Topic Review
On Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, several concepts have arisen in parallel with this new revolution, such as predictive maintenance, which today plays a key role in sustainable manufacturing and production systems by introducing a digital version of machine maintenance. The data extracted from production processes have increased exponentially due to the proliferation of sensing technologies. Even if Maintenance 4.0 faces organizational, financial, or even data source and machine repair challenges, it remains a strong point for the companies that use it. Indeed, it allows for minimizing machine downtime and associated costs, maximizing the life cycle of the machine, and improving the quality and cadence of production.
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  • 24 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Deep Learning for Plant Disease Detection for Smart-Hydroponics
Recent advances in computing allows researchers to propose the automation of hydroponic systems to boost efficiency and reduce manpower demands, hence increasing agricultural produce and profit. A completely automated hydroponic system should be equipped with tools capable of detecting plant diseases in real-time. Deep-learning-based plant disease detection models leverage computer vision capability and come up with a model that can diagnose plant diseases by scanning plant leaves. The system is capable of diagnosing a given sample by simply taking the leaf image as input and returning the class of the disease that is affecting the plant on screen to ascertain whether the plant is healthy or not, alongside the name of the diseases that are affecting the plant.
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  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Culture in Strategic Decisions
Strategic decisions are the resolutions which concern the environment in which a firm operates, the resources and the people who form the firm, and the interaction between these. Cultural logic refers to the understanding of a culture’s fundamental beliefs, the ways that those beliefs interact with each other by generating new information, and with the perceived desirability of alternative actions. This is how people from diverse cultures interact and are understood by these certain activities. Persuasive communication is one of many useful behavioral strategies people when they wish to impact people from different cultures. In terms of strategic decisions, these can be influenced by multiple factors and variables according to one's culture, due to distinct ways to transmit ideas and interpreting messages. Therefore, its formulation and implementation will differ from one to another. Norms, values, and premises reflect in the informal system that emerge with the company as it expands. They are reflected as well in the arrangements of the organization which include formal management systems (measurement and reward systems, information systems, planning systems, training systems, etc.) and policies that justify events and situations.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning Based Restaurant Sales Forecasting
A machine learning (ML) model is ideally trained using an optimal number of features and will capture fine details in the prediction task, such as holidays, without underperforming when the forecast window increases from one day to one week.
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  • 10 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Beacons and BIM Models
This research work uses a simplified approach to combine location information from a beacon's propagation signal interaction with a mobile device sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) with local building information to give real-time location and guidance to a user inside a building. This is an interactive process with visualisation information that can help user's orientation inside unknown buildings and the data stored from different users can provide useful information about users’ movements inside a public building. Beacons installed on the building at specific pre-defined positions emit signals that give a geographic position with an associated imprecision, related with Bluetooth’s range. This uncertainty is handled by building layout and users' movement in a developed system that maps users' position, gives guidance, and stores user movements. This system is based on an App (Find Me!) for Android OS (Operating System) which captures the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signal coming from the beacon(s) and shows, through a map, the location of the user's smartphone and guide him to the desired destination. Also, the beacons can deliver relevant context information. The application was tested by a panel of new and habitual campus users against traditional wayfinding alternatives yielding navigation times about 30% smaller, respectively.
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  • 04 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Technology Tree
In strategy games, a technology, tech, or research tree is a hierarchical visual representation of the possible sequences of upgrades a player can take (most often through the act of research). Because these trees are technically directed and acyclic, they can more accurately be described as a technology directed acyclic graph. The diagram is tree-shaped in the sense that it branches between each 'level', allowing the player to choose one sequence or another. Each level is called a tier and is often used to describe the technological strength of a player. Typically, at the beginning of a session of a strategy game, a player will start at tier 1, and will only have a few options for technologies to research. Each technology that a player researches will open up one or more new options, but may or may not, depending on the computer game, close off the paths to other options. The tech tree is the representation of all possible paths of research a player can take, up to the culmination of said sequence. A player who is engaged in research activities is said to be "teching up", "going up the tech tree", or "moving up the tech tree". Analysis of a tech tree can lead players to memorize and use specific build orders.
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  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Test Data Generation
Test data generation, an important part of software testing, is the process of creating a set of data for testing the adequacy of new or revised software applications. It may be the actual data that has been taken from previous operations or artificial data created for this purpose. Test Data Generation is seen to be a complex problem and though a lot of solutions have come forth most of them are limited to toy programs. The use of dynamic memory allocation in most of the code written in industry is the most severe problem that the Test Data Generators face as the usage of the software then becomes highly unpredictable, due to this it becomes harder to anticipate the paths that the program could take making it nearly impossible for the Test Data Generators to generate exhaustive Test Data. However, in the past decade significant progress has been made in tackling this problem better by the use of genetic algorithms and other analysis algorithms. Moreover, Software Testing is an important part of the Software Development Life Cycle and is basically labor-intensive. It also accounts for nearly one third of the cost of the system development. In this view the problem of generating quality test data quickly, efficiently and accurately is seen to be important.
  • 1.4K
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Telework: Before and after COVID-19
Telework is, today, a voluntary form of work organization in which the employee is located outside the employer’s premises, at home or elsewhere, under a telework contract, uses information and communication technologies (ICT) and works according to a predetermined schedule on the basis of an agreed supervisory mechanism and an online reporting system on the work undertaken.
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  • 19 Jul 2022
Topic Review
European Union Public Licence
The European Union Public Licence (EUPL) is a free software licence that was written and approved by the European Commission. The licence is available in 23 official languages of the European Union. All linguistic versions have the same validity. Its latest version, EUPL v1.2, was published in May 2017. Revised documentation for v1.2 was issued in late‑2021. Software, mainly produced by European administrations, has been licensed under the EUPL since the launch of the European Open Source Observatory and Repository (OSOR) in October 2008, now part of Joinup collaborative platform.
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  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Forensic Geology
Forensic geology is the study of evidence relating to minerals, oil, petroleum, and other materials found in the Earth, used to answer questions raised by the legal system. In 1975, Ray Murray and fellow Rutgers University professor John Tedrow published Forensic Geology. The main use of forensic geology as it is applied today is regarding trace evidence. By examining the soil and sediment particules to be able to link a suspect to a particular crime or a particular scene. Other uses in this field of science can include theft, fraud, locating a gravesite etc. It requires the aid of many other disciplines of science such as medicine, biology, geography, engineering and many others. More recently, in 2008, Alastair Ruffell and Jennifer McKinley, both of Queen's University Belfast, published Geoforensics a book that focuses more on the use of geomorphology and geophysics for searches. In 2010, forensic soil scientist Lorna Dawson of the James Hutton Institute co-edited and contributed chapters to the textbook Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. In 2012, Elisa Bergslien, at SUNY Buffalo State, published a general textbook on the topic, An Introduction to Forensic Geoscience.
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  • 16 Nov 2022
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