Topic Review
Universal Influenza Vaccine Human Trials
On average, there are 3–5 million severe cases of influenza virus infections globally each year. Seasonal influenza vaccines provide limited protection against divergent influenza strains. Therefore, the development of a universal influenza vaccine is a top priority for the NIH. Here, we report a comprehensive summary of all universal influenza vaccines that were tested in clinical trials during the 2010–2019 decade. Of the 1597 studies found, 69 eligible clinical trials, which investigated 27 vaccines, were included in this review. Information from each trial was compiled for vaccine target, vaccine platform, adjuvant inclusion, clinical trial phase, and results. As we look forward, there are currently three vaccines in phase III clinical trials which could provide significant improvement over seasonal influenza vaccines. This systematic review of universal influenza vaccine clinical trials during the 2010–2019 decade provides an update on the progress towards an improved influenza vaccine.
  • 584
  • 12 May 2021
Topic Review
Universal Functions Originator
Universal Functions Originator, or just UFO, is a new multi-purpose machine learning (ML) computing system that explains everything as pure mathematical equations. These expressions could be simple or highly complicated linear/nonlinear equations. Although the purpose of this technique is similar to that of classical symbolic regression (SR) algorithms, UFO works differently and it has its own mechanism, search space, and building strategy. For example, in UFO, each equation term (of intercepts, weights, exponents, arithmetic operators, and analytic functions) has its own search space and cannot be mixed with others. Also, UFO can be executed by any optimization algorithm, while SR algorithms require some special tree-based optimization algorithms; like genetic programming (GP).
  • 482
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Universal Flu Vaccine
A universal flu vaccine is a flu vaccine that is effective against all influenza strains regardless of the virus sub type, antigenic drift or antigenic shift. Hence it should not require modification from year to year. As of 2021 no universal flu vaccine had been approved for general use, several were in development, and one was in clinical trial.
  • 566
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Universal Flu mRNA Vaccine
The seasonal flu vaccine is, essentially, the only known way to prevent influenza epidemics. However, this approach has limited efficacy due to the high diversity of influenza viruses. Several techniques could potentially overcome this obstacle. A recent first-in-human study of a chimeric hemagglutinin-based universal influenza virus vaccine demonstrated promising results. The coronavirus pandemic triggered the development of fundamentally new vaccine platforms that have demonstrated their effectiveness in humans. Currently, there are around a dozen messenger RNA and self-amplifying RNA flu vaccines in clinical or preclinical trials.
  • 424
  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Universal Equations for Wh and Wm Characteristics
Suter curves for the Wh and Wm characteristics and four-quadrant (4Q) diagrams of 11 radial pump–turbine models with different specific speeds (nq = 24.34, 24.8, 27, 28.6, 38, 41.6, 41.9, 43.83, 50, 56, and 64.04) are presented for the first time, as well as Suter curves for two pump models (nq = 25 and 41.8) previously published in the literature. All of these curves were analyzed to establish a certain universal law of behavior, depending on the specific speed.
  • 600
  • 01 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Universal Alliance
The Universal Alliance (French: Alliance universelle), formerly known as Universal Christian Church (Église chrétienne universelle) and followers as Christ's Witnesses (Témoins du Christ), is a Christian-oriented new religious movement founded in France in 1952 by Georges Roux, a former postman in the Vaucluse department. Roux claimed to be the reincarnation of Christ and was thus named the "Christ of Montfavet", a village on the commune of Avignon where he lived then. He wrote three books containing the doctrines of the religious group, including the rejection of several dogmas commonly accepted by the main churches (Jesus' divinity and resurrection, Devil's existence and accuracy of the Gospels, among other things). Vegetarian diet, high degree of proselytism and miraculous healings were the main practices of the organization. The group grew quickly in France and some other countries, counting several thousands of faithful, but memberships are currently on the decline. After Roux's death in 1981, the Universal Christian Church was replaced by the Universal Alliance, a cultural association founded in August 1983 and led by one of Roux's daughter. In the 1950s, the religious group was the subject of criticisms in the media when some faithful and their children died after having refused medical treatments, and was classified as a cult in the 1995 parliamentary report established by the Parliamentary Commission on Cults in France.
