Topic Review
Serious Energy Games
Serious energy games (SEGs) as interactive experiences that engage users to various energy applications are gaining prominence as an innovative approach, particularly in the realm of energy usage, distributed generation, and interaction with energy markets.
  • 691
  • 10 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Socio-Psychological Factors on Residents’ Willingness of Waste Handling
There was a statistically significant difference between low and high levels of awareness and perceived behavior control in Dammam City households’ willingness to sort waste and recycle; however, at the middle level, there was only a significant difference in perceived behavior control. Moreover, there was a statistically significant difference between high and middle levels in government facilitators regarding sorting and recycling willingness in Dammam City.
  • 377
  • 09 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Impact of Micro- and Nanoplastics on Aquatic Organisms
Anthropogenic activities on the aquatic ecosystem have direct and indirect effects that negatively affect biodiversity both in freshwater and sea. Among the main threats to aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity is climate change. Climate change can impact marine and freshwater ecosystems in several ways: ocean warming; sea level rise; the loss of sea ice; a decrease in pH due to increased ocean surface acidity; an increased risk of diseases in marine biota; the loss of habitats such as Coral Reef; pollution; nutrient enrichment; hydrological modifications; the spread of invasive species; and increasing levels of UV light. The production of plastic and its release into the environment is contributing to the loss of biodiversity and is becoming a serious threat to animal redox homeostasis and, subsequently, for human health.
  • 258
  • 09 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Industry 4.0 and Renewable Energy Production Nexus
In line with the fourth industrial revolution, most countries have imposed a variety of regulations or policies for the goals of energy conservation, sustainable development, and industrial transition. Renewable energy production and its production process, which is widely discussed, especially in the context of sustainable energy, has become more important with Industry 4.0. 
  • 310
  • 08 Oct 2023
Topic Review
CO2 Emissions
The issue of environmental degradation has emerged as a pervasive global concern. Consequently, authors have expanded their investigations into environmental studies to mitigate the adverse repercussions and safeguard the integrity of the planet’s ecosystem. In the context of national priorities, the fundamental goal of any nation is to enhance its economic progress (GDP) rate to foster social welfare. In this scenario, the occurrence of swift GDP can lead to the reduction of resources and the exacerbation of the environment. Sustainable GDP in developing nations improves society. Trade, development, foreign direct investment (FDI), and natural resource (NAT) development have been used to achieve this goal. Production increases energy use and CO2 emissions (CO2em). GDP must not harm future generations.
  • 357
  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
NOM and Its Role in Water Treatment
Considerable changes have been observed in surface waters’ quality. They include an increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, as well as a shift of natural organic matter (NOM) composition in favor of low molecular weight (LMW), and they are expected to occur on a wider scale in the future. 
  • 286
  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Piezocatalysis is a technique that relies on the conversion of mechanical energy to trigger chemical reactions that can be utilized to catalyze the degradation of pollutants in water. By combining piezoelectric materials with photocatalytic materials, the built-in electric field generated by the piezoelectric effect promotes the separation and migration of photogenerated carriers, thereby enhancing the efficiency, selectivity, and stability of photocatalytic reactions.
  • 841
  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The Sustainability Concept Focusing on Energy
The concept of sustainability, with a focus on energy, has emerged as a central tenet in addressing the mounting global challenges of environmental degradation and resource depletion. Indicators of sustainability focusing on energy are crucial tools used to assess and monitor progress toward achieving a more sustainable energy system. These indicators provide valuable insights into the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of energy practices and their long-term impacts. By analyzing and understanding these indicators, policymakers, businesses, and communities can make informed decisions, formulate effective policies, and steer their efforts toward a more sustainable energy future. These indicators serve as navigational guides, steering the world toward energy practices that support both present needs and the well-being of future generations. 
  • 360
  • 06 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Differentiating True and False Cinnamon
Given the intricate compositions of essential oils (EOs), various discrimination approaches were explored to ensure quality, safety, and authenticity, thereby establishing consumer confidence.
  • 789
  • 05 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Waste Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Recycling and Reutilization
The extensive use of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) in aerospace, civil engineering, and other fields has resulted in a significant amount of waste, leading to serious environmental issues. Finding appropriate methods for recycling CFRP waste and effectively reusing recycled carbon fibers (rCFs) has become a challenging task.
  • 400
  • 04 Oct 2023
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