Topic Review
Digital Transformation on Digital Banks
Digital technology has been raising competition between banks and other financial service providers and encourages banks to do digital transformation and introduce innovation in their products and services. On the other side, the high investment cannot be ignored in doing digital transformation. Limited research has examined the bank’s financial performance effects of digital transformation.
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  • 13 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Various Monetary Aggregates Impact on the Real Economy
Monetary policy elements in Romania were adjusted on the basis of volatility indicators for the annual inflation rate, which for August 2022 increased by 0.3% from the previous month’s level (from 13% to 13.3%). On the other hand, the influence of rising inflation through the consumer index and trade shocks was felt at the European level in the euro area, with the inflation rate reaching 10% in September 2022.
  • 232
  • 12 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Inclusive Human Development and Governance Nexus
The inequality-adjusted human development index, developed by the United Nation Development Program, has been used as a proxy for inclusive human development. In addition, six indicators of governance have been used as independent variables in a regression model, along with three control variables. The inclusive human development index (IHDI) causes more government investment in development projects, whereas more development expenditure in the country achieves a higher IHDI. Trade openness and development expenditure have a bi-directional causal relationship.
  • 148
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Leaders’ Challenges in COVID-19 and Telework
The world was taken by surprise in early 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a health crisis. The impact on companies was overwhelming and managers were faced with crisis management. To keep operations running, services and sales were shifted to online platforms. As a result, millions of employees worldwide had to adapt to working from home or teleworking. Due to the introduction of lockdown and social distancing, teleworkers had to swiftly and with little to no planning adapt to a new method of working, which was unprecedented. It is unlikely that firms will completely return to their pre-pandemic working norms, even though the long-term repercussions of this dramatic transition are still unknown. Many professionals anticipate that remote or hybrid work will be common in future workplaces.
  • 198
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Failure Definitions and Financial Distress Prediction Models
The concept of business failure has been under discussion in the academic and business world due to the economic and social relevance of the topic. The mere threat of a business going bankrupt affects the entire chain of business relationships. Therefore, predicting the bankruptcy of a business in advance is extremely important for investors, credit banks, suppliers, the state, employees, and other stakeholders of the organization. In this context, academics and professionals have sought to develop models for predicting business failure. The literature on this topic has evolved since the seminal works of Beaver (1967) and Altman, mainly based on the use of mathematics and statistics. However, with the emergence of artificial intelligence, the topic of predicting business failure has resurfaced with additional enthusiasm. This presentation addresses the evolution of business failure prediction models.
  • 190
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Business Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility
The COVID-19 pandemic is without question posing a generation-defining challenge for public health and the global economy. Moreover, the pandemic has revived some old and introduced many new threats that today’s business leaders will have to face in the years to come. Despite the fact that the COVID-19 crisis was a humanitarian tragedy that continues to ravage millions of lives, it can also be viewed as an excellent opportunity to restart sustainable economic development as well as to help our business and economy to shift towards real business corporate social responsibility and ethical decision-making (thanks to the reduction in carbon emissions as a result of reduced economic activity and travel, increasing investments into healthcare and education, or finding the new ways for working and learning, such as remote work and online education).
  • 309
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Tourist Operant Resources on Online Citizenship Behavior
Sustainability has emerged as a critical concern in the tourism industry. In sustainable tourism, the question of how to engage tourists in value co-creation has started to receive attention.
  • 217
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Financial Literacy among A-Share Market Investors
Financial literacy has become increasingly crucial in today’s complex financial markets. Researchers explore the impact of financial literacy on the stock market by establishing an artificial financial market that aligns with the characteristics of the Chinese A-share market using agent-based modeling.
  • 201
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Green Finance in Economy and Renewable Energy Supply
Green bond investments have a positive impact on carbon reduction and renewable energy supply in the EU OECD countries, and cluster analysis of the European OECD countries indicated a positive relationship between economic performance and overall social and governance (ESG) risk.
  • 164
  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Role of Instagram Travel Influencers in sustainable tourism
Instagram is a critical tool for the selection of tourism destinations. Instagram travel influencers seem to play a significant role in this process, often using geo-location data to make their posts even more impactful. However, there is no evidence of them performing such a role in sustainable destinations, although these destinations are increasing and to a large extent are the future in tourism.
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  • 08 Dec 2023
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