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Bradák, B.; Kimura, J.; Asahina, D.; El Yazidi, M.; Orgel, C. The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 30 June 2024).
Bradák B, Kimura J, Asahina D, El Yazidi M, Orgel C. The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed June 30, 2024.
Bradák, Balázs, Jun Kimura, Daisuke Asahina, Mayssa El Yazidi, Csilla Orgel. "The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features" Encyclopedia, (accessed June 30, 2024).
Bradák, B., Kimura, J., Asahina, D., El Yazidi, M., & Orgel, C. (2023, November 17). The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features. In Encyclopedia.
Bradák, Balázs, et al. "The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features." Encyclopedia. Web. 17 November, 2023.
The Wispy Terrain and Dione's Cryotectonic Features

The so-called Wispy Terrain, named after observing frequently appearing wispy streaks, markings, and lineaments in the images of the Voyager spacecraft, is one of the enigmatic features of the icy moon Dione (a satellite of Saturn). Its characteristics and formation have been the target of a long-lasting scientific debate and ongoing research, along with other cryotectonic features of the icy satellite. 

Wispy Terrain Dione Saturn icy satellite cryotectonic features

1. The Wispy Terrain

The higher resolution images of the Cassini spacecraft revealed that the markings of Wispy Terrain and the so-called chasmata or chasm system consist of quasi-parallel faults, troughs, and more complex “horst and graben” structures indicating extensional and shear stresses in Dione’s icy crust. Despite the popularity of Wispy Terrain as a research target, there are still ongoing debates about the evolution of the highly tectonized region of the icy satellite. Neither the age of the surface nor the formation of various features observed in the area are fully understood.
The early planetary geologic mapping of Dione provided a preliminary view of the features of the Wispy Terrain. Still, beyond a chronostratigraphic proposal, no precise age determination could be made about its formation time [1][2]. Following the analysis of the more detailed Cassini images, the impact crater dating from the Eurotas Chasmata indicated that the surface of Wispy Terrain is relatively young, and the cryotectonic processes in the region might have been active until ~3 Ga or even until ~1 Ga ago, keeping the uncertainty in the cratering models in mind [3][4]. Almost three decades passed after the first geological mapping, and the formation of the main terrains of Dione was re-evaluated in light of the new results [5]. The chasmata systems, including the Eurotas and Palatine Chasmata (Wispy Terrain), were defined as fractured cratered plains and subdivided into three facies types, regarding the timing of their formation by tectonic episodes, which date back to 3.7 Ga (with 100 Ma uncertainties) or between 2.7 Ga and 260 Ma [5]. Later calculations showed 4.5 (+0.2/−2.7) and 2.5 (+2.0/−1.9) Ga computed impact crater ages for the Faulted Terrain, including the Wispy Terrain. The results suggested that those ages do not reflect the timing of cryotectonic activity but the period while the larger craters and their ejecta blankets erased and covered the smaller craters in the region [6]. Among the newer studies, Fergusson et al. [7] suggest that surface renewal is not only limited to certain areas but appears in many regions on Dione.
Along with the continuously updated impact crater ages, there has been some development in theories related to the formation of the region as well. Based on the analog geological characteristics between the fault system of the chasmata and Earth’s provinces with divergent tectonic plates, Dione’s Faulted Terrain (along with the Rhea and Tethys chasmata) was defined as hemisphere-scale rift zones [8][9].
In addition, the possibility of a subsurface ocean under the satellite’s ice shell brought a promise of a still active surface and a potential for life under the icy cover [10]. The study of the stratigraphic relationship between the craters and faults on the Wispy Terrain suggests that the faulting is a geologically very recent event, dating back to 0.3–0.79 Ga [11]. Some of the newest studies go even further and suggest that the upper limit for the age of the studied fault on Dione’s Wispy Terrain is only 152 Ma, which supports the hypothesis that the cryotectonism might be still active or was active a very short time ago (ca. 100 Ma) on the satellite [12].
One of the primary research topics about icy satellites with potential subsurface oceans (e.g., Europa) is the understanding of downward processes from the frozen surface and the description of the material exchange between surface and subsurface regions, which may markedly contribute to the oxygenation of the subsurface oceans and provide potential habitat for living organisms. Ice or cryotectonic processes may support such downward material transport [13].

