Topic Review
State of the Art in Textile Waste Management
Textile waste constitutes a significant fraction of municipal solid waste sent to landfill or incinerated. Its innovative management is important to enhance sustainability and circularity.
  • 733
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Agro-Industrial Waste Composting Process Enhancement via Microbial Inoculation
Composting is an important technology used to treat and convert organic waste into value-added products. Recently, several studies have been done to investigate the effects of microbial supplementation on the composting of agro-industrial waste. According to these studies, microbial inoculation is considered to be one of the suitable methods for enhancing the biotransformation of organic materials during the composting process.
  • 732
  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Mobilization of Arsenic
One of the most significant elements in the environment is arsenic (As). It is a hazardous metalloid that causes contamination of soil and water supplies as a result of numerous anthropogenic and natural sources.
  • 731
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Oregon Petition
The Global Warming Petition Project, also known as the Oregon Petition, is a petition urging the United States government to reject the global warming Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and similar policies. Some consider it to be a political petition designed for disinforming and confusing the public about the scientific results and the consensus of climate change research.
  • 731
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Neural Networks and Energy Forecasting
Load prediction with higher accuracy and less computing power has become an important problem in the smart grids domain in general and especially in demand-side management (DSM), as it can serve to minimize global warming and better integrate renewable energies. Indeed, artificial neural networks (ANN) are the most used methods in forecasting electrical load. They are widely employed in this field for their numerous advantages. In fact, the complexity of this task is considerable due to several factors/parameters, such as weather and holidays (linear and non-linear relationships), which is a well-suited problem for ANNs and their capacity to deal with non-linear relationships.
  • 731
  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Biological and Hydrobiological Background of Pond Carp Breeding
In the Central European region, there is a long tradition of breeding fish in artificially constructed ponds. As the area belongs to the temperate zone, farmed fish need to survive cold winter periods. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), which is an omnivorous, bioturbating species, is well adapted to warm and cold periods and the alluvial water environment. Since the Middle Ages, a large scale, efficient carp farming methodology has been developed in the region, where production is based on natural resources (protein and fatty acid sources) of renewable water ecosystems.
  • 730
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Long-Term Trends of Heat Stress for South Africa
Increasing air temperature coupled with high humidity due to ongoing climate change across most parts of South Africa is likely to induce and intensify heat exposure, particularly in densely populated areas. The adverse health implications, including heatstroke, are expected to be common and more severe during extreme heat and heat wave events.
  • 730
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Atmospheric Models
Static atmospheric models describe how the ideal gas properties (namely: pressure, temperature, density, and molecular weight) of an atmosphere change, primarily as a function of altitude. The World Meteorological Organization defines a standard atmosphere as "a hypothetical vertical distribution of atmospheric temperature, pressure and density which, by international agreement, is roughly representative of year-round, midlatitude conditions. Typical usages are as a basis for pressure altimeter calibrations, aircraft performance calculations, aircraft and rocket design, ballistic tables, and meteorological diagrams." For example, the U.S. Standard Atmosphere derives the values for air temperature, pressure, and mass density, as a function of altitude above sea level. Other static atmospheric models may have other outputs, or depend on inputs besides altitude.
  • 730
  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Climate Services
The use of climate services (CS) for the provisioning of climate information for informed decision-making on adaptation action has gained momentum. CS is a scientifically-based information and products that enhance users’ knowledge and understanding about the impacts of climate on their decisions and actions.) “Climate services, involve the timely production, translation, and delivery of useful climate data, information and knowledge for societal decision-making and climate-smart policy and planning”.
  • 730
  • 21 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Recovery of phosphorus from wastewater
Mined phosphate rock is the largest source of phosphorus (P) for use in agriculture and agro-industry, but it also is a finite resource irregularly distributed around the world. Alternatively, waste water is a renewable source of P, available at the local scale. In waste water treatment, biological nitrogen (N) removal is applied according to a wide range of variants targeting the abatement of the ammonium content. Ammonium oxidation to nitrate can also be considered to mitigate ammonia emission, while enabling N recovery. Different alternatives exist for coupling biological N treatment and phosphate precipitation when treating waste water in view of producing P-rich materials easily usable as fertilisers. Phosphate precipitation can be applied before (upstream configuration), together with (concomitant configuration), and after (downstream configuration) N treatment; i.e., chemically induced as a conditioning pre-treatment, biologically induced inside the reactor, and chemically induced as a refining post-treatment. Characteristics of the recovered products differ significantly depending on the case studied. Currently (year 2020), precipitated phosphate salts are not typified in the European fertiliser regulation, and this fact limits marketability. Nonetheless, this topic is in progress according to potential requirements to be complied by these materials. Integrated approaches for waste water treatment including P recovery must consider significant needs for subsequent agronomic valorisation of the recovered phosphate salts following the paradigms of the circular economy, sustainability, and environmental protection.
  • 730
  • 27 Oct 2020
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