Topic Review
Cost Overruns
The general consensus is that cost underestimation, also more commonly referred to as cost overrun, is prevalent, e.g.,. While it is acknowledged that cost overruns are a pervasive problem, the solutions presented are limited, and have attracted substantial attention in the media, with stakeholders, including the general public and academic scholars. At this point, it is not certain how cost overrun is defined, why it happens, or how to best circumvent it.
  • 551
  • 12 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a method that is used for making investment decisions in public and private sector, and comparing benefits and costs resulting from the investments. This method attempts to determine present value of potential benefits and costs of any intended investment, and selects the project with the most benefits by comparing various projects designed for the investment.
  • 1.0K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Cost-Effective Choice of Temperature-Controlled Transport of Fresh Food
The application of a plethora of wireless technologies to support real-time food quality monitoring during transportation has significantly improved the performance of fresh food delivery systems. However, deployment of these technologies increases the capital and operational costs of food delivery and, hence, not all food delivery operations need to employ them. The research has developed a mathematical programming model to understand the trade-off involved in the increased capital costs and the opportunity to reduce food waste.
  • 381
  • 14 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Road Infrastructure Projects
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is considered an effective evaluation method for fostering optimal decision-making and ranking of road infrastructures over decades. Eight distinct modelling categories used for CBA implementation were determined, each encompassing three different modelling approaches for capturing the data risk assessment (deterministic or probabilistic), CBA’s parameters interactive behavior (static or dynamic) and the considered economies (microeconomic or macroeconomic). In-depth content analysis led to the interpretation of the current status of extant models and the identification of three main knowledge gaps: the absence of the CBA’s inputs updating into a probabilistic environment, the deficiency of a dynamic interdependent framework and the necessity of homogenous cost datasets for road projects. Future research directions and a conceptual framework for modelling CBA into a microeconomic, probabilistic and dynamic environment are proposed providing decision-makers with new avenues for more reliable CBA modelling.
  • 3.1K
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
A councillor is a member of a local government council in some countries, e.g. England. In Finland it is a title of honour granted by the government to several categories of Finns.
  • 413
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Counterfeit Medicines Online
The online distribution of counterfeit medicines has been growing during the last decades. The role of Internet as an unregulated medicine market is the main reasons behind this phenomenon, especially the effectiveness of “spam” as a tool for advertising and promoting these products. Websites and social media are new powerful instruments that organized criminal groups could exploit to conduct their illicit businesses. The spread of this emerging threat worldwide poses a very high risk for the health and safety of unaware consumers.
  • 276
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Counterparty (Technology)
Counterparty is a financial platform for creating peer-to-peer financial applications on the bitcoin blockchain. The protocol specification and all Counterparty software is open source. The reference client is counterpartyd and a web wallet called Counterwallet showcases all protocol features. The protocol’s native currency, XCP, is the fuel that powers Counterparty. It is slightly deflationary, with approximately 2.6 million XCP having been created by burning Bitcoins in January 2014. Counterparty provides users with the world's first functioning decentralized digital currency exchange, as well as the ability to create their own virtual assets, issue dividends, create price feeds, bets and contracts for difference.
  • 492
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Country Risk and Financial Stability
An efficient legal and regulatory framework is essential to complement the capital buffer against country risk. Policies must be introduced to reduce country risk to enable African banks to adequately support the African economy in good and challenging times. Overall, country risk remains a threatening factor for bank stability, and consequently, banks need adequate capital to reduce the impact of country risk on bank stability in Africa.
  • 158
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Country-of-Origin Labeling
Now repealed, Country of origin labeling (COOL) (or mCOOL [m for mandatory]) was a requirement signed into American law under Title X of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (also known as the 2002 Farm Bill), codified at 7 U.S.C. § 1638a as Notice of country of origin. This law had required retailers to provide country-of-origin labeling for fresh beef, pork, and lamb. The program exempted processed meats. The United States Congress passed an expansion of the COOL requirements on September 29, 2008, to include more food items such as fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables. Regulations were implemented on August 1, 2008 (73 FR 45106), August 31, 2008 (73 FR 50701), and May 24, 2013 (78 FR 31367). On December 18, 2015 Congress repealed the COOL law, as a part of the omnibus budget bill because of a series of WTO rulings that prohibited labels based on country of origin.
  • 390
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Coupling Coordination of Digital Finance and Technological Innovation
Technological innovation is the first driving force behind development and the key to achieving high-quality economic development. Innovation activities require financial support, but traditional financial systems constrain the development of innovation. Digital finance can alleviate the financial challenges faced by technological innovation. Studying the coordinated relationship between digital finance and technological innovation can deeply explore the driving role of digital finance in technological innovation, as well as the support of technological innovation in the field of digital finance.
  • 132
  • 31 Jan 2024
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