Topic Review
Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan
Adaptation to climate change in Jordan describes measures with the objective to prepare the country for the impacts of climate change. Water resources in Jordan are scarce. Besides the rapid population growth, the impacts of climate change are likely to further exacerbate the problem. Temperatures will increase and the total annual precipitation is likely to decrease, however with a fair share of uncertainty. Hence, existing and new activities with the objective to minimize the gap between water supply and demand contribute to adapt Jordan to tomorrow's climate. This might be accompanied by activities improving Jordan's capacity to monitor and project meteorological and hydrological data and assess its own vulnerability to climate change. This article focuses on the impacts of climate change on the Jordanian water sector.
  • 825
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Mangrove Blue Carbon Stocks
Mangrove forests play an important role in mitigating climate change but are threatened by aquaculture expansion (shrimp ponds). The change of land use from natural environments to productive uses, generates a change in the balance and carbon sequestration and storaging. In mangrove forest the carbon stocks are larger than in other tropical forest. Addtionally, soil mangrove forest represent 40-80% of Cardon stocks.  These reasons are the evidence of mangrove forest need to be included in REED programs and conservation strategies.
  • 825
  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Water Quality and Pollution in Time of COVID-19
Researchers proposes an assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic positive and negative impacts on water bodies on different continents. Regarding the positive impacts, the SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in sewage waters is a useful mechanism in the promptly exposure of community infections and, during the pandemic, many water bodies all over the world had lower pollution levels. The negative impacts are as follows: SARS-CoV-2 presence in untreated sewage water amplifies the risk to human health; there is a lack of adequate elimination processes of plastics, drugs, and biological pollution in wastewater treatment plants; the amount of municipal and medical waste that pollutes water bodies increased; and waste recycling decreased. Urgent preventive measures need to be taken to implement effective solutions for water protection.
  • 824
  • 12 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Achieving Environmental Sustainability in Africa
The concept of sustainability requires that the production of goods and services fulfills present demands without jeopardizing the potential to satisfy the needs of future generations. The environment is a finite resource; a healthy environment benefits the ecosystem and all life. Therefore, to sustain the planet, the ecosystem, and all life on it, it is critical that environmental resources be appropriately managed and preserved. Fighting environmental degradation has been a key priority for advanced and emerging countries. Environmental degradation has posed a danger to the economic well-being of the entire world, as it is linked to the success of various macroeconomic factors.
  • 824
  • 27 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Fertilization and Soil Microbial Community
Crop production is currently expanding globally due to an increased demand for food, animal feed and biofuels; the latter has been stimulated by the increase in oil prices making bioenergy crops more competitive and profitable compared to fossil fuels. Chemical fertilizers (also termed mineral, inorganic or synthetic fertilizers) contain a high concentration of a primary nutrient (nitrogen, N; potassium, K; phosphorous, P) as inorganic salts. Secondary elements (calcium, magnesium and sulfur) can also be added to soil by chemical fertilizers. Micronutrients (boron, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt and chlorine) are in general absent in NPK chemical fertilizers and can be supplied by specific synthetic and expensive plant nutrients with soil or foliar applications. Soil microbes have different responses to fertilization based on differences in the total carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents in the soil, along with soil moisture and the presence of plant species.
  • 825
  • 11 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change, Security and the Nexus Concept
The nexus concept has been emerging since the Bonn 2011 Conference, “The Water Energy and Food Security Nexus—Solutions for the Green Economy”, with significant involvement from the UN and other international organisations. It has been defined as a “set of context-specific critical interlinkages between two or more natural resources used in delivery chains towards systems of provision”. From a policy perspective, it looks at delivery chains of resources, such as water and energy, in a polycentric manner, i.e., as independent providers based on ecosystem services with interlinkages across delivery stages, but without a presumed hierarchy among those dimensions. Thus, water, energy and food are seen as interrelated and of equal priority for the SDGs, considering the specific conditions of their provision and the strategic interests of relevant actors.
  • 822
  • 15 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Impact of Carbamate Pesticides on Male Reproductive System
Carbamates are widely used and known around the world as pesticides in spite of also having medical applications. Carbamates are mostly used as pesticides worldwide, despite their interesting medical applications, such as in the treatment of myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, or glaucoma, among others.
  • 822
  • 10 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Comparison between IRI and IRTAM
This paper focuses on a detailed comparison, based on the F2-layer peak characteristics foF2 and hmF2, between the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), which is a climatological empirical model of the terrestrial ionosphere, and the IRI Real-Time Assimilative Mapping (IRTAM) procedure, which is a real-time version of IRI based on data assimilation from a global network of ionosondes. 
  • 822
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Wastewater Based Epidemiology
Wastewater-Based epidemiology (WBE) is spreading of any disease or disorder caused by the chemicals or pathogens that come from waste materials such as urine, fecal materials, medical waste  or any solid or liquid waste product. The extraction, detection, analysis, and interpretation of chemical/biological compounds (biomarkers) excreted in the sewage system can eventually contribute to WBE. So wastewater analysis could be equivalent to community-based urine and fecal analysis that can subsequently give a reflection  of community health. Under pandemic situation with time limitations and restrict access to massive diagnostic, an alternative approach as a complementary tool to investigate virus circulation in the community is essential. In the situation of limited and time-consuming diagnostic tests, monitoring sewage systems could better estimate the spread of the virus and determine whether there are potential cases because wastewater surveillance can also account for those who contract mild or asymptomatic state.
  • 820
  • 06 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Pedogenic Carbonate Formation and Recrystallization
As a principal part of the atmosphere–lithosphere interface, soil plays a key role in regulating the atmospheric CO2 concentration and global climate. Comprising two major pools (carbonate in soils and bicarbonate in groundwater), soil inorganic carbon (SIC) is deemed as the primary carbon (C) sink and source in areas with low mean annual rainfall. SIC may originate from soil parent material or from the formation of secondary carbonate when divalent cations from an extraneous source are supplied. The latter may result in pedogenic carbonate (PC) formation, increasing soil C content and sequestering atmospheric carbon. Since the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 through formation of pedogenic carbonate is gaining popularity as a method to support climate change mitigation efforts and to claim carbon credits, the mechanisms influencing the formation and migration of pedogenic carbonate need to be well understood.
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  • 06 Sep 2022
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