at the large scale, but wind forecast at a local scale is a problem that has not totally been solved.
  • 728
  • 26 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Wind Speed Analysis of Hurricane Sandy
The database of the HWind project sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for hurricanes between 1994 and 2013 is analysed. Moreover, the wind speed of Hurricane Sandy is studied.
  • 1.0K
  • 18 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Winkler Index
The Winkler Index, sometimes known as the Winkler Scale or Winkler Regions, is a technique for classifying the climate of wine growing regions based on heat summation or growing degree-days. In the system, geographical areas are divided into five climate regions based on temperature converted to growing degree-days, and is commonly known as Regions I–V (see below). The system was developed at the University of California, Davis by A. J. Winkler and Maynard Amerine.
  • 975
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Wireless Sensor Network Technology
Wireless sensor network technology enables distributed sensing through efficient data communication between a multitude of environmental sensors. WSN is still a relatively new area of research, but the communication technology used for low-cost, low-power wireless networks has advanced greatly in recent decades.
  • 2.3K
  • 10 Jan 2023
Topic Review
WISDOM Project
The WISDOM Project is a bilateral research project between Germany and Vietnam, focusing on the creation of a Water related Information System for the Mekong Delta. Initiated by the Vietnamese and the German Government it was started in the year 2007, and is planned to continue until the year 2013. Water-related Information System for the sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam
  • 462
  • 24 Nov 2022
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