Topic Review
Rural Development of River Tourism Resources
Rivers have abundant freshwater resources, their general drainage areas are extensive, and alluvial plains are fertile, nourishing and enriching the ecology. Human beings have rich experience and a long history of using the advantages and foundation of river water resources to develop fishing, animal husbandry, farming, and other industries to maintain their needs, build settlements, develop cities, and create a safe and sustainable living and living environment. It can be seen that safe and stable water resources will help improve the development of human beings and villages.
  • 729
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Evolution of the Energy Mix Transition
Countries have started to aggressively undertake energy structure transformation strategies in order to reach the objective of carbon neutrality. Both clean and efficient coal energy use and clean energy use will be crucial to the process of changing the energy structure since the two cannot be totally replaced within a short period of time.Therefore, it is worth exploring how the two have an impact on the energy mix transition in the energy transition process. It is also important to see how carbon sentiment affects the various actors involved in the decision-making process.
  • 729
  • 07 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Impacts of Blue Economy on Deep-Sea Ecosystem Services
The deep-sea is the most extensive environment on the Earth and is defined as the water column and seafloor below 200 m water depth. The ecosystem services (E.S.) concept comprises ecological functions (e.g., climatic adaptation) and social and economic values (e.g., food security, job creation) that promote human well-being. Deep-sea E.S. comprise the provisioning of services such as industrial agents and fish catch, regulating services such as climatic and biological regulation, and cultural services such as aesthetics and inspiration for the arts. Several studies have shown that deep-sea ecosystems support a large variety of habitats and a wide array of faunal communities with various functions. These complex communities are threatened by the growth of human activities targeting precisely these provided ecosystem services.
  • 728
  • 29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Maastrichtian Vertebrates of Lbero-Armorica
The South-Pyrenean Basin (northeastern Spain) has yielded a rich and diverse record of Upper Cretaceous (uppermost Campanian−uppermost Maastrichtian) vertebrate fossils, including the remains of some of the last European dinosaurs prior to the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event. In this work, we update and characterize the vertebrate fossil record of the Arén Sandstone and Tremp formations in the Western Tremp Syncline, which is located in the Aragonese area of the Southern Pyrenees. The transitional and continental successions of these sedimentary units are dated to the late Maastrichtian, and exploration of their outcrops has led to the discovery of numerous fossil remains (bones, eggshells, and tracks) of dinosaurs, including hadrosauroids, sauropods, and theropods, along with other tetrapods such as crocodylomorphs, testudines, pterosaurs, squamates, and amphibians. In particular, this fossil record contains some of the youngest lambeosaurine hadrosaurids (Arenysaurus and Blasisaurus) and Mesozoic crocodylomorphs (Arenysuchus and Agaresuchus subjuniperus) in Europe, complementing the lower Maastrichtian fossil sites of the Eastern Tremp Syncline.
  • 728
  • 10 May 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Development through the Perspective of Construction 4.0
The construction industry utilizes a substantial number of resources, which has negative impacts on both environmental and socioeconomic aspects. Therefore, it is important to reduce these negative impacts and maintain sustainable development (SD). Studies suggest that integrating Industry 4.0 (also called Construction 4.0 (C4.0) in the construction industry) and SD may help address these concerns, which is a new and ever-evolving field.
  • 727
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Silvopastoral System in Morocco
The silvopastoral systems in Morocco, which combine trees, herbaceous resources, and livestock on the same unit of land, are a socio-economically and ecologically productive alternative to traditional management systems. Successful silvopastoral systems require effective limitation of agricultural expansion and deforestation phenomena, which could preserve the beauty and diversity of the landscape.
  • 727
  • 21 Oct 2021
Topic Review
In paleontology, biochronology is the correlation in time of biological events using fossils. In its strict sense, it refers to the use of assemblages of fossils that are not tied to stratigraphic sections (in contrast to biostratigraphy, where they are). Collections of land mammal ages have been defined for every continent except Antarctica, and most are correlated with each other indirectly through known evolutionary lineages. A combination of argon–argon dating and magnetic stratigraphy allows a direct temporal comparison of terrestrial events with climate change and mass extinctions.
  • 726
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Physical-Chemical Properties of Nano-Sized Phyllosilicates: Recent Environmental and Industrial Advancements
Phyllosilicates are common minerals that include the most widely known micas and clay minerals. These minerals are found in several natural environments and have unique physical-chemical features, such as cation exchange capacity (CEC) and surface charge properties. When phyllosilicates are nano-sized, their physical-chemical properties are enhanced from those of the micro-sized counterpart. Because of their unique crystal chemical and physical-chemical features, kinetics, and particle size, nano-sized clay minerals (i.e., kaolinite, montmorillonite/illite) and micas (i.e., muscovite) are of great interest in several fields spanning from environmental applications to engineered materials. This paper aims to overview the recent developments of environmental protection and technological applications employing nano-sized natural micas and clay minerals. Emphasis is given to the role that the unique physical-chemical properties of montmorillonite, vermiculite, kaolinite, and muscovite play in nanoparticle formulations, manufacture, and technical performance.
  • 726
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Organic Amendments for Mitigation of Plants' Salinity Stress
To reduce excess soil salinity, plant scientists are employing techniques such as sub-soiling, mixing sand, seed bed preparation, and salt scraping, as well as modern agronomic practices, hydrophilic polymer, gypsum, sulfur acids, green manuring, humic substance, farm yard manures, irrigation system, and salt-tolerant crops. Different organic amendments such as the application of vermi-compost (VC), vermi-wash (VW), biochar (BC), plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), and bio-fertilizers (BF) are being used widely to ameliorate the negative consequences of soil salinity. The organic amendments mitigate salt stress via a wide range of mechanisms, including the regulation of ionic homeostasis, antioxidant enzyme activities, and the reduction of oxidative damage. Several studies described that PGPR and BC relieved the negative effects of salinity by increasing the photosynthetic rate, antioxidant enzyme functions, secondary metabolites accumulation, and decreasing ROS in plants. Organic amendments such as VC and VW include a variety of plant growth-regulating components such as micro and macro elements, vitamins, enzymes, and hormones that have been shown to reduce the harmful effects of salts on plants. 
  • 725
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Green Goldmining
Green goldmining was proposed since goldmining has brought about hardship in local communities through pollution of water and air; lost grazing and agricultural land; the creation of unprotected mining pits; exploitation and depletion of natural resources; as well as forced eviction and relocation of communities without fair compensation. Environmental management accounting practices are suggested to facilitate greener goldmining processes.
  • 725
  • 29 Sep 2021
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