Topic Review
Urbanisation on Green Growth within Sustainable Development Goals
Urbanisation enhances dissemination of the green knowledge and innovative technologies, bridging gaps in living conditions and making services (health, digital, etc.) available and affordable.
  • 420
  • 21 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Urban–Rural Integration Empowers High-Quality Development of Tourism Economy
Urban–rural integration has become an effective way to promote the high-quality development of the tourism economy in China’s policy evolution. Urban–rural integration has a positive empowering effect on the high-quality development of the tourism economy as a whole, with the integration of urban and rural areas in the central and eastern regions playing a considerable role.
  • 318
  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Urban-Scale Physics-Based Building Energy Modeling
Urban building energy modeling (UBEM) is a practical approach in large-scale building energy modeling for stakeholders in the energy industry to predict energy use in the building sector under different design and retrofit scenarios. UBEM is a relatively new large-scale building energy modeling (BEM) approach which raises different challenges and requires more in-depth study to facilitate its application. 
  • 521
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Urban-Resilience Computation Simulation
Urban resilience refers to the ability of an urban system to withstand, absorb, recover, and adapt to man-made or natural disturbances and to learn timely control of current and future expectations. Simulating the dynamic process of urban resilience and analyzing the mechanism of resilience-influencing factors are of great significance to improve the intelligent decision-making ability of resilient urban planning. 
  • 981
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Urban Wildlife Conservation and Communication under COVID-19
Most ecosystems are increasingly being degraded and reduced by human activities at the local and global scales. In contrast, urban environments are expanding as increasing portions of humanity move into cities.  The relevance of urban wildlife consumption and the trade between urban and rural areas and among cities have received growing attention in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 381
  • 16 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Urban Wetlands
Wetlands are a critical part of natural environments that offer a wide range of ecosystem services. In urban areas, wetlands contribute to the livability of cities through improving the water quality, carbon sequestration, providing habitats for wildlife species, reducing the effects of urban heat islands, and creating recreation opportunities. 
  • 2.0K
  • 13 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Urban Water Consumption
Urban water (here referred as urban water consumption) is defined by European Environmental Agency as the water abstracted for urban purposes which include domestic uses (households), small industries, municipal services, and public gardening [EEA]. Over the last three decades, the increasing development of smart water meter trials and the rise of demand management has fostered the collection of water demand data at increasingly higher spatial and temporal resolutions, especially for the domestic sector (i.e., household water use). Counting these new datasets and more traditional aggregate water demand data, the literature is rich with heterogeneous urban water consumption datasets. They are characterized by heterogeneous spatial scales—from urban districts, to households or individual water fixtures—and temporal sampling frequencies—from seasonal/monthly up to sub-daily (minutes or seconds).  This entry is based on  the review paper "Urban Water Consumption at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales. A Review of Existing Datasets" by Di Mauro et al. 2021 The review analyzes 92 water demand datasets and 120 related peer-review publications compiled in the last 45 years. The reviewed datasets are classified and analyzed according to the following criteria: spatial scale, temporal scale, and dataset accessibility. This research effort builds an updated catalog of the existing water demand datasets to facilitate future research efforts end encourage the publication of open-access datasets in water demand modelling and management research.
  • 1.6K
  • 19 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Urban Wastewater Treatment in Greece
Although Greece has accomplished the wastewater infrastructure construction in a large extent, as 91% of the country’s population is already connected to urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), many problems still need to be faced, such as the limited reuse of treated wastewater and of the surplus sludge (biosolids) produced, the relative higher energy consumption in the existing rather aged WWTPs infrastructure and the proper management of failing or inadequately designed septic tank/soil absorption systems, still in use in several (mostly rural) areas, lacking sewerage systems. Moreover, the wastewater treatment sector should be examined in the general framework of sustainable environmental development; therefore, Greece’s future challenges in this sector ought to be reconsidered. Thus, the review of Greece’s urban wastewater history, even from the ancient times, up to current developments and trends, will be shortly addressed. Noting also that the remaining challenges should be analyzed in respect to the country’s specific needs (e.g. interaction with the extensive tourism sector), as well as to the European Union’s relevant framework policies and to the respective international technological trends, aiming to consider the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) not only as sites for the treatment/removal of pollutants to prevent environmental pollution, but also as industrial places where energy is efficiently used (or even produced), resources’ content can be potentially recovered and reused (e.g. nutrients, treated water, biosolids) and the environmental sustainability is being overall practiced.
  • 2.9K
  • 04 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Urban Vulnerability
Urban vulnerability can be defined as the process produced by the combination of many disadvantaged dimensions in which any possibility of upward social mobility, and overcoming social condition exclusions, is extremely hard to achieve. Usually, the more vulnerable and distressed areas lack basic services and have a higher number of obsolete buildings, unfavorable social characteristics, vulnerable people, and more prominent gender differences. 
  • 3.4K
  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Urban Village Redevelopment Projects in China
The dual land system that resulted from the 1982 land reform makes the Chinese land situation unique. A dichotomy has existed between the state ownership of urban land and public ownership of rural land ever since. Urbanization in China often takes place by penetrating spatially into rural villages, where land is collectively owned. Urban villages are often regarded as temporary entities with undesirable urban planning and governance. Combined with the negative social externalities that urban villages emit, the Chinese government has implemented large-scale urban village redevelopment projects (UVRPs) in recent years to replace shabby entities with formal urban neighbourhoods. This phenomenon is in line with Kochan’s argument that urban planners will ultimately eradicate urban villages in urbanization. UVRPs have stimulated rapid urban development, which plays a great role in economic growth and modernization.
  • 631
  • 02 Jun 2022
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