Topic Review
Practical Application of Zeolites as Adsorbent
Zeolites are crystalline micro- and mesoporous materials widely used as catalysts and sorbents. Zeolites are commonly used in separation processes in, e.g., the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries as they can be made fairly specific to the target molecules, and since the main mechanisms behind the separation process (molecular sieving, electrostatic interaction, and polarization) are always reversible, zeolites are believed (under ideal situations) to be able to undergo a virtually unlimited number of adsorption–desorption cycles. This is important from a cost-efficiency perspective too, as the high initial costs can be compensated by the longer life, assured by excellent stability and ease of regeneration.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features
The so-called Wispy Terrain, named after observing frequently appearing wispy streaks, markings, and lineaments in the images of the Voyager spacecraft, is one of the enigmatic features of the icy moon Dione (a satellite of Saturn). Its characteristics and formation have been the target of a long-lasting scientific debate and ongoing research, along with other cryotectonic features of the icy satellite. 
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Characteristic Features of Skouries and Other Porphyry-Cu-Au+Pd±Pt Deposits
Many giant porphyry Cu-Au, Cu-Mo, and Mo-W deposits extend from the Pacific Rim to the Mediterranean and Carpathian system in Europe, the Himalayas, China, and Malaysia. However, only certain porphyry Cu-Au deposits, associated mostly with alkaline-type intrusions, are characterized by significant Pd and Pt contents, particularly in high-grade bornite–chalcopyrite and/or flotation concentrates. Such porphyry deposits include those in British Columbia, Colorado, in the Santo Tomas II deposit, the Philippines, the Skouries porphyry deposit, Greece, Elatsite, Bulgaria, the Kalmakyr deposit, Uzbekistan, the Grasberg deposit, Indonesia, Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea, the Mamut deposit, Malaysia, and the Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Geoheritage and Geoconservation
In geoheritage and geodiversity management, geoconservation is a term that encompasses a series of actions dedicated to conservation, research on and the protection of geoheritage, and the enhancement as well as dissemination of knowledge in this area. Geoconservation is a kind of container, with several compartments dedicated to different aspects that identify geoheritage and geodiversity, including scientific, technical, administrative, didactical, and political aspects.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Farmland Consumption of Biogas Slurry
Biogas slurry (BS) is an attractive agricultural waste resource which can be used to regulate soil microbial communities, enhance nutrient absorption capacity of crops, promote plant–soil interactions, and consequently, increase crop productivity.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Insecure Land Tenure on Housing Development in Africa
Legal access to land, the protection of the population from anarchic eviction, and informal community-based rights may positively influence the development of sustainable urban housing.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Risks and Safer Medical Destinations
Environmental catastrophes have an effect on people and the environment and can have long-term effects, including the immediate disruption of human, animal, and plant life as well as all economic activity. The worldwide tourism sector has seen a dramatic shift in passengers’ interests. Tourists are increasingly considering safety and sustainability when picking their travel locations as climate change, natural catastrophes, and pollution continue to threaten diverse regions across the world. This shift in mentality has far-reaching consequences for both the tourism sector and the environment.
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  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Hornfels-like Rocks in Early Paleozoic Olkhon Collisional Orogen
Some metamorphic rocks discovered within the Olkhon terrane on the western side of central Lake Baikal (southeastern Siberia, Russia) are remarkable for their hornfels-like features, granular textures, and mafic compositions, with a typical mineral assemblage of Opx+Cpx+Amp+Pl+Ilm±Ol±Bt±Spl±Ti-Mag. The hornfels-like rocks lack any evident source of heat that would be responsible for the thermal alteration of the igneous protolith.
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  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
E-Commerce Challenges in Latin America
E-commerce and urban logistics are deeply connected. The development of new distribution methods, the optimization of last-mile delivery, and the location of urban warehouses in central areas are mainly due to e-commerce’s exponential growth in the last few years. E-commerce has increased last-mile deliveries. Increasingly diverse types of households buy online instead of going to physical stores. The change in consumer behavior affects cities’ mobility, with a growing network of logistic providers overseeing deliveries to final customers The rise of e-commerce has different consequences for cities. It is important to identify the aspects of e-commerce that challenge the urban systems and stakeholders involved. Decarbonization in the e-commerce logistics sector in Latin American countries still has room for improvement (for example, using metrics and electric vehicles) to match the levels of companies with similar characteristics in European, Asian, or North American countries.
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  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Low-Cost Computer-Vision-Based Embedded Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are versatile, adapting hardware and software for research. They are vital for remote monitoring, especially in challenging settings such as volcano observation with limited access. In response, economical computer vision systems provide a remedy by processing data, boosting UAV autonomy, and assisting in maneuvering. Through the application of these technologies, researchers can effectively monitor remote areas, thus improving surveillance capabilities. Moreover, flight controllers employ onboard tools to gather data, further enhancing UAV navigation during surveillance tasks. 
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  • 14 Nov 2023
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