Topic Review
Grocery Apps and Consumer Purchase Behavior
The usage of the internet and cell phones for commercial reasons between firms and individuals (B2C) has been quickly increasing around the world, as customers gain confidence in receiving the intended goods and in the payment transaction. The grocery and food retailing industry is no exception, as it has seen an unexpected increase in consumer base and expenditure on grocery products via online platforms. According to market surveys, an increasing number of smartphone users and a growing number of young professionals are driving this change. The rise of mobile food shopping is a worldwide phenomenon.
  • 525
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Bike Boom
The term "bike boom" or "bicycle craze" refers to any of several specific historic periods marked by increased bicycle enthusiasm, popularity, and sales. Prominent examples include 1819 and 1868, as well as the decades of the 1890s and 1970s — the latter especially in North America — and the 2010s in the United Kingdom.
  • 1.3K
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Eurasian Development Bank
The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) is a regional development bank established by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006. It has six member states located in both Asia and Europe, primarily in the former territory of the Soviet Union, including Armenia, Belarus , Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Other states and international organisations are able to become members by signing up to the bank's founding agreement.
  • 847
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Compass Card (TransLink)
The Compass Card is a contactless smart card payment system primarily used for public transit in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is operated by TransLink. Riders purchase a Compass Card and add fare value online, by phone, or at vending machines located at SeaBus terminals, SkyTrain and West Coast Express stations. Vending machines are also available at 18 participating London Drugs retail store locations. Compass Cards were deployed in August 2015. Full deployment for the general public took place on November 2, 2015. Since April 4, 2016, Compass Cards and Tickets have been required for all trips taken on the SkyTrain, SeaBus, and West Coast Express. In June 2016, TransLink reported that 100 percent of monthly pass users and 95 percent of all other users have switched over to the new format, totalling more than 915,000 customers.
  • 1.6K
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Alpha Indexes
Nasdaq OMX Alpha Indexes measure the relative performance of an underlying stock or exchange-traded fund (ETF) against another benchmark ETF using a proprietary calculation. The first component in the index is the “Target Component”, such as Apple (AAPL), and the second component is identified as a “Benchmark Component”, such as the S&P 500 ETF (SPY). The Nasdaq OMX Alpha Indexes were developed by Jacob S. Sagi and Robert E. Whaley, both professors at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University. They published a research paper “Trading Relative Performance with Alpha Indexes” in the November/ December 2011 issue of Financial Analysts Journal detailing the concept behind Alpha Indexes. Nasdaq OMX launched the live calculation and dissemination of Alpha Indexes on October 11, 2010. The Alpha Indexes were set at 100.00 as of January 1, 2010. Thus each disseminated index depicts a target component’s return performance versus its benchmark since January 1, 2010. For example, the Alpha Index for AAPL with SPY as the benchmark, which trades under the symbol AVSPY, had a level of 199.91 on 11/09/12. This means that over the period between 1/1/2010 until 11/09/2012 an investment in AAPL outperformed an investment in SPY by +99.91%
  • 434
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Black Sea Trade and Economy
The Black Sea trade and economy provide an integral part in the connection between Asia and Europe. In addition to sea ports and fishing, key activities include hydrocarbons exploration for oil and natural gas, and tourism. According to NATO, the Black sea is a strategic corridor that provides smuggling channels for moving legal and illegal goods including drugs, radioactive materials, and counterfeit goods that can be used to finance terrorism.
  • 872
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Behavioral Strategy
Behavioral strategy strategy refers to the application of insights from psychology and behavioral economics to the research and practice of strategic management. In one definition of the field, “Behavioral strategy merges cognitive and social psychology with strategic management theory and practice. Behavioral strategy aims to bring realistic assumptions about human cognition, emotions, and social behavior to the strategic management of organizations and, thereby, to enrich strategy theory, empirical research, and real-world practice” (Powell, Lovallo & Fox, 2011: 1371).
  • 1.8K
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
List of Countries by Wealth Equality
This is a list of countries by distribution of wealth, including Gini coefficients. Wealth distribution can vary greatly from income distribution in a country (see List of countries by income equality). Higher Gini coefficients signify greater inequality in wealth distribution, with 0 being complete equality, whereas a value near 1 can arise in a situation where everybody has zero wealth except a very small minority. It is a common misconception that Scandinavian countries have low wealth inequality. This is not true. These countries have low income inequality, meaning that the income is relatively equal for everyone. However, their wealth inequality is very high, meaning that a small minority of the people owns the vast majority of wealth.
  • 663
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Extended Work Availability
Extended work availability (EWA) captures the experience of an employee who needs to be available for job demands during nonworking hours. It is a ubiquitous phenomenon because of the prevalent use of information and communication technology (ICT) such as mobile devices and internet services for work purposes. Valuable knowledge on this topic has emerged from at least two types of study. First, technology-oriented research usually stresses the role of the latest technologies adopted in the workplace. By facilitating the adoption of these technologies in the workplace, managers might help employees to decrease their working time, especially beyond normal business hours. Second, management-oriented research tends to emphasize the role of managerial strategies managers take in the workplace.
  • 389
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Electronic Trading
Electronic or scripless trading, sometimes called e-trading or paperless trading is a method of trading securities (such as stocks, and bonds), foreign exchange or financial derivatives electronically. Information technology is used to bring together buyers and sellers through an electronic trading platform and network to create virtual market places. They can include various exchange-based systems, such as NASDAQ, NYSE Arca and Globex, as well as other types of trading platforms, such as electronic communication networks (ECNs), alternative trading systems, crossing networks and "dark pools". Electronic trading is rapidly replacing human trading in global securities markets. Electronic trading is in contrast to older floor trading and phone trading and has a number of advantages, but glitches and cancelled trades do still occur.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
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