Topic Review
Effect of Non-Parking Facilities in Parking-Only Buildings
The designation parking-only building (POB) was first introduced in the Parking Lot Act on 14 December 1991. According to the law, POBs can be used for purposes other than parking facilities, that is, non-parking facilities (NPFs), up to 70% of the total floor area. In addition, the POB is an infrastructure in accordance with the National Land Planning and Utilization Act. 
  • 365
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Effective Mindset Intervention for Sustainable Development
The increasing attention has been paid to interventions designed to enhance individuals’sustainable development in learning by priming a growth mindset. The three pedagogical characteristics that ensure successful interventions are: (1) Mutual interaction among the person, the context, and the theory to generate the message; (2) Iterative processes to ensure the message is delivered; and (3) a persuasive yet stealthy approach to facilitating its internalization. The findings inspire educators to design effective mindset interventions to enhance students’ learning. 
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  • 20 May 2022
Topic Review
Effective STEM Research Experience Programs for High Schools
High school research experience programs (HSREPs) provide opportunities for true science education and expose students to scientific investigations in laboratory settings. Various HSREPs models have been practiced to shape students’ research understandings; however, a systematic comparison of the success, challenges, and opportunities of these HSREPs has not been gauged. This entry compares the effectiveness of such science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) based HSREP models reported in the last two decades.
  • 596
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Effectiveness of Augmented and Virtual Reality-Based Interventions
Interventions adopting augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) modalities allow participants to explore and experience realistic scenarios, making them useful psycho-educational tools for mental illnesses. In the context of relatively limited studies, extant AR/VR based interventions could potentially improve knowledge, attitudes, empathy and decrease stigma regarding people with mental illness. 
  • 370
  • 18 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Effectiveness of Distance Education in Pandemic Age
In response to the limitations and restrictions put in place to stop the global epidemic caused by COVID-19, the adoption of distance education modalities became required for the first time in the history of the global school system. Online learning, which is the process of acquiring a degree using online platforms that provide online courses rather than attending in-person lectures, is not a new concept in education. Although it can still be a little-known method for both teachers and students, distance learning is a sort of training that entails online learning while being supervised by a classroom teacher. In order to enhance learning and involvement across the board, it is crucial to prepare children for interactions and emotion regulation.
  • 578
  • 19 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Aging on Taxi Service Performance
The taxi industry is recognized as a sector with substantial potential for sustainable development, involving key stakeholders such as policymakers, regulatory agencies, companies, drivers, and customers. Population aging presents a significant challenge with the aging workforce, potentially impacting the development of various industries.
  • 140
  • 13 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Effects of COVID-19 on Leisure among Youth
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly transformed the lives of millions, including young people, who are in a vital stage during which leisure has had a preponderant role in their lifestyles, characterized by the search for experiences outside the family environment and forms of leisure dependent on friendships as a source for well-being (physical, cognitive, social, and emotional). 
  • 437
  • 20 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Genocide on Youth
The effects of genocide on youth include psychological and demographic effects that affect the transition into adulthood. These effects are also seen in future generations of youth. Demographic effects involve the transfer of children during genocides. In cases of transfer, children are moved or displaced from their homes into boarding schools, adoptive families, or to new countries with or without their families. There are significant shifts in populations in the countries that experience these genocides. Often, children are then stripped of their cultural identity and assimilated into the culture that they have been placed into. Unresolved trauma of genocide affects future generations of youth. Intergenerational effects help explain the background of these children and analyze how these experiences shape their futures. Effects include the atmosphere of the household they grew up in, pressures to succeed or act in specific ways, and how they view the world in which they live. The passing down of narratives and stories are what form present day perceptions of the past. Narratives are what form future generations' ideas of the people who were either victimized or carried out the genocide. As youth of future generations process the stories they hear they create their own perception of it and begin to identify with a specific group in the story. Youth of future generations begin to form their identity through the narratives they hear as they begin to relate to it and see how the genocide affects them. As stories are passed down, children also begin to understand what their parents or grandparents went through. They use narratives as explanation of why their parents talk about it in the way they do or do not talk about it all. Psychological effects of genocide are also relevant in youth. Youth who experience an extreme trauma at an early age are often incapable of fully understanding the event that took place. As this generation of children transition into adulthood, they sort out the event and recognize the psychological effects of the genocide. It is typical for these young survivors to experience symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as other psychological disorders. Transitioning out of youth and into adulthood is an important development marker in the lives of all people. Youth who transition into adulthood during a genocide have a different experience than those who do not transition during a genocide. Some youth transition earlier as means of survival. Others are unable to fully transition, remaining in a youth state longer.
  • 1.2K
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Pornography on Relationships
Many individuals perceive pornography to have a negative effect on interpersonal relationships, satisfaction, and sexual functioning; however, findings on the topic are mixed. Pornography has never been so widely and universally accessible as it is today. As such, the consumption of pornography is on the rise, for both men and women. This unlimited access changes not only how individuals consume pornography, but how pornography can affect individuals and relationships. Pornography can impact many aspects of an individual’s life, and it is important to understand just what these effects are, as well as the extent to which these effects can reach.
  • 2.5K
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Stress Exposure
Stress could be defined as an organism's entire response to environmental demands or strains. Exposure to highly stressful or traumatic events, depending on the stage of life in which stress exposure occurs, could severely affect limbic structures, including the amygdala, and lead to alterations in social and affective behaviors.
  • 1.7K
  • 30 Jan 2021
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