Topic Review
VLP-Based Vaccines for Trypanosomatid Diseases
Virus-like particle (VLP) technology is involved in many vaccines, including those undergoing studies related to COVID-19. The potential use of VLPs as vaccine adjuvants opens an opportunity for the use of protozoan antigens for the development of vaccines against diseases caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp., and Trypanosoma brucei. 
  • 696
  • 21 Jun 2021
Topic Review
A video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to vlog (/vlɒɡ/), is a form of blog for which the medium is video. Vlog entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts. Vlog category is popular on the video-sharing platform YouTube. In recent years, "vlogging" has spawned a large community on social media, becoming one of the most popular forms of digital entertainment. It is popularly believed that, alongside being entertaining, vlogs can deliver deep context through imagery as opposed to written blogs. Video logs (vlogs) also often take advantage of web syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers (see video podcast).
  • 1.9K
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
VLC/RF Hybrid Network Applications
With the goal of secure and efficient communications, the VLC Consortium (VLCC) was established to promote and standardize VLC technology in 2007. VLC is characterized by high security, as information cannot be filtered. In addition, it is immune to RF interference, meaning that the system can be used freely in environments sensitive to electromagnetic signals.
  • 144
  • 13 Oct 2023
Vladimir Karapetoff
Vladimir Karapetoff (January 8, 1876 in Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire – January 11, 1948) was a Russian-American electrical engineer, inventor, professor, and author. He was the son of Nikita Ivanovich Karapetov and Anna Joakimovna Karapetova. Karapetoff first studied at Petersburg State University of Means of Communication taking his first certification in 1897 and a second in 1902. Dur
  • 375
  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1.
  • 351
  • 23 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Vitro Tissue Culture-Induced Variation
Somaclonal variation includes genetic or epigenetic changes exhibited between clonal regenerants and their corresponding donor plants derived via in vitro tissue cultures (A. Leva, L.M.R. Rinaldi, in Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences (Second Edition), 2017). It usually assumes that the changes are being transmitted during a generative cycle. However, in some cases, to stress the fact that not all changes are either not analyzed in the progeny or may not be sexually transmitted, the tissue culture-induced variation seems to reflect better the issue (Quantification of the tissue-culture induced variation in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Bednarek, PT., Orłowska, R., Koebner, RMD., Zimny, J. 2007 BMC Plant Biology 7 (1), 1-9).
  • 680
  • 06 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Vitro Plant Regeneration
Plants generally have the highest regenerative ability because they show a high degree of developmental plasticity. Although the basic principles of plant regeneration date back many years, understanding the cellular, molecular, and physiological mechanisms based on these principles is currently in progress. In addition to the significant effects of some factors such as medium components, phytohormones, explant type, and light on the regeneration ability of an explant, recent reports evidence the involvement of molecular signals in organogenesis and embryogenesis responses to explant wounding, induced plant cell death, and phytohormones interaction. However, some cellular behaviors such as the occurrence of somaclonal variations and abnormalities during the in vitro plant regeneration process may be associated with adverse effects on the efficacy of plant regeneration. A review of past studies suggests that, in some cases, regeneration in plants involves the reprogramming of distinct somatic cells, while in others, it is induced by the activation of relatively undifferentiated cells in somatic tissues. However, this review covers the most important factors involved in the process of plant regeneration and discusses the mechanisms by which plants monitor this process.
  • 1.1K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Vitreous Substitute
The ideal vitreous substitute should mimic the native vitreous in terms of both structure and function such as transparency, biocom-patibility, elasticity, easy injectability, except for its liquefication and biodegradability with age. Current vitreous substitutes are used in order to maintain certain criterias such as optical and biomechanical properties and intraocular pressure. Therefore, extensive research with biomaterials is underway taking into consideration its composition, structure and physiological properties as well to overcome the downside of the currently used tamponades.
  • 806
  • 15 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Vitiligo and Mental Health
Vitiligo is a dermatosis consisting of the appearance of white discoloration patches of the skin, with a prominent pathogenetic factor represented by autoimmunity. Segmental and non-segmental are the two main forms of vitiligo, which may be recognized depending on the onset and localization: the first one is the most common and affects people with autoimmune-prone habits, whereas the non-segmental vitiligo is characterized by symmetrical white macules/patches spread over the skin surface; when untreated it is usually progressive. Macules may appear close to the mucosae (mouth, orbits, genitals, anus) and flexural areas (wrists, axillae and so on) and although they do not immediately affect physical health, they represent not only a cosmetic concern but also a risk for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) development, because of the reduction of sun protection due to the lack of melanin. Different factors have been outlined as possible triggers in the development of the typical lesions, such as the tendency to develop other autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Addison’s disease, or alopecia areata as well as oxidative stress, trauma, sunlight exposure, and genetic factors.
  • 403
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Vitiligo is a condition that causes patchy loss of skin coloring (pigmentation). The average age of onset of vitiligo is in the mid-twenties, but it can appear at any age. It tends to progress over time, with larger areas of the skin losing pigment. Some people with vitiligo also have patches of pigment loss affecting the hair on their scalp or body.
  • 731
  • 04 Jan 2021
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