
Environmental science emerged from the fields of natural history and medicine during the Enlightenment. Today, it provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental studies are incorporating more of the social sciences in order to understand human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. This entry collection features information about design and technology for improving environmental quality in every aspect.

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Topic Review
Biosafety of Genome Editing Applications
In the European Union plants developed by novel genomic techniques for directed mutagenesis are have to undergo an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) prior to release or placing on the market. However, specific guidance for such an ERA is still lacking. In this review we discuss the limited suitability of general denominators of risk/safety to predict the risks associated with individual genome edited (GE) plants and argue that there is no safety by default for whole groups of GE applications encompassing different individual GE organisms. We suggest integrating the following two sets of considerations into the ERA to address particular characteristics of GE plants: considerations related to the traits developed by GE and considerations addressing the assessment of method-related unintended effects, e.g. due to off-target modifications. In conclusion, we recommend that further specific guidance for the ERA and monitoring should be developed to facilitate a focused assessment approach for GE plants. 
  • 485
  • 08 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Radionuclides in Mosses
The science of the mosses, bryology, knows three main categories of mosses according to constitution and habit. Hornworts (anthocerotophyta), liverworts and bryophytes. The latter are most common. Mosses are non-vascular plants. They adsorb water and nutrients mainly through their leaves. They have a rhizoid only for fixation on the substrate. A water conducting function of the rhizoid is not known. Mosses are suitable as bio-indicator plants. They can take up contaminants and radionuclides directly from the air. Compared to other plants they dispose of a higher surface area. Therefore, there is an ability for accumulation effects. Further, mosses dispose of an active metabolism also in winter. The monitoring of mosses and lichens is well described in literature. Focus in the papers about mosses is on heavy metals, nutrients and air contaminants. Only few papers deal with radio contaminants. 
  • 456
  • 09 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Multilevel Single Use Plastics Governance
Unsustainable production and consumption patterns of single-use plastics (SUP) are causing worldwide negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts on land-based and marine ecosystems. As a transboundary problem, global governance of plastics includes international agreements and voluntary multi-stakeholder platforms, focused mainly on oceans and marine life. Nevertheless, adaptation and mitigation strategies are required in local territories. National governments and municipalities have approved uneven local policies with inconsistent standards. This entry briefly discusses plastic pollution, global and regional responses, particular emphasis in Latin America, and the regional framework of the Pacific Alliance. 
  • 963
  • 07 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Heat Stress and Decision Tools
Over the last few decades, Urban Heat Stress (UHS) has become a crucial concern of scientists and policy-makers. Many projects have been implemented to mitigate Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects using nature-based solutions. However, decision-making and selecting an adequate framework are difficult because of complex interactions between natural, social, economic and built environments. This paper contributes to the UHI issue by (i) identifying the most important key factors of a Decision Support Tool (DST) used for urban heat mitigation, (ii) presenting multi-criteria methods applied to urban heat resilience, (iii) reviewing existing spatial and non-spatial DSTs, (iv) and analyzing, classifying and ranking DSTs. It aims to help decision-makers through an overview of the pros and cons of existing DSTs and indicate which tool is providing maximum support for choosing and planning heat resilience measures from the designing phase to the heat mitigation phase. This review shows that Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can be used for any pilot site and the criteria can be adapted to the given location accordingly. It also highlights that GIS-based spatial tools have an effective decision support system (DSS) because they offer a quick assessment of interventions and predict long-term effects of urban heat. A comparative study using specific chosen criteria concludes that the DSS tool is well suited and fulfils many prerequisites to support new policies and interventions to mitigate UHS.   
  • 658
  • 07 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Removal of Pesticides from Waters
Pesticides are pollutants found in wastewater due to increasing agricultural activities over the years. Inappropriate dosing of pesticides results in the dispersal of active ingredients in the environment. The complete removal of pesticides from wastewater is an immediate concern due to their high toxicity and mobility. At present, adsorption is one of the most widely used methods for pesticide removal, in which synthetic zeolites and mesoporous silica materials are extensively applied. This article presents a systematic and comparative review of the applications and comparison of these adsorbents, based on the data reported in the literature.
  • 765
  • 07 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Metabolites of Apple
Apples represent a greater proportion of the worldwide fruit supply, due to their availability on the market and to the high number of existing cultivar varieties and apple-based products (fresh fruit, fruit juice, cider and crushed apples). Several studies on apple fruit metabolites are available, with most of them focusing on their healthy properties’ evaluation. In general, the metabolic profile of apple fruits strongly correlates with most of their peculiar characteristics, such as taste, flavor and color. At the same time, many bioactive molecules could be identified as markers of a specific apple variety. Therefore, a complete description of the analytical protocols commonly used for apple metabolites’ characterization and quantification could be useful for researchers involved in the identification of new phytochemical compounds from different apple varieties.
  • 1.4K
  • 07 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Mangrove Blue Carbon Stocks
Mangrove forests play an important role in mitigating climate change but are threatened by aquaculture expansion (shrimp ponds). The change of land use from natural environments to productive uses, generates a change in the balance and carbon sequestration and storaging. In mangrove forest the carbon stocks are larger than in other tropical forest. Addtionally, soil mangrove forest represent 40-80% of Cardon stocks.  These reasons are the evidence of mangrove forest need to be included in REED programs and conservation strategies.
  • 876
  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Net Zero Energy Buildings
Buildings contribute to greenhouse gas emissions that cause environmental impacts on climate change. Net Zero Energy (NZ) buildings would reduce greenhouse gases. The current definition of NZ lacks consensus and has created uncertainties, which cause delays in the adoption of NZ. There is a need to re-evaluate the existing definitions, standards, and requirements to advance the use of renewable technologies, improved energy efficiency, and electrification. This approach will help to speed up achieving the NZ targets.
  • 978
  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Radiological Investigation of French Fossils
The accurate investigation of uranium-containing fossils in a museum of the City of Basel showed the following crucial points: 1 Storage of uranium-containing minerals or fossils may lead to elevated radon exposures for the staff. The monitoring of the room air is recommended: Eventual taken measures will reduce the exposure to radon (permanent air ventilation, airtight storage of contaminated objects). 2 The handling and preparation of such contaminated objects may lead to significant doses by inhalation of radioactive dust. Such work should not be envisaged without special precautions. These could be wearing protective mask and gloves, working in a clean-bench.
  • 898
  • 04 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Radioactivity in Plastic Materials
All fossil combustible materials, such as coal and crude oil, contain radioactive elements, which origin from the natural decay series of uranium and thorium. The basic material for the synthesis of plastics is crude oil. Therefore, plastics may contain radionuclides. The gamma ray analysis of different rubbish bags used in the city of Basel show a clear contamination with uranium, radium (226Ra and 228Ra) and lead (210Pb), resulting in a yearly charge of 300, 300, 150 and 3,000 MBq each. In comparison with the contamination level of the burning ashes, these charges are not relevant (less than 1% of the content in the slags from the waste incineration). Nonetheless, we note a permanent displacement of long-lived natural radionuclides to landfill-sites.
  • 1.8K
  • 05 Jul 2021
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