Topic Review
Controlling Factors of California Precipitation
Using observational data covering 1948–2020, the environmental factors controlling the winter precipitation in California were investigated. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was applied to identify the dominant climate regimes contributing to the precipitation. The first EOF mode described a consistent change, with 70.1% variance contribution, and the second modeexhibited a south–east dipole change, with 11.7% contribution. For EOF1, the relationship was positive between PC1(principal component) and SST (sea surface temperature) in the central Pacific Ocean, while it was negative with SST in the southeast Indian Ocean. The Pacific–North America mode, induced by the positive SST and precipitation in the central Pacific Ocean, leads to Californiabeing occupied by southwesterlies, which would transport warm and wet flow from the ocean, beneficial for precipitation. As for the negative relationship, California is controlled by biotrophically high pressure, representing part of the Rossby wave train induced by the positive SST in the Indian ocean, which is unfavorable for the precipitation. For EOF2, California is controlled by positivevorticity at the upper level, whereas at the lower level, there is positive vorticity to the south and negative vorticity to the north, the combination of which leads to the dipole mode change in the precipitation.
  • 570
  • 20 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Microplastics Contamination of the Yenisei River
This study is a pioneering attempt to count microplastics (MPs) in the Yenisei River system to clarify the role of Siberian Rivers in the transport of MPs to the Arctic Ocean. The average MPs content in the surface water of the Yenisei large tributary, the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, varied from 1.20 ± 0.70 to 4.53 ± 2.04 items/m3, tending to increase along the watercourse (p < 0.05). Concentrations of MPs in bottom sediments of the two rivers were 235 ± 83.0 to 543 ± 94.1 with no tendency of downstream increasing. Linear association (r = 0.952) between average organic matter content and average counts of MPs in bottom sediments occurred. Presumably MPs originated from the daily activities of the in-situ population. Further spatial-temporal studies are needed to estimate the riverine MPs fluxes into the Eurasian Arctic seas. 
  • 570
  • 18 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Long-Term Fertilization in the Crop Rhizosphere
Fungi represent a highly diverse group of organisms that play an essential role in maintaining soil health and ecosystem functioning. Fungi interact with plants at various niches, including the rhizosphere—a narrow zone of soil adjacent to the roots of living plants that is directly influenced by root exudates.
  • 570
  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Llanquihue Glaciation
The last glacial period and its associated glaciation is known in southern Chile as the Llanquihue glaciation (Spanish: Glaciación de Llanquihue). Its type area lies west of Llanquihue Lake where various drifts or end moraine systems belonging to the last glacial period have been identified. The glaciation is the last episode of existence of the Patagonian Ice Sheet. The preceding interglacial is known as the Valdivia interglacial after its type locality of Valdivia.
  • 570
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges
Tipping bucket rain gauges (TBRs) continue to be one of the most widely used pieces of equipment for rainfall monitoring; they are frequently used for the calibration, validation, and downscaling of radar and remote sensing data, due to their major advantages—low cost, simplicity and low-energy consumption.
  • 570
  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Fire-vegetation Feedbacks and Alternative Stable States
The relationship between fire, vegetation, and climate create what is known as a fire regime. Within a fire regime, fire ecologists study the relationship between diverse ecosystems and fire; not only how fire affects vegetation, but also how vegetation affects the behavior of fire. The study of neighboring vegetations types that may be highly flammable and less flammable has provided insight into how these vegetation types can exist side by side, and are maintained by the presence or absence of fire events. Ecologists have studied these boundaries between different vegetation types, such as a closed canopy forest and a grassland, and hypothesized how climate, and soil fertility create these boundaries in vegetation types. Research in the field of pyrogeography shows how fire also plays an important role in the maintenance of dominant vegetation types, and how different vegetation types with distinct relationships to fire can exist side by side in the same climate conditions. These relationships can be described in conceptual models called fire-vegetation feedbacks, and alternative stable states.
  • 568
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Watershed Eco-Compensation Mechanism in China
The watershed’s ecological environment and water resources contribute significantly to agricultural production and the people’s well-being. However, excessive exploitation and utilization of watersheds harm the watershed ecosystem environment. The reduction in biodiversity, water quality degradation, and decline in ecosystem stability have become severe. Watershed eco-compensation (WEC) is considered a significant environmental policy instrument for watershed ecological protection and management.
  • 568
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Territories Sustainability of Ecuadorian Amazon
As is general knowledge, the situation of the Amazon Basin has been strongly affected in recent decades. Mass deforestation in order to expand livestock borders, illicit use of timber species and oil exploitation, produced serious environmental impacts. Half of the national territory of Ecuador is part of this Amazonian macro-basin, so these problems have undergone in the area. The Amazonian Ecuador in particular, is a territory where the capacity of the soils and the ecosystems to provide services have been weakening for all the described circumstances. But from our scientific and academic point of view it seems important to contribute to the well-being and good living of the Amazonian population by the implementation of sustainable production systems. The researching perspective must focus to offer objective indicators that can be useful for management, referring to the dynamic balance between society and nature.  In the dimensions addressing the socio environmental aspects, the Soil Quality Indicators have revealed to be very useful. They give information that can influence decision-making and territorial planning at the farm level.  Other data and information can be summarized in graphical representations called Biogram and synthetic indices as the Integrated Index of Sustainable Development. All these are affordable and sustainable and realistic proposals.
  • 567
  • 04 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Framework Proposal for Achieving Smart and Sustainable Societies
The proposed model is based on the integration of three smart strategies: (1) water provision that consists of the use of greywater and rainwater; (2) sanitation provision that comprises the nutrients recovery from excreta and organic solid waste and; (3) resource-oriented agriculture that conceives the use of the water provision system for the production of food with the use of nutrients recovered from the sanitation system. The S3 framework has the potential to increase the well-being, human development, water availability, food safety, poverty alleviation, and healthy environments of societies through the provision of safely managed basic services as well as the recycling of nutrients and water to achieve sustainability at household and community levels.
  • 567
  • 29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Construction Projects
There are several definitions of "sustainable construction", but it is positioned as a relevant contemporary issue aligned with the efforts needed to achieve sustainability and development. Sometimes its focus is limited to the environmental dimension, but it must encompass all three pillars: environmental, social, and economic aspects in its scope to be considered sustainable:  Environment: Focusing on the protection of the environment through the reduction of ecological impacts, resource utilization, and waste production. Social: Integrating health and safety aspects in construction and the area of influence, as well as conflict resolution for all stakeholders.  Economic: Integrating efficiency and savings, quality assurance, and profitability. Complemented by the result of the application of biomimetic methodology: the biocircular model.  In this model, it is established that construction processes must be efficient and dynamic, considering the human dimension, management, and technical knowledge to achieve objectives.  In addition, the circular economy approach focused on reuse, recycling, durability, and optimization. 
  • 567
  • 13 Dec 2021
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