Topic Review
Policy Chain of Energy Transition
A conceptual framework consisting of a policy chain in energy transition from economic and innovation perspectives has five links, corresponding to policies supporting decarbonization, transformation, renewable energy deployment, energy saving, and CO2 emissions. 
  • 175
  • 28 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Successful and Emerging Cyberbullying Prevention Programs
The advent of the internet has channeled more online-related tasks into our lives and they have become a pre-requisite. One of the concerns with high internet usage is the multiplication of cyber-associated risky behaviors such as cyber aggression and/or cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an emerging issue that needs immediate attention from many stakeholders.
  • 388
  • 27 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Relationship between Academic Challenge Stress and Creativity
Creativity, a multidimensional construct, is commonly defined as the production of novel and useful ideas or solutions. The quality of graduate student cultivation, especially their level of creativity, largely determines the quantity and quality of innovative talents. Therefore, improvement of graduate student creativity is also considered as an important indicator for evaluating the quality of higher education. How to cultivate and stimulate graduate student creativity and thus enhance the innovation capacity and performance of universities has gradually become the focus of universities. However, creativity as an important feature of graduate student performance has received little academic attention.  Studies showed that challenge stress has a positive impact on an individual’s life, work, and personal growth. In addition, challenge stress is a positive stressor that enhances innovation performance.
  • 316
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Work–Life Balance on the Quality of Life
Employees often have to cope with unprecedented challenges in their working and living conditions—caused by organizational and socioeconomic changes and/or crises—by showing resourcefulness and adaptability. Especially working women who bear a heavier burden strive harder to achieve balance between their work and family lives, and build resilience to maintain their quality of life. It is, therefore, important to develop a better understanding of the mechanisms women employ to strengthen their resilience by combining different roles without compromising their quality of life. 
  • 317
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Teacher Resilience and Coping with Teacher Stress
The concept of human resilience points to the indicators of life adaptation, including the field of work. In the context of the teaching profession, it can be assumed that resilience as an individual’s characteristic can have a significant impact on a teacher’s career path and can contribute to the decision of whether to leave the teaching profession or to remain in the school system despite the presence of a whole range of stressors. Resilience is important also from the aspect of coping with demanding tasks and fulfilling the requirements asked of teachers in such complex organizations as schools undeniably are. Resilient teachers are able to take advantage of their individual characteristics, as well as of the occurring situations, in order to deal with challenges and to achieve professional/job satisfaction contributing to their well-being.
  • 272
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Social Networks in Crisis Management: A Literature Review to Address the Criticality of the Challenge
This review proposes a concise literature review aimed at identifying the current body of knowledge on the adoption of Social Networks in crisis management. The major input is a structured research question based on the initial reading about the topic. Before the recent pandemic, most literature focused on local crises, with relatively few exceptions. Additionally, self-organising systems are spontaneously established between people who are affected by a crisis. The fundamental assumption underlying this study is the huge potential of Social Networks in the field of crisis management. That is supported, directly or indirectly, by a number of previous studies, which emphasise how effective adoption leads to better decision-making for crisis managers and local communities. Among the identified challenges is the need to integrate official communication by emergency agencies with citizen-generated content in a contest for credibility and trustworthiness. In certain cases, it has been reported that there is a lack of specific competence, knowledge, and expertise, as well as a lack of sufficient policies and guidelines for the use of Social Networks. Those challenges need to be framed by considering the classic difficulties of providing timely and accurate information to deal with fake news, unverified or misleading information, and information overload. Bridging major gaps through advanced analytics and AI-based technology is expected to provide a key contribution to establishing and safely enabling the practice of effective and efficient communication. This technology can help contrast dissonant mental models, which are often fostered by Social Networks, and enable shared situational awareness. Future research may take a closer look at AI technology and its impact on the role of Social Networks in managing crises.
  • 934
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
History of Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has undulating mountainous landscapes and volcanic soils. The rainfall in Ethiopia has large drop sizes and high kinetic energy. These terrain properties and rainfall characteristics induce high water erosion in Ethiopia. The mean annual soil erosion from actually measured catchments ranges from 15 Mt ha−1 y−1 to 17 Mt ha−1 y−1, which is higher than the global average of 12–15 Mt ha−1 y−1. 
  • 458
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Teaching Life Skills in PE within Different Traditions
The interest in life skills development through sport and physical education (PE) has been perceptible for the past. Life skills have been defined by the World Health Organisation as “abilities for adaptative and positive behaviour, that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”and paired to reveal five main life skills “areas”: decision making—problem solving; creative thinking—critical thinking; communication—interpersonal relationships; self-awareness—empathy; coping with emotions—coping with stress.
  • 195
  • 25 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Olfaction and Ligand–Receptor Interaction
Odorant or olfactory receptors (ORs) are located in the human nose, in the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory receptors can recognize many different odor molecules of a diverse protein sequence, and OR genes constitute the most abundant family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The human receptor gene family comprises 339 receptor genes and 297 receptor pseudogenes, unequally dispersed in 51 distinct loci on 21 human chromosomes. Humans have a compassionate sense of smell, which is essential for discovering odors necessary for maintaining a healthy life, such as the smell of smoke (detection of fire) and rotten food (to avoid ingestion).
  • 6.3K
  • 24 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Inter-Organizational Partnering Strategies in Disaster Response
Establishing appropriate inter-organizational partnership in disaster response is of great help to the improvement of disaster relief performance. The optimal partnering strategy is contingent on disaster response conditions, with accurate disaster information and abundant relief materials to choose the material difference principle, and vague disaster information to choose the organizational influence principle. At the same time, frequent information communication and material cooperation allocation can be transformed into low-frequency information communication and government-led material allocation. 
  • 203
  • 22 Sep 2023
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