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Topic Review
Neural Networks for Predicting Industrial Paper Press Condition
Forecasting has extreme importance in industry due to the numerous competitive advantages that it provides, allowing to foresee what might happen and adjust management decisions accordingly. Industries increasingly use sensors, which allow for large-scale data collection. Big datasets enable training, testing and application of complex predictive algorithms based on machine learning models.
26 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Spin Orbit Torque-Assisted Magnetic Tunnel Junction-Based Hardware Trojan
With the advancement of beyond-CMOS devices to keep Moore’s law alive, several emerging devices have found application in a wide range of applications. Spintronic devices offer low power, non-volatility, inherent spatial and temporal randomness, simplicity of integration with a silicon substrate, etc. This makes them a potential candidate for next-generation hardware options. The giant spin Hall effect (GSHE)-driven spin-orbit torque (SOT) magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) as a potential candidate for creating an externally triggered hardware Trojan and insertion into logic-locked hardware security considering the effect of process and temperature variations is explored.
09 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Sensing Capabilities of Piezoelectric Materials
Piezoelectric materials are widely employed in precision motion due to their distinctive advantages such as quick response, high displacement resolution, high stiffness, high actuating force, and little heat generation.
20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Uncertainty Modelling for Probabilistic Power System Stability Analysis
The increased penetration of system uncertainties related to renewable energy sources, new types of loads and their fluctuations, and deregulation of the electricity markets necessitates probabilistic power system analysis. The abovementioned factors significantly affect the power system stability, which requires computationally intensive simulation, including frequency, voltage, transient, and small disturbance stability. Altogether 40 uncertainty modelling (UM) techniques are collated with their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and application areas, particularly highlighting their accuracy and efficiency (as both are crucial for power system stability applications).
17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Enabling Technologies for Power System Stability Enhancement
The growing attention to environmental issues is leading to an increasing integration of renewable energy sources into electrical grids. This integration process could contribute to power system decarbonization, supporting the diversification of primary energy sources and enhancing the security of energy supply, which is threatened by the uncertain costs of conventional energy sources. Despite these environmental and economical benefits, many technological and regulatory problems should be fixed in order to significantly increase the level of penetration of renewable power generators, which are connected to power transmission and distribution systems via power electronic interfaces. Indeed, these converter-interfaced generators (CIGs) perturb grid operation, especially those fueled by non-programmable energy sources (e.g., wind and solar generators), affecting the system stability and making power systems more vulnerable to dynamic perturbations. To face these issues, the conventional operating procedures based on pre-defined system conditions, which are currently adopted in power system operation tools, should be enhanced in order to allow the “online” solution of complex decision-making problems, providing power system operators with the necessary measures and alerts to promptly adjust the system. A comprehensive analysis of the most promising research directions and the main enabling technologies for addressing this complex issue is presented here.
09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Turning and Sensing System for Pressure Ulcers Prevention
Pressure ulcers (PU) are one of the most frequent hazards of long-term bedridden patients. With the continuous increase of aging, the number of long-term bedridden disabled and semi-disabled elderly people is increasing. At the same time, there is a serious shortage of professional pressure ulcer nursing staff.
20 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Theory and Application of Zero Trust Security
As cross-border access becomes more frequent, traditional perimeter-based network security models can no longer cope with evolving security requirements. Zero trust is a novel paradigm for cybersecurity based on the core concept of “never trust, always verify”. It attempts to protect against security risks related to internal threats by eliminating the demarcations between the internal and external network of traditional network perimeters. Nevertheless, research on the theory and application of zero trust is still in its infancy, and more extensive research is necessary to facilitate a deeper understanding of the paradigm in academia and the industry.
29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Microgrid Energy Market
Electricity generation using distributed renewable energy systems is becoming increasingly common due to the significant increase in energy demand and the high operation of conventional power systems with fossil fuels. Microgrids are rapidly becoming attractive because they assist in reducing the load congestion on the traditional power system, have a less environmental impact, intensify the power generation capacity, are easy to install, offer localized generation to the consumers, and are highly efficient with increased reliability.
20 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Energy Management Systems in Microgrids
Microgrids usually employ distributed energy resources such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic modules, etc. When multiple distributed generation resources with different features are used in microgrids, managing these resources becomes an important problem. The generated power of solar photovoltaic modules and wind turbines used in microgrids is constantly changing with solar irradiation and wind speed. Due to this impermanent and uncertain nature of renewable energy resources, generally, energy storage systems are employed in microgrid systems. To control the distributed energy resources and energy storage units and sustain the supply and demand balance within the microgrid and provide sustainable and reliable energy to the loads, energy management systems are used. Many methods are used to realize and optimize energy management in microgrids.
