Topic Review
Centralized Payment Network Advertisements on Digital Branding
Crises are always challenging for banking systems. In the case of COVID-19, centralized payment networks and FinTech companies’ websites have been affected by user behavior globally. As a result, there is ample opportunity for marketing managers and professionals to focus on big data from FinTech websites. This can contribute to a better understanding of the variables impacting their brand name and how to manage risk during crisis periods. 
  • 470
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Certified Engineering Technologist
Certified Engineering Technologist is a Canadian professional title awarded on the basis of academic qualification and work experience. Abbreviated as C.E.T., most Canadian provincial engineering and applied science technology associations offer this certification. Certification is voluntary and does not represent a provincial regulatory requirement or a statutory required license.
  • 500
  • 07 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Chakma Alphabet
The Chakma alphabet (Ajhā pāṭh), also called Ojhapath, Ojhopath, Aaojhapath, is an abugida used for the Chakma language.
  • 943
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Challenges behind the Implementation of the Precautionary Principle
Having examined the implementation of the precautionary principle in law making, law enforcement, and judicial application, it can be concluded that the principle has not been effectively implemented, at least not in law enforcement and judicial application stages. Before proposing any recommendations to improve the situation, this article identified two key challenges behind current implementation status. One is about the complexity of the principle itself, and the other is about the political willingness.
  • 480
  • 21 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Challenges Faced by the Disabled Population
Despite the destination’s great potential in terms of attractions and recreational facilities, there are measurable deficits in accessible tourism. If tourism operators want to take advantage of the rising tide of accessible tourism to attract more tourists and have a competitive advantage in this growing niche market, they should improve infrastructure facilities to meet the needs of disabled tourists.
  • 968
  • 06 May 2022
Topic Review
Challenges in Managing American Unconventional Natural Gas Development
The United States sits atop vast reserves of natural gas. Geologists estimate that the nation is endowed with approximately 2828.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, with most of the recoverable reserves lying thousands of feet beneath the earth’s surface in tight shale formations. To extract natural gas from the tight shale, producers employ a technique known as hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing requires millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals to be pumped through wells at high pressures to break up the rock, free the gas, and transport it to the surface. Because this process differs from traditional or conventional natural gas extraction, hydraulically fractured wells are known as unconventional wells, and hydraulic fracturing is known as unconventional natural gas development.
  • 304
  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Challenges of Widowhood Extend to Childcare
Unless widows recount their painful experiences of caring for their children, their day-to day lived challenges of childcare may be misunderstood if not totally missed by social workers in practice. The widespread and global phenomenon of widowhood warrants international recognition and aggressive scholarship to create resounding comprehension for proper and deliberate practical interventions. The phenomenon of widowhood cannot be localised to certain geographical settings or racial, ethnic or religious groups as widowhood cuts across all social groupings and stratifications and, as such, has been described as one of the epidemics in the world.
  • 888
  • 25 May 2022
Topic Review
Challenging The Mobile Learning Paradigm
The established mobile learning paradigm is now two decades old; it grew out of the visions and resources of e-learning research communities in universities in the world’s more economically developed regions. Whilst it has clearly been able to demonstrate many practical, pedagogic and conceptual achievements, it is now running out of steam. It has failed to adapt to a world where mobile technologies are pervasive, ubiquitous and intrusive and where people and communities can now own their own learning. This paper looks at the evolution of the established mobile learning paradigm and explores the current global, demographic, social and technical environment in order to develop a new paradigm more suited to the changed and changing realities and priorities. This is mobile learning2.0. 
  • 538
  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Changing the PrEP Narrative
Pre-exposure prophylaxis, when taken appropriately, is an effective and well-tolerated option to assist in prevention of HIV transmission. This medication has been tested in several patient populations and has shown efficacy across the board. Further research is needed to advance the study and implementation of PrEP in cis-gender women in order to stop the spread of HIV in this vulnerable group.
  • 479
  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Character Amnesia
Character amnesia is a phenomenon whereby experienced speakers of some East Asian languages forget how to write Chinese characters previously well known to them. The phenomenon is specifically tied to prolonged and extensive use of input methods, such as those that use romanizations of characters, and is documented to be a significant issue in China and Japan. Modern technology, such as mobile phones and computers, allows users to enter Chinese characters using their phonetic transcription without knowing how to write them by hand. Whether or not the phenomenon is as widespread or troubling as some have claimed is the subject of debate.
  • 651
  • 29 Sep 2022
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