Topic Review
Educator Effectiveness
Educator effectiveness is a K-12 school system education policy initiative that measures the quality of an educator performance in terms of improving student learning. It describes a variety of methods, such as observations, student assessments, student work samples and examples of teacher work, that education leaders use to determine the effectiveness of a K-12 educator. The drive for educator effectiveness programs stem from Race to the top where states were awarded points for meeting educational policies based on the teacher's effectiveness. This policy was the basis of the emergence of statewide educator effectiveness programs. Educator effectiveness programs vary from state to state. Typically, an educator effectiveness program describes a cycle of observations and assessments that apply to different groups of teachers during an academic year. New teachers are evaluated more frequently, and veteran teachers are evaluated across multiple year cycles. Evaluated teachers have multiple scheduled classroom observations and conferences with the evaluator in addition to unannounced classroom observations. A controversial aspect of The purpose of evaluations is to help educators determine what is effective in their practices and provides them a medium to reflect upon and change their practice to help teachers become more effective.
  • 299
  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Effect of ChatGPT on Higher Education
ChatGPT is an emerging tool that can be employed in many activities including in learning/teaching in universities. Like many other tools, it has its benefits and its drawbacks. If used properly, it can improve learning, and if used irresponsibly, it can have a negative impact on learning. 
  • 272
  • 22 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Fashion Industry
The preference for a specific fashion style proved to have an impact on the product, promotion, WOM and fashion lovers’ behavior during COVID-19. Moreover, those elements have an impact on the frequency of fashion apparel consumption. Based on these results, fashion companies can tailor their activities in line with the predominant style of their fashion apparel to improve their economic sustainability during the post-COVID-19 era. 
  • 10.9K
  • 06 May 2022
Topic Review
Effect of Digital Citizenship on Prevention of Cybercrime
Digital citizenship refers to the competence to navigate digital environments in a responsible and safe manner, and to engage actively and respectfully in these spaces. It involves understanding how to use digital technology effectively and ethically, while also respecting the rights and privacy of others. The growing prevalence of cybercrime, particularly among young adults, necessitates the promotion of digital citizenship to educate students about responsible online behavior and to equip them with the skills to mitigate cyber risks.
  • 825
  • 28 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Effect of Ethical Climate in Hotel Companies
Researchers identifies the factors of ethical climate in hotel companies in light of the growing importance of ethics in corporate management. It determines the effects those factors have on organizational trust and, in turn, the effect organizational trust has on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
  • 425
  • 12 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Effect of Facial Skin Temperature
The presence of stress and anxiety during simulation-based learning may affect the performance outcomes. This study takes advantage of infrared thermal imaging to study the relationship between differences in facial skin temperature and the perception of anxiety throughout a cardiac arrest simulated scenario. The analysis of facial temperature variations showed good correlations with either the anxiety scale or standard quality resuscitation parameters, showing consistent thermographic profiles for the forehead, maxillary and periorbital areas.
  • 577
  • 08 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Effect of Health Change on Long-Term Settlement Intentions
Settlement intention refers to immigrants’ willingness to reside permanently in the society to which they move, and a great deal of research has considered the factors that influence the settlement intentions of immigrants. The research objects include not only migrants from rural areas to cities in the process of urbanization, but also international immigrants in the process of globalization. How to design and formulate relevant policies to promote the settlement and integration of immigrants is a common problem that is faced by societies in places that receive immigrants. Therefore, the issue is also a common focus of researchers. Strictly speaking, investigating the actual settlement behavior of immigrants must rely on large-scale and longitudinal survey data. However, such data are very difficult to obtain, and especially in developing countries. Thus, an alternative approach is to understand the motivations of potential settlers and returnees by analyzing the settlement intentions of immigrants. A large number of studies have examined the determinants of immigrants’ permanent settlement.
  • 266
  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Effect of Non-Parking Facilities in Parking-Only Buildings
The designation parking-only building (POB) was first introduced in the Parking Lot Act on 14 December 1991. According to the law, POBs can be used for purposes other than parking facilities, that is, non-parking facilities (NPFs), up to 70% of the total floor area. In addition, the POB is an infrastructure in accordance with the National Land Planning and Utilization Act. 
  • 371
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Effective Mindset Intervention for Sustainable Development
The increasing attention has been paid to interventions designed to enhance individuals’sustainable development in learning by priming a growth mindset. The three pedagogical characteristics that ensure successful interventions are: (1) Mutual interaction among the person, the context, and the theory to generate the message; (2) Iterative processes to ensure the message is delivered; and (3) a persuasive yet stealthy approach to facilitating its internalization. The findings inspire educators to design effective mindset interventions to enhance students’ learning. 
  • 447
  • 20 May 2022
Topic Review
Effective STEM Research Experience Programs for High Schools
High school research experience programs (HSREPs) provide opportunities for true science education and expose students to scientific investigations in laboratory settings. Various HSREPs models have been practiced to shape students’ research understandings; however, a systematic comparison of the success, challenges, and opportunities of these HSREPs has not been gauged. This entry compares the effectiveness of such science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) based HSREP models reported in the last two decades.
  • 611
  • 23 Nov 2021
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