Topic Review
Croquet Project
The Croquet Project is a software project that preceded Croquet, and was intended to promote the continued development of the Croquet open-source software development kit to create and deliver collaborative multi-user online applications. Implemented in Squeak Smalltalk, Croquet supports communication, collaboration, resource sharing, and synchronous computation among multiple users. Applications created with the Croquet software development kit (SDK) can be used to support highly scalable collaborative data visualization, virtual learning and problem solving environments, 3D wikis, online gaming environments (massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), and privately maintained or interconnected multiuser virtual environments. Further development of the technology has also branched into the Open Cobalt and Open Croquet efforts. In May 2018, David A. Smith founded Croquet Corporation to build a software system for creating multiuser digital experiences on the web. Alan Kay’s team of engineers, Vanessa Freudenberg, Aran Lunzer, Yoshiki Ohshima, as well as Smith’s collaborator from Red Storm Entertainment, Brian Upton, joined Smith as co-founders of Croquet Corporation, to build a software system for creating multiuser digital experiences on the web. Croquet lets developers build real time multiuser apps without writing a single line of server code, or deploying or managing any servers. Croquet consists of a JavaScript library that grants access to its global network of public reflectors.
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  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cross-Platform User-Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) from e-commerce platforms and third-party platforms can impact customer-perceived risk and influence product sales in online stores. However, the understanding of UGC from which platform type yields a stronger effect on product sales and how the effects interact across the platforms remains limited, especially from a cross-platform UGC perspective. 
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  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Cross-Sectoral Digital Platform and Innovation Ecosystem Development
A cross-sectoral ecosystem is considered to be a mechanism for the cross-sectoral interaction of an unlimited number of actors of a certain technological sector of the economy in a platform-based single digital circuit that provides digital tools and services to ensure accelerated growth and reduce costs through synergy from multilateral interaction based on common rules and principles of self-government, digital transparency, networking, and equality for all participants.
  • 1.1K
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a newly created firm or project by raising funds from a large number of people. It is usually performed online. In 2009 the volume of funds raised using crowdfunding was negligeably small. Crowdfunding raised $34.4 billion in 2015. Some analysts predict that crowdfunding market size will grow at an annual rate of 27.8% and will surpass venture capital investments in the near future (Miglo and Miglo, 2019).
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Crowdsourcing Air Forwarders
Not yet commonly known or used by the totality of sectors, crowdsourcing has shown its huge potential in various projects and tasks usually processed by computers.Crowdsourcing focuses on “taking and outsourcing a job, previously done by a designated agent, to an undefined and large number of people via an open call”. Crowdsourcing could be seen as a conflation of the terms “knowledge of crowds” and “outsourcing”. Each crowd member can complete and be assigned a project. They get paid for their work. Crowdsourcing forms a very appealing project completion method for both enterprises and crowd workers, thus leading to development of the most known crowdsourcing platforms and service providers. The need for businesses to adapt to service model performing ridesharing same-day delivery services is a phenomenon known as “Crowdsourced Logistics”.
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  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Cryptocurrencies in Accounting
The International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee (IFRSIC) (2019) proposed that the IAS 2 Inventories accounting standard is the accounting rule that best fits the holding of cryptocurrencies. As in the ordinary course of business, when holders want to sell their crypto assets, the best accounting rule is the IAS 2 Inventories. The IFRSIC (2019) also proposed that if the IAS 2 Inventories accounting standard is not appropriate for holdings of cryptocurrencies, another good choice is the IAS 38 Intangible Assets accounting standard. In most cases, IAS 38 will be the best accounting standard for holdings of cryptocurrencies.
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  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Cryptocurrency is gaining popularity worldwide, with some countries already starting to regulate and accept cryptocurrency in their financial services. Malaysia’s Securities Commission (SC) announced in October 2021 that over MYR 16 billion (USD 3.85 billion) involving digital assets and cryptocurrencies were traded between August 2020 and September 2021. Since cryptocurrencies are issued by private corporations and are technically beyond the federal government’s control, criminals may use them for illegal reasons such as money laundering and terrorist funding. Consequently, it is vital to examine why investors are engaged in cryptocurrency in the first place.
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  • 25 Apr 2022
Topic Review
CSR and Taxation Impact on Nigeria’s Sustainable Development
Nigeria’s upstream oil and gas sector is extensively contributing to the economic growth of the country, but the sector is plagued with challenges around corporate social responsibility (CSR) and taxation practices. The Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) was introduced to tackle these challenges towards promoting sustainable development in Nigeria.
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  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
CSR Disclosure and Women on Corporate Boards
The promotion of women in the professional area, especially on corporate boards, has become an important issue for corporate governance. The growing numbers of regulations on board gender quotas motivate scholars to pay attention to gender diversity on corporate boards. Scholars argue that women have certain attributes, such as empathy, being helpful, and sensitivity, that make them prudent guardians of shareholder interest. Generally, empirical evidence finds women’s board membership is linked with mitigatory agency problems and improved firm performance.
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  • 17 Jul 2023
Topic Review
CSR during a Pandemic
With corporate social responsibility (CSR) now a major part of many business practices, the airline industry is under growing pressure to provide a clean, safe, and reliable transportation service to their employees and passengers. However, the recent COVID-19 pandemic posed new CSR challenges for an industry struggling to stay viable. By October 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed 30 million cases of COVID-19 and more than one million deaths worldwide. Given that researchers have shown that influenza-type diseases can spread rapidly on aircraft, airlines prioritized reliable health and safety protocols to reduce exposure to significant risks of infection by flight attendants and passengers. However, such activities require significant financial investment. Not surprisingly, the pandemic hit the airline industry hard with canceled flights, staff layoffs, and new hygiene practices for cabin crews. To make matters worse, many flight attendants were furloughed. As airlines neared bankruptcy, the industry explored ways to reduce costs, modify CSR activities (e.g., environmentally sustainable commitment), and overcome unprecedented challenges such as protecting employees and passengers against novel viruses. As they attempt to avoid bankruptcy, airlines may struggle to balance CSR activities with business viability, at least in the short term.
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  • 24 Sep 2021
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