Topic Review
Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship
The development of skills for entrepreneurship among young people has attracted interest at various levels, as a way of overcoming many problems that affect this group in the areas of economic development and job creation. It was possible to verify that youth associations assume a dual role, on the one hand contributing to the personal, social and professional development of its leaders, members and participants, and on the other hand, as a promoter of social transformation, particularly at the local level.
  • 828
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Weighted Student Funding
Weighted student funding (WSF) systems have been implemented in various countries to give schools more autonomy over how to allocate their funding. School principals use funding to maintain school operations and foster innovation for achieving educational goals. 
  • 484
  • 22 Sep 2023
Topic Review
VR/AR in K-12 Science Education
virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are increasingly capturing educators’ and learners’ attention. In particular, VR is defined as a real-time graphical simulation in which the user interacts with the system via analog control, within a spatial frame of reference and with user control of the viewpoint’s motion and view direction. It first appeared in 1966 and was used in the design of US Air Force Flight Simulator. Developed from VR, AR is a technology used for improving users’ perception of the real world by dynamically adding virtual elements to the physical environment. It made its debut in the 1990s, which was initially proposed by scientists from Boeing, an aircraft manufacturer, where they mixed virtual graphics with real environment displays to help aircraft electricians assemble cables.
  • 1.4K
  • 08 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Visual Learning Technologies in the Immersive VET
Humanity faces diverse technological, societal, and sociological challenges. Digitalization is being integrated into every aspect of our lives. Technologies are developing rapidly and the ways in which we live and learn are changing. Young people are acquiring information and learning in a different way than in the recent past. Education systems are no longer keeping up with the development of technology. Education systems need to adapt and introduce technologies that motivate students and ultimately contribute to higher learning goals. 
  • 287
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Visual Cueing and Eye-Tracking Technology in Education
Visual cueing has been widely utilized in the practice of online learning. Visual cues like bold text, colors, arrows, or underlining are used to highlight important information in online materials. Online multimedia resources like video may use visual cues like blinking, highlighting, or zooming in on important details. Eye-tracking data can provide valuable insights into learners’ visual behaviors, revealing what they are looking at, how long they focus on specific elements, and the sequences of their gazes’ movements across different representations. 
  • 225
  • 25 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Virtual Reality-Assisted Language Learning
Virtual Reality (VR) refers to a three-dimensional (3D) environment generated by computer technology, which can provide a context similar to visual simulation and other senses. It allows users to communicate with people, machines, and other entities in the virtual environment by using computers and various devices. The dramatic reduction in the cost of devices and technology has driven a rapid growth of VR applications in educational fields such as medicine, science, and mathematics in recent years that has been proven to be positive. Learners feel the actual situation through sensory organs, which can help them improve their motivation, participation, and learning ability. Moreover, VR has also been applied to language learning and has shown the importance and potential of applications to support language learning.
  • 824
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Virtual Reality and Language Learning
Although VR technology can provide an ideal learning and application environment for learners’ language skill acquisition, the learning performance of different types of learners in virtual environments and differences in their knowledge transfer ability from the virtual to the real environment still need further discussion. In addition, the cognitive style and test environment have an impact on the effect of VR-based oral learning. 
  • 1.4K
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are emerging technologies with a variety of potential benefits for sustainability education. Here, learning processes such as flow and presence seem to determine the learning experience. VR is understood as a computer-generated simulation that is three-dimensional (3D), multisensory, and interactive. The user can inhabit and act within a virtual environment. VR enables unique learning scenarios, as simulations allow students to act as if they were in a real environment while interacting with otherwise intangible or inaccessible objects. VR provides users with the experience of a different world that may otherwise be too dangerous, expensive, or impossible in the real world. AR, in contrast, is used to enhance and enrich the real-world learning experience. It involves overlaying digital information, such as images, videos, 3D models, or text, onto the real-world environment to provide users with additional context, interactivity, and engagement.
  • 377
  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Virtual Learning Engagement and Student Academic Performance
This project aims to better understand the relationship among online engagement indicators, continuous assessment marks and personal factors in predicting student performance in final exams.
  • 651
  • 31 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Virology in Schoolbooks
The researchers have analysed all recent Austrian biology schoolbooks for secondary school with respect to virus-related topics. They found that many books cover many aspects, but books even for the same grade differ greatly in content and detail. Most important, there is a severe lack in clear differentiation between viruses and bacteria, in emphasizing that viruses cannot be destroyed by antibiotics, and in presenting pictures of viruses to show and discuss their structure.
  • 494
  • 28 Sep 2022
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