Topic Review
Wine Symbolism and  New Social Contexts in Taiwan
Wine and wine culture has gained increasing popularity in the global world, yet it has various developments in different areas. Wine production and wine consumption are sometimes considered to be symbols of development and improvement of the economy and lifestyle. 
  • 589
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Wine Microorganisms' Role in Formation of Ethyl Carbamate
Ethyl carbamate, the ethyl ester of carbamic acid, has been identified in fermented foods and alcoholic beverages. Since ethyl carbamate is a probable human carcinogen, reduction of its content is important for food safety and human health. In alcoholic beverages, ethyl carbamate is mostly formed from the reaction of ethanol with urea, citrulline and carbamyl phosphate during fermentation and storage. These precursors are generated from arginine metabolism by wine yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. 
  • 221
  • 03 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Wine Hotels and Intangible Heritage
International legislation related to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage has defined intangible heritage as a non-material cultural resource that can be identified in various forms of personal, spiritual, and non-material creation that can be communicated and carried forward by word of mouth and other different means. It includes - language, dialects, speeches and toponymy, as well as oral literature of all kinds, - folklore creativity in the field of music, dance, traditions, games, rituals, customs, as well as other traditional folk values, - traditional arts and crafts.
  • 209
  • 24 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Wine Cooperatives in Germany
According to the German cooperative law, cooperatives are defined as “associations of a non-closed number of members whose purpose is to promote their members’ income and business or their social or cultural interests through joint business operations” (GenG §1). In Germany, the following actors can become members of a cooperative: physical persons, commercial partnerships (in German: Personengesellschaften des Handelsrechts), legal entities under private and public law. Cooperatives represent a horizontal cooperation among producers.
  • 809
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Wine Aroma and Flavor Compounds from Fermentative Origin
Wine sensory experience includes flavor, aroma, color, and (for some) even acoustic traits, which impact consumer acceptance. The quality of the wine can be negatively affected by the presence of off-flavors and aromas, dubious colors, or sediments present in the bottle or glass after pouring (coloring matter that precipitates or calcium bitartrate crystals). Flavor profiles of wines result from many variations in vineyard and winery production, including grape selection, winemaker’s knowledge and technique, and tools used to produce wines with a specific flavor. 
  • 418
  • 13 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Wine Aroma and Flavor Compounds
Wine sensory experience includes flavor, aroma, color, and  even acoustic traits, which impact consumer acceptance. The quality of the wine can be negatively impacted by the presence of off-flavors and aromas. Flavor profiles of wines are the result of a vast number of variations in vineyard and winery production, including grape selection, winemaker’s knowledge and technique, and tools used to produce wines with a specific flavor. One of the most important “tools” for modulating flavor in wines is the choice of the yeasts. During alcoholic fermentation, the wine yeasts extract and metabolize compounds from the grape must by modifying grape-derived molecules, producing flavor-active compounds.
  • 9.1K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Wine and Non-Dairy Fermented Beverages
Probiotics and prebiotics are microbiota-management instruments for improving human health once they may be beneficial for maintaining a healthy community of gut microbiota and bowel function. Probiotic’s main target is the gut, via the gastrointestinal tract, although direct application to other body zones such as the vaginal tract, the oral cavity, and skin have been studied.
  • 209
  • 04 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Dietary habits are a determining factor of the higher incidence and prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In the aim to find a possible preventive and intervention strategy, the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) has been proposed as an effective approach. Within the MedDiet, moderate wine consumption with meals is a positive item in the MedDiet score; however, recent studies have reported a dose-response association between alcohol consumption and higher risk of a large number of NCDs. This review aimed to evaluate the association between NCDs and wine consumption in the framework of the MedDiet, with a simple review of 22 studies of the highest-level literature published over the last five years. We found that the information regarding the effects of wine in different health outcomes has not varied widely over the past five years, finding inconclusive results among the studies evaluated. Most of the literature agrees that light to moderate wine intake seems to have beneficial effects to some extent in NCDs, such as hypertension, cancer, dyslipidemia and dementia, but no definitive recommendations can be made on a specific dose intake that can benefit most diseases.
  • 854
  • 11 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Windstorms on Forests in Tropical
Windstorm is one of the destructive natural disturbances, but the scale-link extent to which recurrent windstorms influenced forests ecosystems is poorly understood in a changing climate across regions. We reviewed the synergistic impacts of windstorms on forests and assessed research trends and methodological approaches from peer-reviewed articles published from 2000 to 2020 in tropical (TRF), subtropical (SUF), and temperate (TEF) forests/zones, based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Overall, the majority of the reviewed studies were conducted in TRF (i.e., 40%), intermediate in SUF (i.e., 34%), and the lowest in TEF (i.e., 26%). Among the four levels of biological organization, the species-population and community-ecosystem levels had the highest number of study cases, while the molecular-cellular-individual and landscape levels had the lowest study cases in all forest types. Most of the articles reviewed dealt largely on tree mortality/survival and regeneration/succession for TRF, tree mortality/survival and species composition/richness/diversity for SUF, and stem density, gap dynamics, and regeneration/succession for TEF. However, research on the effects of windstorms on mycorrhizal symbioses, population genetics, and physiological adaptation, element fluxes via litterfall, litter decomposition, belowground processes, biological invasion, and tree health are less common in all forest types. Further, most of the studies were conducted in permanent plots but these studies mostly used observational design, while controlled studies are obviously limited. Consequently, more observational and controlled studies are needed on the topic reviewed, particularly studies at the molecular-cellular-individual and landscape levels, to help inform forest management decision-making about developing sustainable and resilient forests amid climate change.
  • 588
  • 15 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Windows Service
In Windows NT operating systems, a Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background. It is similar in concept to a Unix daemon. A Windows service must conform to the interface rules and protocols of the Service Control Manager, the component responsible for managing Windows services. It is the Services and Controller app, services.exe, that launches all the services and manages their actions, such as start, end, etc. Windows services can be configured to start when the operating system is started and run in the background as long as Windows is running. Alternatively, they can be started manually or by an event. Windows NT operating systems include numerous services which run in context of three user accounts: System, Network Service and Local Service. These Windows components are often associated with Host Process for Windows Services. Because Windows services operate in the context of their own dedicated user accounts, they can operate when a user is not logged on. Prior to Windows Vista, services installed as an "interactive service" could interact with Windows desktop and show a graphical user interface. In Windows Vista, however, interactive services are deprecated and may not operate properly, as a result of Windows Service hardening.
  • 556
  • 21 Oct 2022
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