Topic Review
Lean Management and Lean Accounting
The concept of "lean," as a production management concept, was popularized under the term "lean manufacturing", in works aimed at introducing the ideas of Japanese vehicle manufacturers, particularly the Toyota Production System (TPS). The concept of lean orientation extended beyond the realm of production and started being implemented in various other spheres of operation (such as trade and administration), resulting in the emergence of lean management principles.
  • 589
  • 25 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Identification of Social and Economic Expectations
The dynamic development of the fourth industrial revolution, focused on the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies, sparked fears of governments and society regarding the dehumanization of the industry in the future. Currently, there is a need to consider sustainable development and the crucial role of man in the assumptions of industry’s future development. Concerns about the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution’s technology became the basis for building the assumptions of Industry 5.0. 
  • 588
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Critical Incident Technique
The Critical Incident Technique (or CIT) is a set of procedures used for collecting direct observations of human behavior that have critical significance and meet methodically defined criteria. These observations are then kept track of as incidents, which are then used to solve practical problems and develop broad psychological principles. A critical incident can be described as one that makes a contribution—either positively or negatively—to an activity or phenomenon. Critical incidents can be gathered in various ways, but typically respondents are asked to tell a story about an experience they have had. CIT is a flexible method that usually relies on five major areas. The first is determining and reviewing the incident, then fact-finding, which involves collecting the details of the incident from the participants. When all of the facts are collected, the next step is to identify the issues. Afterwards a decision can be made on how to resolve the issues based on various possible solutions. The final and most important aspect is the evaluation, which will determine if the solution that was selected will solve the root cause of the situation and will cause no further problems.
  • 586
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Digital Banking Implementation Indicators in Industry 4.0
Extensive technological changes brought about by Industry 4.0 have changed the behaviors and attitudes of customers and created new needs for them. The digital transformation of banking encompasses a wide range of services, such as document digitization, electronic signatures for transactions, e-learning, teleconferencing, online trading platforms, digital stores, e-statements, and mobile payments. Adopting new business models through the digital transformation of banking operations is the most appropriate approach for banking institutions in today’s economic environment.
  • 585
  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
Digital Irrigated Agriculture
Entry on a new approach to decision modelling for ICT adoption in irrigated agriculture.
  • 584
  • 16 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Psychological Traits and E-Commerce
Psychological traits—need of achievement (“N of Ach”) and risk-taking propensity (RTP)—on perceived usefulness (PUF) and perceived ease of use (PercEU), as well as their effects, influence the intention to use e-commerce among rural micro-entrepreneurs.
  • 584
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
International Monetary Systems
An international monetary system is a set of internationally agreed rules, conventions and supporting institutions that facilitate international trade, cross border investment and generally the reallocation of capital between nation states. It should provide means of payment acceptable to buyers and sellers of different nationalities, including deferred payment. To operate successfully, it needs to inspire confidence, to provide sufficient liquidity for fluctuating levels of trade, and to provide means by which global imbalances can be corrected. The system can grow organically as the collective result of numerous individual agreements between international economic factors spread over several decades. Alternatively, it can arise from a single architectural vision, as happened at Bretton Woods in 1944.
  • 583
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Responsible Investment in Agriculture Principles and Food Systems
The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) are shown as suitable instruments to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in rural areas. Local Action Groups (LAGs) have proven to be effective governance structures for the implementation and management of rural development projects based on participation and collective action. 
  • 583
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Bacterial Resistance in the Finfish  Aquaculture and Alternatives
Significant challenges to worldwide sustainable food production continue to arise from environmental change and consistent population growth. In order to meet increasing demand, fish production industries are encouraged to maintain high growth densities and to rely on antibiotic intervention throughout all stages of development. The inappropriate administering of antibiotics over time introduces selective pressure, allowing the survival of resistant bacterial strains through adaptive pathways involving transferable nucleotide sequences (i.e., plasmids). This is one of the essential mechanisms of antibiotic resistance development in food production systems.The AMR phenomenon has been generally defined as the failure of growth’s inhibition or the killing capacity of an antimicrobial molecule beyond the normal susceptible bacteria.
  • 582
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Creating Innovation in Achieving Sustainability: Halal-Friendly Sustainable Port
The expansion of liberalized trade has forced companies to consider the global market demand to stay competitive. Hence, ports have started to embrace sustainability practices in their activities throughout port operations. Various research has suggested that there is more innovation when sustainability is adopted as an integral part of their business activities. 
  • 581
  • 10 Dec 2021
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