Topic Review
Primary Rare Earth Elements Resources
Rare earth elements (REEs) are national strategic resources widely applied in industries such as petrochemicals, electronics, national defense and new energy. The primary REE resources are monazite, bastnaesite, xenotime and ion-adsorption type rare earth ore.
  • 279
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Probabilistic Time Geographic Modeling
The possibility of moving objects accessing different types of points of interest (POI) at specific time is not always the same, so quantitative time geography research needs to consider the actual POI semantic information, including POI attributes and time information.
  • 342
  • 21 Aug 2024
Topic Review
Probiotics for Freshwater Fish Farming
Probiotics for freshwater fish farming can be administered as single or multiple mixtures. The expected benefits of probiotics include disease prophylaxis, improved growth, and feed conversion parameters, such as the feed conversion rate (FCR) and specific growth rate (SGR).
  • 1.1K
  • 20 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Process of Wastewater Treatment
Domestic wastewater (DWW) contains inorganic and organic components that can be harmful to aquatic organisms. Traditional remediation approaches (physical, chemical and biological) can be used on-site or off-site to purify polluted domestic water (activated sludge, built-wetlands, stabilization ponds, trickling filters and membrane bioreactors), and each has its own advantages and limitations. Biosorption through microorganisms, bacteria (microbe-mediated remediation), fungi (mycoremediation) and algae (phycoremediation) has shown promising results in removing toxic chemicals and nutrients. The type of waste and its concentration, heterogeneity level and percentage of clean-up required; and the feasibility of the clean-up technique and its efficiency, practicability, operational difficulties, environmental impact and treatment costs are all factors that are to be considered when choosing a technique for domestic wastewater treatment (DWWT).
  • 633
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Process-oriented mining method for marine abnormal variation
Marine anomaly variations (MAVs) refers to an abnormal decrease or increase of marine environmental parameters, which covers a specified spatial domain and lasts for a specified temporal duration, e.g., the monthly mean variation of sea surface temperature and the seasonal variation of sea surface height. These variations have evolution properties from production through development to death, which plays a significant role on exploring the evolution mechanism of marine environment and the mechanism. As few considering temporal evolution relationship, traditional spatiotemporal mining methods have great challenges in analyzing these MAVs. Thus, this paper takes the process semantics of MAVs to design the process-oriented mining workflow, and to explore the spatiotemporal patterns of MAVs.
  • 860
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Processes Responsible for Nitrate Pollution in Water
Nitrate (NO3−) pollution of surface and groundwater bodies is a global problem of increasing concern, which has stimulated significant research interest. Nitrogen is crucial for life as a macronutrient for living organisms on Earth, but the global nitrogen cycle has been seriously altered by intensification of human activities, leading to eutrophication and hypoxic conditions of aquatic ecosystems. Due to nitrogen overfertilization, intensive agricultural practices generate huge nitrate fluxes that inadvertently deteriorate water quality. Different industrial processes also contribute to NO3− pollution in the environment. 
  • 495
  • 14 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Production and Use of Typical Rubber Antioxidants
Antioxidants are prevalently used during rubber production to improve rubber performance, delay aging, and extend service life. Studies have revealed that their transformation products (TPs) could adversely affect environmental organisms and even lead to environmental events, which led to great public concern about environmental occurrence and potential impacts of rubber antioxidants and their TPs.
  • 2.9K
  • 22 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Production of Edible Films and Coatings
Generally, edible films and coatings are the primary forms of edible food packaging. The differences between edible films and coatings lie in their physical form and application process. Edible films are obtained as solid laminated sheets and then used as a food wrap that can be removed or consumed with food, whereas coatings are applied to foods in liquid form by coating, spraying, and immersion. After drying, an edible layer over the food is formed, and it can either be removed or consumed.
  • 1.5K
  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Production of Hydrogen from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Hydrogen is considered one of the most important forms of energy for the future, as it can be generated from renewable sources and reduce CO2 emissions.
  • 267
  • 06 May 2023
Topic Review
Production Technologies for Hydrogen
Hydrogen is a frontrunner in the race to net-zero carbon because it can be produced using a diversity of feedstocks, has versatile use cases, and can help ensure energy security.
  • 475
  • 15 Dec 2022
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