Topic Review
Climate Change in Vietnam
Vietnam is considered, in coming decades, to be among the most affected countries by global climate change. A large number of studies that Vietnam is experiencing climate change and will be severely negatively affected in coming decades. These negative effects include sea level rise, salinity intrusion and other hydrological problems like flood, river mouth evolution, sedimentation as well as the increasing frequency of natural hazards such as cold waves, storm surges will all exert negative effects on the country's development and economy including agriculture, aquaculture, road infrastructure, etc. Some issues, such as land subsidence (caused by excessive groundwater extraction) further worsen some of the effects climate change will bring (sea level rise) especially in areas such as the Mekong Delta. The government, NGOs, and citizens have taken various measures to mitigate and adapt to the impact.
  • 661
  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
AeroVironment Global Observer
The AeroVironment Global Observer is a concept for a high-altitude, long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle, designed by AeroVironment (AV) to operate as a stratospheric geosynchronous satellite system with regional coverage. Two Global Observer aircraft, each flying for up to a week at an altitude of 55,000 to 65,000 feet (17,000 to 20,000 m), could alternate coverage over any area on the earth, providing a platform for communications relays, remote sensing, or long-term surveillance. In addition to flying above weather and above other conventional aircraft, operation at this altitude permits communications and sensor payloads on the aircraft to service an area on the surface of the earth up to 600 miles (970 km) in diameter, equivalent to more than 280,000 square miles (730,000 km2) of coverage. Global Observer may offer greater flexibility than a satellite and longer duration than conventional manned and unmanned aircraft.
  • 661
  • 20 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Air Mercury Monitoring
The GMOS (Global Mercury Observation System) project has the overall goal to develop a coordinated observing system to monitor mercury on a global scale. We present the long-term (2011 – 2020) air mercury monitoring data obtained at the Listvyanka station located at a shore of Lake Baikal, Siberia. The long-term monitoring shows obvious seasonal variation of the background mercury concentration in air, which increases in the cold and decreases in the warm season. The short-term anomalies are associated with the wind carrying the air from the industrial areas where several big coal-fired power plants are located. A positive correlation between the mercury, SO2 and NO2 concentrations is observed both in the short-term variations and in the monthly average concentrations. The analysis of forward and backward trajectories obtained with the HYSPLIT model demonstrates revealing of the mercury emissions sources. During the cruise of 2018, the continuous air mercury survey over Lake Baikal covered 1800 km. The average mercury concentration over Baikal is notably less in comparison with the average value obtained at the onshore Listvyanka station during the same days of cruise. That can lead to the conclusion that Baikal is a significant sink of the atmospheric mercury.
  • 660
  • 15 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Black Coral Distribution in Italian
The aim of this entry is to present a review of the knowledge on the occurrence of black corals in the Italian seas, providing the first comprehensive distribution map of these species. The distribution of black corals may be considered the first step towards defining a more complete overview regarding the present knowledge on these vulnerable species. This study also highlights the need for the conservation programs protecting black corals in the Italian seas.
  • 660
  • 28 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Microbial Fuel Cell and Wastewater
In recent years, wastewater has been considered as a renewable resource of water, nutrients, and energy. Domestic wastewater is estimated to contain 13 kJ/g of COD of chemical energy, which is nine fold more than the energy required to treat it (Heidrich et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2018). Therefore, if its energy were effectively recovered, no external energy input would be required to operate WWTPs.
  • 658
  • 17 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Air Pollutants on Airway Diseases
Air pollutants include toxic particles and gases emitted in large quantities from many different combustible materials. They also include particulate matter (PM) and ozone, and biological contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which can penetrate the human airway and reach the bloodstream, triggering airway inflammation, dysfunction, and fibrosis. 
  • 658
  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Evaluation Index System for Mine Ventilation System
The mine ventilation system is an indispensable component to improve coal mining efficiency and ensure the safety production. Only by clearly grasping the comprehensive evaluation quality of ventilation system can effective countermeasures be formulated. This paper establishes an evaluation index system for mine ventilation system by combining qualitative survey with quantitative research. Specifically, the primary indicators are screened through R-type clustering and coefficient of variation method. The weight of each index is determined by the entropy weight method. Moreover, the TOPSIS method are used to evaluate the quality of the mine ventilation system. Finally, this evaluation system is used to evaluate the ventilation renovation project in the production mining area of the Sihe mine. The evaluation results verify the effectiveness of the establishment of mine ventilation evaluation index system and evaluation methods.
  • 658
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Assessing the Role of Water Resources Protection Globally
Water resource protection is central to sustainable water supply management for human wellbeing and for the ecological ecosystem to flourish. Water resources protection plays a critical role in policy practice to mitigate water resources challenges and in mitigating social wellbeing. Such practice is central to sustainable water supply management for human wellbeing and for the ecological ecosystem to flourish. Appropriate implementation and monitoring of water resources protection practice has received much attention on the international agenda. Approaches such as results-oriented policy monitoring are seen as appropriate methodologies for monitoring policy implementation practice to assess policy impacts.
  • 658
  • 20 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Sustainability in Brazil’s Beef Industry
Since the dawn of Brazilian trade, extensive cattle farming has predominated. Brazil’s extensive pasture-based system uses pasture plants adapted to climate and soil conditions with limited use of purchased inputs. Domestic and international stakeholders have prioritized sustainable agricultural development in Brazil’s beef sector to reduce deforestation and other natural-habitat conversions.
  • 657
  • 23 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Carbon Capture Technologies
With an increase in the global population and the subsequent rise in energy demands and waste generation, the rate of CO2 release is at a much faster rate than its recycling through photosynthesis or fixation, which increases its net accumulation in the atmosphere. A large amount of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere from various sources such as the combustion of fossil fuels in power plants, vehicles and manufacturing industries. Thus, carbon capture plays a key role in the race to achieve net zero emissions, paving a path for a decarbonized economy. 
  • 657
  • 06 Apr 2023
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