Topic Review
Challenges of Widowhood Extend to Childcare
Unless widows recount their painful experiences of caring for their children, their day-to day lived challenges of childcare may be misunderstood if not totally missed by social workers in practice. The widespread and global phenomenon of widowhood warrants international recognition and aggressive scholarship to create resounding comprehension for proper and deliberate practical interventions. The phenomenon of widowhood cannot be localised to certain geographical settings or racial, ethnic or religious groups as widowhood cuts across all social groupings and stratifications and, as such, has been described as one of the epidemics in the world.
  • 862
  • 25 May 2022
Topic Review
Challenging The Mobile Learning Paradigm
The established mobile learning paradigm is now two decades old; it grew out of the visions and resources of e-learning research communities in universities in the world’s more economically developed regions. Whilst it has clearly been able to demonstrate many practical, pedagogic and conceptual achievements, it is now running out of steam. It has failed to adapt to a world where mobile technologies are pervasive, ubiquitous and intrusive and where people and communities can now own their own learning. This paper looks at the evolution of the established mobile learning paradigm and explores the current global, demographic, social and technical environment in order to develop a new paradigm more suited to the changed and changing realities and priorities. This is mobile learning2.0. 
  • 523
  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Changing the PrEP Narrative
Pre-exposure prophylaxis, when taken appropriately, is an effective and well-tolerated option to assist in prevention of HIV transmission. This medication has been tested in several patient populations and has shown efficacy across the board. Further research is needed to advance the study and implementation of PrEP in cis-gender women in order to stop the spread of HIV in this vulnerable group.
  • 472
  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Character Amnesia
Character amnesia is a phenomenon whereby experienced speakers of some East Asian languages forget how to write Chinese characters previously well known to them. The phenomenon is specifically tied to prolonged and extensive use of input methods, such as those that use romanizations of characters, and is documented to be a significant issue in China and Japan. Modern technology, such as mobile phones and computers, allows users to enter Chinese characters using their phonetic transcription without knowing how to write them by hand. Whether or not the phenomenon is as widespread or troubling as some have claimed is the subject of debate.
  • 637
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Character Mask
The concept of a character mask refers to the persona or facade that individuals adopt to conceal their true thoughts, feelings, or identity in social interactions. This mask serves as a protective mechanism to manage impressions, conform to social norms, or maintain privacy, often resulting in a discrepancy between individuals' public presentation and inner selves. Character masks can vary in complexity and authenticity, influencing individuals' behavior, communication, and interpersonal relationships.
  • 347
  • 08 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Charivari, shivaree, chivaree, or skimmington (ride) was a folk custom in which a mock parade was staged through a community accompanied by a discordant mock serenade. Since the crowd aimed to make as much noise as possible by beating on pots and pans or anything that came to hand these parades are often referred to as rough music. Parades were of three types. In the first, and generally most violent form, a wrongdoer or wrongdoers might be dragged from their home or place of work and paraded by force through a community. In the process they were subject to the derision of the crowd, they might be pelted and frequently a victim or victims were dunked at the end of the proceedings. A safer form involved a neighbour of the wrongdoer impersonating the victim whilst being carried through the streets. The impersonator was obviously not himself punished and he often cried out or sang ribald verses mocking the wrongdoer. In the common form, an effigy was employed instead, abused and often burnt at the end of the proceedings. Communities used "rough music" to express their disapproval of different types of violation of community norms. For example, they might target marriages of which they disapproved such as a union between an older widower and much younger woman, or the too early remarriage by a widow or widower. Villages also used charivari in cases of adulterous relationships, against wife beaters, and unmarried mothers. It was also used as a form of shaming upon husbands who were beaten by their wives and had not stood up for themselves. In some cases, the community disapproved of any remarriage by older widows or widowers. Charivari is the original French word, and in Canada it is used by both English and French speakers. Chivaree became the common variant in Ontario, Canada. In the United States, the term shivaree is more common. As species of popular justice rituals Charivaric events were carefully planned and they were often staged at times of traditional festivity thereby blending delivering justice and celebration.
  • 1.0K
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Charter Schools: An Alternative Option in American Schooling
Charter schools are educational institutions in the United States funded through taxation but operated privately under a charter or contract with a public entity, providing alternative public education options to families. Charter schools are subject to fewer rules and regulations and have greater autonomy than traditional public schools over operations, curriculum, and instruction, although have greater stakes in school accountability.
  • 929
  • 17 Mar 2023
Topic Review
ChatGPT is a human–artificial intelligence (AI) interaction application that was released on 30 April 2022. Since then, ChatGPT has been popularized worldwide rapidly. ChatGPT, in part, is capable of answering a wide variety of human-asked questions in ample domains of knowledge. ChatGPT also contains a function that automatically writes an essay in fewer than minutes. ChatGPT is, therefore, seen as a revolutionized instrument that helps students complete their coursework and assessments. 
  • 425
  • 18 Jul 2023
Topic Review
ChatGPT as a Nutrition Tool
The field of health and medical sciences has witnessed a surge of published research exploring the applications of ChatGPT. However, there remains a dearth of knowledge regarding its specific potential and limitations within the domain of nutrition. ChatGPT could also exhibit promising performance in the nutrition domain. Given the increasing prevalence of nutrition-related diseases, there is a critical need to prioritize the promotion of a comprehensive understanding of nutrition. This research examines the potential utility of ChatGPT as a tool for improving nutrition knowledge. Specifically, it scrutinizes its characteristics in relation to personalized meal planning, dietary advice and guidance, food intake tracking, educational materials, and other commonly found features in nutrition applications. Additionally, it explores the potential of ChatGPT to support each stage of the Nutrition Care Process. Addressing the prevailing question of whether ChatGPT can replace healthcare professionals, this research elucidates its substantial limitations within the context of nutrition practice and education. These limitations encompass factors such as incorrect responses, coordinated nutrition services, hands-on demonstration, physical examination, verbal and non-verbal cues, emotional and psychological aspects, real-time monitoring and feedback, wearable device integration, and ethical and privacy concerns have been highlighted. In summary, ChatGPT holds promise as a valuable tool for enhancing nutrition knowledge, but further research and development are needed to optimize its capabilities in this domain.
  • 293
  • 06 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Chatusadom or Catustambha (Thai: จตุสดมภ์ RTGS: Chatusadom, literally "Four Pillars" from Sanskrit Catur "Four" + Stambha "Pillars") was the Thai system of central executive governance during the Ayutthaya Kingdom, Thonburi Kingdom and Rattanakosin Kingdom from 1455 to 1892. For about four hundred years, it had served as the constitution of central government of Siam or Thailand until King Chulalongkorn organized Chatusadom into modern ministries and officially established the Cabinet on April 1, 1892.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
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