Topic Review
Water–Energy–Food Nexus
The availability of water, energy and food plays a key role in meeting the basic needs of the world population and allowing them to achieve prosperity and supports the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs). These three fundamental resources are closely interrelated, with their deep interdependencies reflected in various concepts of the ‘water–energy–food nexus’ (W–E–F).
  • 1.0K
  • 24 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Distant Past
The concept of water–energy–food (WEF) nexus is gaining favor as a means to highlight the functions of the three individual nexus elements as interrelated components of a single complex system. In practice, the nexus approach projects forward from the present, seeking to maximize future WEF synergies and avoid undesirable tradeoffs. This article seeks to gain insights into how the ancients dealt with WEF relationships, whether currently relevant principles were practiced millennia ago, and how past WEF dynamics compare to today. 
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  • 08 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Water–Energy–Food Nexus Research in Africa
The nexus of water, energy and food (hereafter WEF nexus) is undoubtedly complex, yet critical, for it mediates numerous issues that humankind faces today. These three resource systems are intimately interlinked and essential to the livelihoods of mankind, whereby actions in one sector are likely to have reciprocal impacts on other sectors, resulting in conflicts or competition.
  • 608
  • 12 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Watershed Eco-Compensation Mechanism in China
The watershed’s ecological environment and water resources contribute significantly to agricultural production and the people’s well-being. However, excessive exploitation and utilization of watersheds harm the watershed ecosystem environment. The reduction in biodiversity, water quality degradation, and decline in ecosystem stability have become severe. Watershed eco-compensation (WEC) is considered a significant environmental policy instrument for watershed ecological protection and management.
  • 575
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Watershed Processes and Streamflow Prediction
Accurate streamflow prediction (SFP) is crucial for water resource management, flood and drought forecasting, and reservoir operations. However, complex interactions between surface and subsurface processes in watersheds make predicting extreme events challenging. This work highlights the importance of incorporating physical understanding and process knowledge into data-driven SFP models for reliable and robust predictions, especially during extreme events.
  • 391
  • 26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Wave Energy Generation in Brazil
Seas and oceans offer great potential as a widely available source of clean and renewable energy near high energy consumption centers. This source of energy is a valuable option in the energy transition and in energy matrix decarbonization. Wave energy and an oscillating water column (OWC) device stand out as the types of ocean energy with the most potential. An onshore OWC requires locations with rocky outcrops and steeper slopes as the device needs to be physically installed and has lower energy dissipation due to friction with the seabed. However, Brazil has approximately 7490 km of coastlines, with various shoreline geometries and geomorphologies, some of which are very suitable for OWC implementation.
  • 349
  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Weakly Supervised Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images
To account for the lack of fine-grained annotations, such as object bounding boxes, several object detection methods have been developed that leverage only coarse-grain annotations (especially image-level labels indicating only the presence or absence of an object). This approach is called inexact Weak Supervision and introduces a new branch of Object Detection called Weakly Supervised Object Detection. Given an image, Remote Sensing Fully Supervised Object Detection (RSFSOD) aims to locate and classify objects based on Bounding Boxes annotations. Differently from RSFSOD, Remote Sensing Weakly Supervised Object Detection aims to precisely locate and classify object instances in Remote Sensing Images using only image-level labels or other types of coarse-grained labels (e.g., points or scribbles) as ground truth. 
  • 443
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Weddell Island
Weddell Island (Spanish: Isla San José) is one of the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic, lying off the southwest extremity of West Falkland. It is situated 1,545 km (960 mi) west-northwest of South Georgia Island, 1,165 km (724 mi) north of Livingston Island, 606 km (377 mi) northeast of Cape Horn, 358 km (222 mi) northeast of Isla de los Estados, and 510 km (320 mi) east of the Atlantic entrance to Magellan Strait. With an area of 265.8 km2 (102.6 sq mi) Weddell is the third largest island in the archipelago after East Falkland and West Falkland, and one of the largest private islands in the world. It has only one inhabited location, Weddell Settlement, with a single digit population engaged in sheep farming and tourism services. The island offers walks to wildlife watching sites and scenery destinations including some spectacular landscapes featuring the famous Falklands stone runs. Weddell is both an Important Plant Area and a priority Key Biodiversity Area. It is a remote place, infrequently visited by a resupply ship and occasionally by private yachts, accessible by air with a short (some 200 km (120 mi)) if expensive flight from the Falklands capital, Stanley.
  • 1.2K
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Weeds Enhance Pollinator Diversity in Mango
Weeds increase the diversity of pollinating insects on mango flowers, and mangos with weeds growing below produced more fruit than those without weeds. Weeds can provide ground cover and flowers that can support insect pollinators, natural enemies, and increase biodiversity at the field and landscape level. 
  • 609
  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Weeds in Agricultural Fields
Weeds are significant contributors to the decline in crop yield and quality. Weeds compete with crops in terms of nutrients, water, and sunlight.
  • 1.2K
  • 18 Jan 2022
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