2. A Brief Review of Dione’s Cryotectonic Features

During the more and more detailed study of the satellite, various cryotectonic features have been observed in the icy crust of Dione, which are summarized in Table 1. Out of the different basic fault types (normal, reverse, and strike-slip faults), normal faults seem to be the most common, indicating an extensional stress field and resulting in the formation of various simple and more complex tectonic features, such as troughs, scarps, and the so-called horst and graben structure [2][4][14][15] (Table 1).
Table 1. The summary of putative cryotectonic features observed on the surface of Dione.
Linear features have been named in various ways since the first images from Dione arrived, such as “bright wispy markings” [1][2][14], “bright lineaments” [4][14], in general, “lineaments” [2], fossae, and chasmata (chasma) [2][16]. The terms fossae and chasmata have been applied to linear depressions with various depths. Still, such features have many characteristic marks, which may indicate different ways of formation and maturity in their development, e.g., on a scale from “simple” troughs to complex ones, even with parallel ridges in their bottom [1][2][16]. They often appear as high albedo features, most likely due to (i) the exposure of ice on the slopes of the scarps in the case of lineaments with a minimal vertical displacement [4][14], (ii) some bright material coating on the wall of some troughs (if the linear feature is identified as a trough), (iii) the lineaments had some Sun-facing slopes when the image was taken [1][2], and (iv) some subsurface material, which might resurface during various (cryotectonic–cryovolcanic) processes [1][2]. In the case of Eurotas, Palatine, and Padua Chasmata, the structures reached a specific size and complexity, which led to further theories describing the system of scarps, troughs, and normal faults as rift zones, similar to the ones on other satellites, such as Rhea and Tethys [8][9].
Most of the studies involved in the study of various tectonic features agree about the formation process of the morphological features described above, including the overall extension- (and shear stress-) dominated stress fields in the icy crust of the satellite (the triggering processes will be discussed later in this section). Such agreement does not apply to ridges, which are interpreted as (i) parallel normal faults, (ii) fault scarps, (iii) graben, (iv) high-angle reverse faults [2], and (v) flexural deformations [17]. Suppose one of the former three applies to ridges. In that case, the stress field during its formation agrees with the stress field that appears during the formation of troughs, chasmata, and other features suggested above. Suppose the ridges are defined as reverse faults and flexural deformations (the latter two). In that case, it indicates compression (or shear stress), which would be unusual regarding the studies about cryotectonic features on the surface of Dione (Table 1).
In general, in his early synthesis of the geological evolution of Dione, Moore [2] suggested sequences of heat, expansion, melting, and contraction as a trigger of stresses in its icy crust. Regarding the processes that may induce those stresses and result in the formation of various cryotectonic deformation-related features, various mechanisms, such as changes in volume due to phase changes within a satellite [18], solid-state convection [19], polar wander [20], diurnal tidal flexing [21][22], forced eccentricity [22][23], and obliquity [22][24][25][26], the nonsynchronous rotation of the ice shell to the tidal torques [27][28] can be mentioned. Along such long-lasting (at a geological scale), quasi-permanent, and periodic processes, catastrophic events, namely large impacts, may be considered the triggers of deep-seated lines of weakness in the crust that later determined the location of cryotectonic features [2][29].
Using craters as stress-field markers, partly introduced in Bradák et al. [30], revealed the frequent appearance of fragmentary or incomplete craters in the region located between Palatine Chasmata and Eurotas Chasmata, which may indicate compression in specific locations instead of the highly expected dilatation. 


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