Topic Review
Musical Contagion
Music can contaminate us. Sometimes, listeners perceive music as expressing some emotion (say, sadness), and this elicits the same emotion in them (they feel sad). What is musical contagion? Resesarchers presents the main theories of musical contagion that crystallize around the challenge to the leading theory of emotions as experiences of values. How and why does music contaminate us? Does musical contagion elicit garden variety emotions, such as sadness, joy, and anxiety? Does music contaminate us by simply moving us? Which role does imagination play in our affective responses to music? Is musical arousal elicited by automatic mimicry? What does musical contagion teach us about emotions? Musical contagion addresses fundamental theoretical and practical issues.
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  • 10 Mar 2023
Topic Review
The Cult of the Child
The concept of the “cult of the child” highlights a radical change in child representation. Having been neglected and even disrespected for centuries, children are now valued, and their interests are placed above all others. This change in views of children, reflected in changes in laws, institutions and practices, has also spread to two pillars of our democratic societies, the family and the school, with a number of consequences for parents, teachers and children.
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  • 30 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Yamhad Dynasty
Template:Royal house The Yamhad dynasty was an ancient Amorite royal family founded in c. 1810 BC by Sumu-Epuh of Yamhad who had his capital in the city of Aleppo. Started as a local dynasty, the family expanded its influence through the actions of its energetic ruler Yarim-Lim I who turned it into the most influential family in the Levant through both diplomatic and military tools. At its height the dynasty controlled most of northern Syria and the modern Turkish province of Hatay with a cadet branch ruling in the city of Alalakh (Land of Mukish). The dynasty was ousted during a short Hittite occupation of Aleppo in the beginning of the 16th century BC but was restored and expanded the kingdom again before being driven out of Aleppo by the Mitannians in c. 1524. Idrimi a member of the dynasty was able to conquer Alalakh leaving his descendents to rule until the last of them was dethroned by the Hittite king Suppiluliuma I in c. 1344 BC.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Jury Nullification
Jury nullification is a concept where members of a trial jury find a defendant not guilty if they do not support a government's law, do not believe it is constitutional or humane, or do not support a possible punishment for breaking the law. This may happen in both civil and criminal trials. In a criminal trial, a jury nullifies by acquitting a defendant, even though the members of the jury may believe that the defendant did commit the alleged crime. This may occur when members of the jury disagree with the law the defendant has been charged with breaking, or believe that the law should not be applied in that particular case. A jury can similarly convict a defendant on the ground of disagreement with an existing law, even if no law is broken (although in jurisdictions with double jeopardy rules, a conviction can be overturned on appeal, but an acquittal cannot). A jury verdict that is contrary to the letter of the law pertains only to the particular case before it. If a pattern of acquittals develops, however, in response to repeated attempts to prosecute a statutory offence, this can have the de facto effect of invalidating the statute. A pattern of jury nullification may indicate public opposition to an unwanted legislative enactment. In the past, it was feared that a single judge or panel of government officials might be unduly influenced to follow established legal practice, even when that practice had drifted from its origins. In most modern Western legal systems, however, judges often instruct juries to act only as "finders of facts", whose role it is to determine the veracity of the evidence presented, the weight accorded to the evidence, to apply that evidence to the law as explained by the judge, and to reach a verdict; but not to question the law or decide what it says. Similarly, juries are routinely cautioned by courts and some attorneys not to allow sympathy for a party or other affected persons to compromise the fair and dispassionate evaluation of evidence. These instructions are criticized by advocates of jury nullification. Some commonly cited historical examples of jury nullification involve jurors refusing to convict persons accused of violating the Fugitive Slave Act by assisting runaway slaves or being fugitive slaves themselves, and refusal of American colonial juries to convict a defendant under English law. Juries have also refused to convict due to the perceived injustice of a law in general, or of the way the law is applied in particular cases. There have also been cases where the jury has refused to convict due to their own prejudices (for example, about the race of one of the parties in the case).
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  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Food Loss in Meat Sector
Food losses and wastage are one of the most important problems of the modern world. The scale of this phenomenon is so large that it should be treated as a global problem. Food losses occur at every stage of the agri-food chain, from primary production (ag-riculture), through storage, processing, transport, distribution and consumption.
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  • 25 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Voting Decision
The voting decisions of a population are vital in forming the political structure of a country. Recognizing what influences voters’ selections is key for politicians, candidates, and those crafting policy. 
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  • 11 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Choices Intention of Online Learning COVID-19
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, online learning has become the norm. Primary school students require parental assistance and supervision due to their lack of digital media capabilities and safety concerns. Online learning experiences during the pandemic will affect future parents' choices of online learning, so it is necessary to further clarify the key factors influencing parents' perceptions and attitudes towards online learning during the pandemic. In the post-pandemic era, blended learning, which combines traditional school learning with online learning, is likely to become a common and acceptable way of learning, and parents may face multiple choices of their parents' way of learning.
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  • 27 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Entrepreneurial Mindset and Career Adaptability
Entrepreneurial mindset refers to the cognitive ability that allows individuals to flexibly adapt to a dynamic, uncertain environment. It involves creativity, innovativeness, and risk-taking necessary for adjustment, creating new values, and utilizing new opportunities. These properties of the entrepreneurial mindset are applicable not just to venture creation but to general career development, and there are studies investigating entrepreneurial mindset in relation to general career-related factors such as career awareness and career decision-making self-efficacy and career maturity. Career adaptability refers to coping resources that enable individuals to tackle complex and unfamiliar problems in the context of an uncertain and unstable labor market environment. Career adaptability involves competences such as planning, decision-making, exploring, and problem-solving, while the entrepreneurial mindset influences managing resources, making decisions, and taking control.
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  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Innovative Strategies to Fuel Organic Food Business Growth
Whether consumers seek organic food for a healthy body or more as food for thought continues to be debated. Consumers do not need to be protected from the reality of organic food. The recommendation for marketers is to enhance the education of consumers and to pursue clear communication with them, as honesty may be the best policy here. Customers’ loyalty lies in trust, not in the brand. Availability, variety, and taste are the top three factors affecting consumers’ purchase decisions. Surprisingly, price or health consciousness is not the first concern for consumers.
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  • 08 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Education 4.0
Education 4.0 promotes visualizing how teachers’ traditional digital competencies adopt innovative practices.
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  • 21 Sep 2021
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