Topic Review
Market Connectedness and Volatility Spillovers
The growing globalization and interactions between markets and countries have made the market co-movements more complex in analytics; with the ongoing innovations and contagions or crises, the literature on connectedness and spillover would be of outstanding contribution and interest to the policymakers, investors, and hedgers for portfolio diversification and risk management.
  • 253
  • 13 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Market Competition and Firm Action in a Market
Understanding how competitors act in a market is a critical component of strategic decision-making. Understanding market competition is important for firms, consumers of products, and investors.
  • 281
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Marine Management
The ocean is the cradle of human life and provides abundant material resources for human beings. As an important source of modern economic commodities and social activities, it is not only the focus of sustainable ecological development but also of economic and societal development. If the study of the ocean is not improved upon with better statistics, models, systems, and security measures, societal and economic development of the ocean will face further problems. Therefore, the best way to utilize the ocean has become a key issue in current research. Meanwhile, amarine ecological damageppropriate methods and ideas to solve the problems facing marine economic development and marine management from different perspectives are discussed.
  • 551
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Marine Economics and Resources
Along with scientific and technological developments and the increasing scope of human activities, the importance of marine resources, the marine environment, marine space, and strategies regarding marine management have been gradually realized by countries worldwide. Due to their ecological and economic value, marine resources have always been, and remain, a dynamic force for human survival and development, and the value the ocean generates continues to increase. Marine research includes a combination of economic, social, and ecological elements. When exploiting and utilizing marine resources, people must not only consider economic objectives but also evaluate how that exploitation and utilization influences the local natural environment. Moreover, influences on society, the economy, and the environment after resource exploitation should also be preliminarily evaluated.
  • 611
  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
In finance, margin is the collateral that a holder of a financial instrument has to deposit with a counterparty (most often their broker or an exchange) to cover some or all of the credit risk the holder poses for the counterparty. This risk can arise if the holder has done any of the following: The collateral for a margin account can be the cash deposited in the account or securities provided, and represents the funds available to the account holder for further share trading. On United States futures exchanges, margins were formerly called performance bonds. Most of the exchanges today use SPAN ("Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk") methodology, which was developed by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1988, for calculating margins for options and futures.
  • 455
  • 03 Nov 2022
Marco Vivarelli
Ph.D. in Economics and Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy, is full professor at the Catholic University of Milano, where he is also Director of the Department of Economic Policy. Affiliated Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht Research Fellow at IZA, Bonn Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO) Member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Glob
  • 557
  • 09 Aug 2022
Marcio Pereira Basilio
The researcher was born on September 30th, 1969, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil. He grew up in the suburb of Madureira, a neighborhood in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro, and studied in public schools until high school. The eldest son of a family of three brothers. In 1987, he started the professionalizing course of Electrotechnics at the Technical School of the Arsenal of Navy of Rio de J
  • 641
  • 16 May 2023
Topic Review
Manufacturer Referral, Retailer Private Brands in Supply Chain
It has become a common commercial phenomenon for retailers to establish their own brands. The manufacturer referral strategy is studied through a model which includes a manufacturer, a traditional retailer and a store brand retailer.  For the manufacturer, any referral strategy is better than no referral strategy, and in most cases, the manufacturer prefers nonexclusive referrals. The traditional retailer is willing to accept the manufacturer’s referral cooperation, and the traditional retailer’s profit is better under the nonexclusive referrals; while most store brand retailers are willing to choose the nonexclusive referrals. 
  • 502
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Managerial in the Tourism Industry
Globalization and intense competition force organizations to be flexible and adaptable to constant changes in the market. According to many researchers, innovation is a crucial source of competitive advantage in the continuously changing environment. Many studies in the area of management present innovation as one of the most significant factors for enhancing organizational performance.
  • 877
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Management System (Open Source)
Management System (Open Source) is a socio-technical system that leverages the cumulative knowledge of management practitioners and evidenced based research from the past 130 years. The system was developed by DoD components in partnership with industry experts and academic researchers and builds off of the US Department of Wars version 1.0 open source management system - Training Within Industry. The system integrates the four organizational components of Product, Structure, Process and People. In addition, the system is based on the 4 capabilities of rapid problem solving underlying the Toyota Production System: Derived from the original research of Steven J. Spear (Harvard Business School, Massachusetts Institute for Technology), the system balances the two dimensions of high performing organizations: integrate the whole (product, structure, process & people); and increase the rate of problem solving to manage the whole (4 capabilities outlined above). Fundamentally, the system sets the standards of management by outlining a doctrine of rules, tactics, techniques, procedures & terms. The standards are intended to motivate change by creating a tension between the organization's "current condition" and the "ideal condition" (i.e. True North). The objective of the system is to deliver more value, in less time, at less cost relative to the competition (better, faster, cheaper). For the DoD, competition is defined by the threats posed by current and potential adversaries.
  • 372
  • 02 Oct 2022
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