26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Peer Reviewed
Maxwell’s Early Unitary View of Electricity and Fluid Mechanics
In young Maxwell’s eyes, electricity, magnetism and fluid mechanics present analogies that let the first be mathematically grasped in a unitary way similarly to the latter. This entry sketches the first steps of James Clerk Maxwell’s unitary view of electromagnetism and fluid mechanics, with long-lasting effects on understanding the physical world. In his very first paper on the subject, Maxwell interpreted Faraday’s concept of lines of force of both electricity and magnetism as filaments of a flowing fluid. That is, Maxwell suggested to unify the previously distinct fields of electricity and magnetism, considering them as different aspects of the same entity, the ‘electromagnetic field’, which is mathematically described by four partial differential equations. In the literature there are several comprehensive works on Maxwell’s mature exposition of his theory; however, the aim of this entry contribution is rather more limited. Indeed, it is restricted to examining the contributions of Maxwell’s first paper towards developing the idea of electric current as the motion of an incompressible fluid. Thus, this entry highlights the strong connections of Maxwell’s epistemological view with the ‘mechanistic’ approach of the time to every aspect of physical phenomenology. For this purpose, this entry mentions some historical context surrounding the emergence of Maxwell’s innovative concepts.
25 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Deep Neural Network Implementations
Deep neural networks have recently become increasingly used for a wide range of applications, (e.g., image and video processing). The demand for edge inference is growing, especially in the areas of relevance to the Internet-of-Things. Low-cost microcontrollers as edge devices are a promising solution for optimal application systems from several points of view such as: cost, power consumption, latency, or real-time execution. The implementation of these systems has become feasible due to the advanced development of hardware architectures and DSP capabilities, while the cost and power consumption have been maintained at a low level.
14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Internet of Things Applications
Devices like the Internet of Things (IoT) have a significant presence in our daily lives owing to the technological revolution, wireless devices, and communication systems. IoT has become a vital part of the digital era of Industry 4.0. The ability to bring physical things into the digital world is becoming more likely because of technology. Applications of IoT can be utilized in various ways to assist systems and businesses in simplifying, improving, automating, and controlling processes. IoT can also be used for delivering important data, activity performance, or even environmental factors that have to be monitored continuously and remotely. IoT applications can therefore help with the creation of new systems and business strategies, as well as provide businesses with the instant data they need to create products and services.
24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Nonvolatile Memory-Based Spiking Neural Network Architectures
A sustainable computing scenario demands more energy-efficient processors. Neuromorphic systems mimic biological functions by employing spiking neural networks for achieving brain-like efficiency, speed, adaptability, and intelligence. Current trends in neuromorphic technologies address the challenges of investigating novel materials, systems, and architectures for enabling high-integration and extreme low-power brain-inspired computing.
24 May 2022
Topic Review
Multiport Single Element Mimo Antenna Systems
In response to the increasing demand for voice, data, and multimedia applications, the next generation of wireless communication systems is projected to provide faster data rates and better service quality to customers. Techniques such as Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output (MIMO) and diversity are being studied and implemented to meet the needs of next-generation wireless communication systems. Embedding multiple antennas into the same antenna system is seen as a promising solution, which can improve both the system’s channel capacity and the communication link’s quality. For small handheld and portable devices, embedding many antennas into a single device in a small area and at the same time providing good isolation becomes a challenge.
19 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Halide Perovskite Materials for Solar Cells
The nomenclature “perovskite” was assigned to this structure in honor of Lev Perovski, the Russian mineralogist who initially unveiled it; since then, the name “perovskites” has been used to describe all materials that share calcium titanate’s crystal structure. The general formula for the perovskite light absorption layer is ABX3, where A is an organic cation (CH3NH3+), B is a metal cation (Pb2+), and X is a halide anion (I−).
03 Jul 2023
Topic Review
The Implementation of Precise Point Positioning
High-precision positioning from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has garnered increased interest due to growing demand in various applications, like autonomous car navigation and precision agriculture. Precise Point Positioning (PPP) offers a distinct advantage over differential techniques by enabling precise position determination of a GNSS rover receiver through the use of external corrections sourced from either the Internet or dedicated correction satellites. However, PPP’s implementation has been challenging due to the need to mitigate numerous GNSS error sources, many of which are eliminated in differential techniques such as Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) or overlooked in Standard Point Positioning (SPP).
07 Nov 2023
Topic Review
New Power System Stability
Power system instability causes many local or large-scale power outage accidents. To maintain sustainable development, a new power system construction aimed at maximizing new energy consumption is being put on the agenda.
04 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resilient Power Systems
Resilience, characterized by the ability to withstand, absorb, and quickly recover from natural disasters and human-induced disruptions, has become paramount in ensuring the stability and dependability of critical infrastructure. The linkage between Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and power system resilience is forged through a systematic classification of DRL applications into five pivotal dimensions: dynamic response, recovery and restoration, energy management and control, communications and cybersecurity, and resilience planning and metrics development. This structured categorization facilitates a methodical exploration of how DRL methodologies can effectively tackle critical challenges within the domain of power and energy system resilience.
08 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Testbed for IoT Smart Applications
Wireless sensor network (WSN) environment monitoring and smart city applications present challenges for maintaining network connectivity when, for example, dynamic events occur. Such applications can benefit from recent technologies such as software-defined networks (SDNs) and network virtualization to support network flexibility and offer validation for a physical network.
26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Mechanical Properties of the Carbon Nanotubes Materials
Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) replace the copper windings in the transformers and has high operating range variations with the frequency. CNTs with composites such as aluminium and copper increase the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the windings.
28 May 2023
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