Topic Review
Factors Drive Enterprise Digital Innovation
The concept of digital innovation was first introduced by Youngjin Yoo in 2010, who thought digital innovation is an innovative process of combining digital and physical components to produce new products, services, and business models. Subsequently, it aroused widespread concern in academic circles. In terms of the connotation and measurement of digital innovation, some studies based on the consequential theory, proposed that digital innovation refers to the innovative results produced by applying digital technology in the innovation process, including the use of digital technology to bring new products, improving production processes, changing organizational models, creating and changing business models, etc. Based on process theory, some scholars proposed that digital innovation is the combination of digital technologies such as information, computing, communication, and connection used in the innovation process. There are also studies based on the theory of synthesis, pointing out that digital innovation should combine the application of digital technology and the results, including both the efficiency in innovation process and the generation of innovation results.
  • 381
  • 28 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Employees’ Intrapreneurial Behavior
Effectively promoting employees’ intrapreneurial behavior has become the focus of enterprises. This study takes the middle and grassroots employees in enterprises as subjects and explores the configuration effect of multiple influencing factors on employees’ intrapreneurial behavior. Based on employee expectation theory and individual-environment matching theory, this study collates six influencing factors: entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial competence, task school level,perceived value, management support, and reward mechanism. A total of 163 samples were obtained, and the qualitative comparative analysis method based on fuzzy set was used to analyze the influence mechanism and result path of employees’ intrapreneurial behavior from the perspective of the interaction between individual factors and organizational factors. Six influencing paths of employees’ high intrapreneurial behavior were found, which can be divided into ability-driven and value-driven factors, revealing that the six factors can produce equivalent results in different configurations. Furthermore, five influencing paths of employees’ non-high intrapreneurial behavior were divided into three types: ability obstacle type, perception obstacle type, and value obstacle type.These have an asymmetric causal relationship with employees’ high intrapreneurial behavior. This study provides management support for effectively stimulating employees’ intrapreneurial behavior.
  • 567
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing International Infrastructure Investment
International economic cooperation accelerates the flow of capital, technology, labor, and other factors between different countries, which promotes global sustainable development. Building infrastructure construction is an important way to strengthen social development, and absorbing foreign capital is an effective way for developing countries to improve their infrastructure and to promote economic development.
  • 202
  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing IoT Adoption on Agricultural Logistics Operations
There has been a notable surge in the utilization of emerging technologies, notably the Internet of Things (IoT), within the realm of business operations. However, empirical evidence has underscored a disconcerting trend whereby a substantial majority, surpassing 70%, of IoT adoption initiatives falter when confronted with the rigors of real-world implementation. Given the profound implications of IoT in augmenting product quality, the extant body of knowledge concerning IoT integration within the domain of agricultural logistics operations is endeavored.
  • 224
  • 14 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Technological Progress in Citrus-Producing China
Technological progress is the use of a certain amount of input to produce more output, or, conversely, the use of less input to produce a certain amount of output. With the continuous progress in agricultural technology, productivity has greatly improved, and a large number of scholars have emerged in the field of agricultural technological progress research.
  • 191
  • 05 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Factors Related to Fintech Adoption
Technology in general, and information and communication technologies (ICT) specifically, have directly impacted all facets of human life, from innovation processes that affect the economy and industrial and organizational dynamics to important advances in different sectors. Such is the case in the financial sector, where emerging disruptive technologies such as financial technologies (Fintech) are adding elements of ease and speed to the different transactions carried out in that sector.
  • 613
  • 02 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Factors That Drive Purchasing of Groceries through E-Commerce
Online shopping is a rapidly evolving industry, as Internet technologies and applications provide customers with more accessible, convenient, and cost-effective ways to find a wider range of products than traditional shopping. A crisis such as COVID-19 also causes consumers to learn or adapt to new shopping habits. Understanding consumer purchasing patterns during crises is critical to any business’s success.
  • 999
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Failure Definitions and Financial Distress Prediction Models
The concept of business failure has been under discussion in the academic and business world due to the economic and social relevance of the topic. The mere threat of a business going bankrupt affects the entire chain of business relationships. Therefore, predicting the bankruptcy of a business in advance is extremely important for investors, credit banks, suppliers, the state, employees, and other stakeholders of the organization. In this context, academics and professionals have sought to develop models for predicting business failure. The literature on this topic has evolved since the seminal works of Beaver (1967) and Altman, mainly based on the use of mathematics and statistics. However, with the emergence of artificial intelligence, the topic of predicting business failure has resurfaced with additional enthusiasm. This presentation addresses the evolution of business failure prediction models.
  • 201
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Fairness-Enabling Practices in Agro-Food Chain
Fairness in the agro-food system is an increasingly important issue. Ensuring fair and ethical practices in the agro-food chain is essential for sustainable, effective, and resilient agro-food systems. Identifying and understanding fairness-enabling practices and existing business applications in the agro-food chain is crucial to create a sustainable system. There are three key types of fairness: distributive, procedural, interactional. These can be achieved applying fairness-enabling practices in agro-food chain relationships.
  • 578
  • 31 May 2022
Topic Review
Fake News Consumption
This entry analyzes some of the psychological, partisan and ideological factors that influence the consumption of fake news. For a better understanding of the consumption of fake news, consult the review paper of the authors [1].
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  • 04 Nov 2020
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