Topic Review
Three-Dimensional Paradigm of Rural Prosperity
The paradigm of rural prosperity on three pillars of analysis and explanation: (a) rural embodiment, (b) neoliberalism, and (c) concept of sustainability. 
  • 464
  • 24 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Third-Age Foreign languages Learners
Foreign language learning in the third age is one of the popular activities among the elderly. The question remains as to how to teach a foreign language to older adults properly. The first objective of this review was to identify suitable pedagogical approaches, teaching methods, or strategies for teaching foreign languages to third-age learners.
  • 686
  • 12 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Third World Socialism
Third World socialism was a variant of socialism proponed by Kwame Nkrumah, Modibo Keïta, Ahmed Sékou Touré, Fidel Castro, Julius Nyerere, Salah al-Din al-Bitar, Michel Aflaq, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Juan Perón, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sukarno, David Ben-Gurion, Muammar Gaddafi, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Buddhadasa, Walter Lini and other such socialist leaders of the Third World who saw a non-Soviet version of socialism as the answer to a strong and developed nation. It could be argued that the new "turn to the left" leadership in Latin America (see socialism of the 21st century), with its anti-Americanism, connection with less developed Eastern Europe, sense of undeveloped countries/developing countries unity and pro-Arabism/pro-Islamism, is a new kind of Third World socialism. It may be described as an ideologically specific form of Third-Worldism and it is made up of African socialism, Arab socialism, Nasserism, Peronism, Nehruism, Labor Zionism, Islamic socialism,[Note 1] Buddhist socialism and Melanesian socialism.
  • 492
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Thin Asphalt Layers as a Traffic Noise Intervention
Low-noise thin asphalt layers (TALs) are a feasible solution to mitigate road traffic noise in urban environments. Nevertheless, the impacts of this type of noise intervention are reported mostly regarding noise levels, while non-acoustic aspects influencing the population perception are still little-known. This study investigates the implementation of TALs in two streets of Antwerp, Belgium. The effectiveness of the intervention was measured via noise modelling and acoustic measurements of road traffic noise. A reduction of 2.8 dB in noise exposure was observed in Lden and Lnight, while SPB measurements showed decreases up to 5.2 dB on the roadside. The subjective impacts of the TALs were evaluated via self-administered surveys and compared to results from control streets. The annoyance indicators were positively impacted by the TALs implementation, resulting in annoyance levels similar or lower than in the control streets. The TALs did not impact the reported physical complaints, sleep quality, and comfort level to perform activities. 
  • 630
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Thermal Hotel with AHP-QFD Methodology
The methodology is based on applying the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique to listen to the voice of the customer, in addition to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which allows selection of the best design alternative. The literature shows that QFD–AHP methods have been tried in different areas of the building industry, but there are few examples of combining building design processes. In the study process, collaboration environments between stakeholders were established and the operability of the method used was tested with real actors. The matrix solutions realised in the horizontal and vertical sections of the framework of the model can be reused in different projects with different user demands. This added a modular and developable feature to the model.
  • 496
  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Therapeutic Landscapes and Psychiatric Care Facilities
Healing environments have been defined as therapeutic landscapes (TL), where the physical and built environments, social conditions and human perceptions combine to produce an atmosphere which is conducive to healing. The environment in mental-healthcare facilities can influence health and recovery of service users and furthermore contribute to healthy workplaces for staff. The physical (built and natural), social, and symbolic dimensions of the therapeutic landscape can have positive and negative impacts. Therefore, the needs and characteristics of the different stakeholders have to be considered.
  • 605
  • 10 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Theory of Planned Behavior in Energy-Saving Behaviors
People with physical impairments can help solve energy problems by participating in diverse energy-saving behaviors, such as switching off lights or turning off an air conditioner when not in use; however, they may struggle to participate in some behaviors due to mobility impairments. An energy-saving behavior is an individual action that aims to reduce energy consumption and the negative environmental impacts of energy consumption and production. The theory of planned behavior (TPB), which was proposed by Ajzen in 1985, is an extension of the theory of reasoned action (TRA).
  • 2.6K
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Theory of Planned and Sustainable Waste Management Behaviour
The theory of planned behaviour evolved from the notion of reasoned action. As stated in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), a person’s behaviour is influenced by their intention to act and their perception of their ability to control their behaviour, whereas their intention to act is influenced by their attitude towards the behaviour, their perception of societal pressures and expectations (subjective norm), and their perception of their ability to control their behaviour. In this theory, individuals will be more willing to perform a behaviour when they have favourable attitudes towards performing the behaviour, perceive greater social pressures and expectations to perform the behaviour, perceive the behaviour to be easy and convenient, and perceive that they have the capacity to perform the behaviour. 
  • 1.1K
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Theory of Addiction
Drug addiction is characterized by a loss of control over drug-seeking and -consumption, despite the profound negative consequences this has on the individual’s life [1]. While the acute effects of a substance depend on its psychoactive properties, the progression of addiction converges into a series of problems that are common and severely impact all spheres of the individual’s life, compromising interpersonal, economic, and health status. Thus, in chronic drug users it is common to present several physical problems including brain damage and atrophy, circulatory system issues, premature aging, among others. From a socio-economic perspective, common problems include homelessness, criminal behavior, unemployment, social isolation, and dependence.
  • 121
  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Theories on Addiction of Smartphone and Internet
Excessive use of smartphones has been associated with a number of negative consequences for individuals. Some of these consequences relate to many symptoms of behavioral addiction. Addiction is defined as a pleasure-inducing behavior that through repeated exposure gradually leads to loss of control and further negative consequences.
  • 31.7K
  • 24 Jun 2022
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