Topic Review
Mobile Maps Using Eye Tracking
The use of mobile mapping applications is currently one of the most popular methods of navigating in urban spaces. Widespread access to smartphones and a wide range of mobile navigation applications allow each of us quick and easy access to geographic information. Mobile maps, like paper ones, allow the user to browse, search for points of interest and calculate routes, but their significant advantage, as indicated by users, is real-time information about the user’s current position.
  • 228
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Mobilization of Arsenic
One of the most significant elements in the environment is arsenic (As). It is a hazardous metalloid that causes contamination of soil and water supplies as a result of numerous anthropogenic and natural sources.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Modeling Approaches of Biogas Production
Biogas production is a relevant component in renewable energy systems. Model approaches of biogas production show different levels of detail. They can be classified as white, gray, and black box, or bottom-up and top-down approaches. On the one hand, biogas modeling can supply dynamic information on the anaerobic digestion process, e.g., to predict biogas yields or to optimize the anaerobic digestion process. These models are characterized by a bottom-up approach with different levels of detail: the comprehensive ADM1 (white box), simplifications and abstractions of AD models (gray box), or highly simplified process descriptions (black box). On the other hand, biogas production is included in energy system models. These models usually supply aggregated information on regional biogas potentials and greenhouse gas emissions. They are characterized by a top-down approach with a low level of detail. Most energy system models reported in literature are based on black box approaches. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of the integration of detailed and deeply investigated process models in energy system models reveals the opportunity to develop dynamic and fluctuating business models of biogas usage. 
  • 1.6K
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Modeling the Visual Landscape
Modeling the perception and evaluation of landscapes from the human perspective is a desirable goal for several scientific domains and applications. Human vision is the dominant sense, and human eyes are the sensors for apperceiving the environmental stimuli of our surroundings. Therefore, exploring the experimental recording and measurement of the visual landscape can reveal crucial aspects about human visual perception responses while viewing the natural or man-made landscapes. Landscape evaluation (or assessment) is another dimension that refers mainly to preferences of the visual landscape, involving human cognition as well, in ways that are often unpredictable.
  • 340
  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Modelling of Nature-Based Solutions on Surface Water Quality
Global climate change and growing urbanization pose a threat to both natural and urban ecosystems. In these, one of the most impacted elements is water, which is responsible for a large variety of ecosystem services and benefits to society. Mathematical models can be used to simulate the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs), thus helping to quantify their impacts on these issues in a practical and efficient manner.
  • 498
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Models of the Structure of Humic Substances
Natural organic matter, including humic substances (HS), comprises complex secondary structures with no defined covalent chemical bonds and stabilized by inter- and intra-molecular interactions, such as hydrogen bonding, Van der Waal’s forces, and pi-pi interactions. The latest view describes HS aggregates as a hydrogel-like structure comprised by a hydrophobic core of aromatic residues surrounded by polar and amphiphilic molecules akin a self-assembled soft material. A different view is based on the classification of this material as either mass or surface fractals. The former is intended as made by the clustering of macromolecules generating dendritic networks, while the latter have been modelled in terms of a solvent-impenetrable core surrounded by a layer of lyophilic material. 
  • 459
  • 22 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Modern Flats in London Due to Climate Change
Since the UK government is scaling up its efforts towards net zero, resilient higher adaptation goals should be implemented against heatwaves. The UK’s average surface temperature has increased by 1.2 °C since the pre-industrial era (1850–1900). As per UKCP18, which is largely in connection with prior predictions of UKCP09, by the end of the 21st century, the UK climate will continue to warm, and the sea levels will continue to increase. With the increase in global temperatures, a significant threat of overheating has been reported due to more frequent and severe heatwaves in the UK housing stock.
  • 559
  • 02 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Modified Starch-Based Adhesives
Consumer trends towards environmentally friendly products are driving plastics industries to investigate more benign alternatives to petroleum-based polymers. In the case of adhesives, one possibility to achieve sustainable production is to use non-toxic, low-cost starches as biodegradable raw materials for adhesive production. While native starch contains only hydroxyl groups and has limited scope, chemically modified starch shows superior water resistance properties for adhesive applications. Esterified starches, starches with ester substituents, can be feasibly produced and utilized to prepare bio-based adhesives with improved water resistance. Syntheses of esterified starch materials can involve esterification, transesterification, alkylation, acetylation, succinylation, or enzymatic reactions.
  • 2.6K
  • 31 May 2022
Topic Review
MOFs as ODS Catalysts
Catalytic oxidative desulfurization (ODS) of fuel oils is considered one of the most promising non-hydrodesulfurization technologies due to the advantages of mild reaction conditions, low cost and easy removal of aromatic sulfur compounds. Based on this reason, the preparation of highly efficient ODS catalysts has been a hot research topic in this field. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have received much attention due to advantages such as abundant metal centers, high surface areas and varied pore structures, which are composed of secondary building units (SBUs) connected by organic linkers to form crystalline porous materials. Such materials possess both the rigidity of inorganic materials and the flexibility of organic materials. Moreover, rich metal centers in the structure of MOFs could be catalytic active sites for some chemical reactions.
  • 435
  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Moisture Pretreatment for a CEMS
A continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) is a well-known tool used to analyze the concentrations of air pollutants from stationary sources. In a CEMS, the presence of a high moisture level in a sample causes a loss of analytes due to artifact formation or absorption. This issue brings about a bias in the measurement data. Thus, moisture removal is an important pretreatment step.  
  • 1.4K
  • 25 Jan 2021
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