Topic Review
Prospective Memory
Prospective memory is a form of memory that involves remembering to perform a planned action or recall a planned intention at some future point in time. Prospective memory tasks are common in daily life and range from the relatively simple to extreme life-or-death situations. Examples of simple tasks include remembering to put the toothpaste cap back on, remembering to reply to an email, or remembering to return a rented movie. Examples of highly important situations include a patient remembering to take medication or a pilot remembering to perform specific safety procedures during a flight. In contrast to prospective memory, retrospective memory involves remembering people, events, or words that have been encountered in the past. Whereas retrospective memory requires only the recall of past events, prospective memory requires the exercise of retrospective memory at a time that has not yet occurred. Prospective memory is thus considered a form of "memory of the future". Retrospective memory involves the memory of what we know, containing informational content; prospective memory focuses on when to act, rather than focusing on informational content. There is some evidence demonstrating the role of retrospective memory in the successful execution of prospective memory, but this role seems to be relatively small.
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  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Prediction of Water Quality Classification using Machine Learning
Machine Learning (ML) has been used for a long time and has gained wide attention over the last several years. It can handle a large amount of data and allow non-linear structures by using complex mathematical computations. However, traditional ML models do suffer some problems, such as high bias and overfitting. Therefore, this has resulted in the advancement and improvement of ML techniques, such as the bagging and boosting approach, to address these problems.
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  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Iron and Iron Overload in Invasive Fungal Infections
Iron is an essential trace metal necessary for the reproduction and survival of fungal pathogens. The latter have developed various mechanisms to acquire iron from their mammalian hosts, with whom they participate in a continuous struggle for dominance over iron. Invasive fungal infections are an important problem in the treatment of patients with hematological malignancies, and they are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of invasive clinical infections in these patients is complex, and the treatment, which must occur as early as possible, is difficult. There are several studies that have shown a possible link between iron overload and an increased susceptibility to infections. This link is also relevant for patients with hematological malignancies and for those treated with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The role of iron and its metabolism in the virulence and pathogenesis of various invasive fungal infections is intriguing, and so far, there is some evidence linking invasive fungal infections to iron or iron overload. Clarifying the possible association of iron and iron overload with susceptibility to invasive fungal infections could be important for a better prevention and treatment of these infections in patients with hematological malignancies.
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  • 11 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Bush Encroachment in Namibia
Bush encroachment is a natural phenomenon characterised by the excessive expansion of bush at the expense of other plant species, especially grasses. Bush encroachment is estimated to affect up to 45 million ha of Namibian land and has severe negative consequences on key Ecosystem services, especially agricultural productivity and groundwater recharge. Agricultural productivity in Namibia has declined by two thirds throughout the past decades, mainly due to the negative impact of bush encroachment. The phenomenon affects both commercial and communal farming in Namibia, mostly the central, eastern and north-eastern regions.
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  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Scientology and Other Religions
The relationship between Scientology and other religions is very complex. While Scientology claims that it is fully compatible with all existing major world religions and that it does not conflict with them or their religious practices, there are major differences in beliefs and practices between Scientology and most religions, especially the major monotheistic religions. Members are not allowed to engage in other similar mental therapies or procedures, religious or otherwise. However, some ministers from other churches have adopted some Scientology secular programs. According to Jacob Neusner, Scientology is a "synthesis of existing ideas and a reflection of particular cultural, social, and historical circumstances in which it was born and developed". The religion reflects Western and American values, such as "beliefs in democracy, individualism, and freedom", while borrowing little from religions based on the Bible. Similarities exist between Scientology and eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Dairy Spoilage and Pseudomonas spp.
The refrigerated fresh foods tend to quickly deteriorate along its production and marketing, mainly due to the action of psychrotrophic spoilage microorganisms such as pseudomonads. These bacteria cause discolouration, texture loss and unpleasant flavours, with fatal implications for the quality and shelf life of products. Refirgerated fresh dairy products as well as fresh foods are steadly threatened by these microorganisms against which most control strategies are uneffective.
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  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Individualist Anarchism in France
Individualist anarchism in France has developed a line of thought that starts from the pioneering activism and writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Anselme Bellegarrigue in the mid-19th century. In the early 20th century, it produced publications such as L'En-Dehors, L'Anarchie and around its principles it found writers and activists such as Émile Armand, Han Ryner, Henri Zisly, Albert Libertad and Zo d'Axa. In the post-war years, there appeared the publication L'Unique and activist writers such as Charles-Auguste Bontemps. In contemporary times, it has found a new expression in the writings of the prolific philosopher Michel Onfray. Individualist anarchism is a group of several traditions of thought within the anarchist movement that emphasize the individual and his or her will over external determinants such as groups, society, traditions and ideological systems. French individualist anarchism was characterized by an eclectic set of currents of thought and practices which included anti-militarism, freelove, freethought, illegalism and naturism. While most American individualist anarchists advocates mutualism, a libertarian socialist from of market socialism, or a free-market socialist form of classical economics, European individualist anarchists are pluralists who advocate anarchism without adjectives and synthesis anarchism, ranging from anarcho-communist to mutualist economic types.
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  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Resveratrol and Human Skin Lightening
Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound found in many edible plants such as Vitis vinifera, and its inhibitory effects on the catalytic activity, gene expression, and posttranslational modifications of tyrosinase, a key enzyme in the melanin biosynthetic pathway, provide a mechanistic basis for its antimelanogenic effects seen in melanocytic cells, three-dimensionally reconstituted skin models, and in vivo animal models. Recent clinical studies have supported the efficacy of resveratrol and its analogs, such as resveratryl triacetate (RTA) and resveratryl triglycolate (RTG), in human skin lightening. These findings suggest that resveratrol and its analogs are potentially useful as skin lightening agents in cosmetics.
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  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Salt Stress on Plant Growth
Climate change is causing soil salinization, resulting in crop losses throughout the world. The ability of plants to tolerate salt stress is determined by multiple biochemical and molecular pathways. Here we discuss physiological, biochemical, and cellular modulations in plants in response to salt stress. Knowledge of these modulations can assist in assessing salt tolerance potential and the mechanisms underlying salinity tolerance in plants. Salinity-induced cellular damage is highly correlated with generation of reactive oxygen species, ionic imbalance, osmotic damage, and reduced relative water content. Accelerated antioxidant activities and osmotic adjustment by the formation of organic and inorganic osmolytes are significant and effective salinity tolerance mechanisms for crop plants. In addition, polyamines improve salt tolerance by regulating various physiological mechanisms, including rhizogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, maintenance of cell pH, and ionic homeostasis. 
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  • 08 Jun 2021
Topic Review
DPPH· Stable Free Radical
DPPH· is 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)hydrazyl stable free radical. It was discovered in 1922.
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  • 24 Feb 2021
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