  • 326
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cells History
In Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS) systems that utilize solar and hydrogen power, which typically include photovoltaic modules, a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, hydrogen gas storage, and proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, the cost of these systems is currently higher compared to conventional RAPS systems that employ diesel generators or batteries. Unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFCs) offer a potential solution to reduce the expenses of solar hydrogen renewable energy systems in RAPS by combining the functionalities of the electrolyzer and fuel cell into a single unit, thereby eliminating the need to purchase separate and costly electrolyzer and fuel cell units. URFCs are particularly well-suited for RAPS applications because the electrolyzer and fuel cell do not need to operate simultaneously. In electrolyzer mode, URFCs function similarly to stand-alone electrolyzers. However, in fuel cell mode, the performance of URFCs is inferior to that of stand-alone fuel cells.
  • 650
  • 10 Aug 2023
Topic Review
United Express Flight 3411 Incident
Template:Infobox Aircraft occurrence The United Express Flight 3411 incident occurred at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, United States on April 9, 2017, when Dr. David Dao Duy Anh, a Vietnamese-American passenger, was injured while being forcibly removed from a fully boarded, sold-out flight to Louisville International Airport. Dao, a pulmonologist and folk musician, refused to surrender his seat when requested because he needed to see patients the following day. Chicago Department of Aviation Security officers were called to remove him from the plane; in the process, they struck Dao's face against an armrest, then pulled him, apparently unconscious, by his arms along the aircraft aisle past rows of onlooking passengers. Prior to the confrontation, United agents offered travel vouchers to passengers to vacate their seats to make room for four deadheading Republic Airways employees, but none of the passengers accepted. United then selected four passengers for involuntary removal from the flight, one of whom was Dao, and the three other passengers agreed to leave. Flight 3411 was operated by Republic Airways on behalf of United Express, a United Airlines regional branch. Video of the incident recorded by passengers went viral on social media, resulting in anger over the force that was used. Politicians expressed concern and called for an official investigation. Then-U.S. President Donald Trump criticized United Airlines, calling its treatment of Dao "horrible." The next morning, then-CEO of United, Oscar Munoz, issued a statement that appeared to justify the removal of Dao, referring to "re-accommodating the customers." Munoz also sent an email to United staff commending the crew's actions for following established procedures and referring to Dao as "disruptive" and "belligerent," though this characterization contradicted passengers' accounts of the incident. Passenger Jason Powell asserted that Dao was not belligerent, saying instead, "He was very polite, matter-of-fact." Cell phone video by passenger Joya Cummings also contradicted Munoz's description of Dao as belligerent. Munoz and United were sharply criticized for their initial statements, and United suffered a drop in its stock price. Two days after the incident, Munoz issued an additional statement, apologizing and promising that such an incident would never again occur on a United aircraft. He said, "No one should ever be mistreated this way." In an ABC television interview, Munoz was asked, "Do you think [Dao] was at fault in any way?" Munoz responded, "No. He can't be. He was a paying passenger sitting on our seat in our aircraft." Munoz's previously planned promotion to become United's chairman was delayed until May 2020 as a result of the incident. Dao reached an "amicable" settlement with United on April 27, 2017, though its terms were not publicly announced.
  • 4.4K
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unisys ICON
The ICON was a computer built specifically for use in schools, to fill a standard created by the Ontario Ministry of Education. It was based on the Intel 80186 CPU and ran an early version of QNX, a Unix-like operating system. The system was packaged as an all-in-one machine similar to the Commodore PET, and included a trackball for mouse-like control. Over time a number of GUI-like systems appeared for the platform, based on the system's NAPLPS-based graphics system. The ICON was widely used, mostly in high schools in the mid to late 1980s, but disappeared after that time with the widespread introduction of PCs and Apple Macintoshes. They were also known as the CEMCorp ICON, Burroughs ICON, and finally Unisys ICON when Burroughs and Sperry Corporation merged to form Unisys in 1986. The machine was also nicknamed the bionic beaver.
  • 420
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unique Properties of the Immune System
The human body is unquestionably one of the most complex systems known to humanity. There are three main regulation systems in the human body (the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system). These three systems are integrated into one ultimate information communication network within the human body. However, each regulation system has its specific roles and unique properties. Consequently, each of these regulation systems has served as inspiration for computational models to efficiently solve real-world problems. An overview of these models and their applications is presented.
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  • 01 Feb 2023
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