Topic Review
Universal Photonic Biosensors, Emerging Pathogens
To provide resiliency against pandemics, new types of universal biosensors that can be rapidly adapted and deployed on a large scale for the detection of new pathogens and new variants of known pathogens and exhibit real-time detection with LOD as low as a few target molecules need to be developed. Photonic biosensors, which provide optical signal amplification and can be mass-produced by existing semiconductor foundries, offer a promising platform, which is in principle amenable to multiplexing with spectroscopic and electrochemical detection techniques. However, to reach sub-fM detection levels, photonic biosensors typically have had to be engineered to support ultra-high-Q trapped modes.
  • 655
  • 13 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Universal Intelligence for Sustainability
Artificial intelligence (AI), as a product of biological intelligence, is a technological tool based on data and the information-processing power of discrete machines that carry out a series of interdependent operations to generate and store discrete data and information, using discrete, finite, and closed algorithms. In turn, the concept of sustainability is increasingly considered an almost essential component of discourses designed to support and justify decision-making at all levels of human activities.  The strong and functional couplings among ecological, economic, social, and technological processes explain the complexification of human-made systems, and phenomena such as globalization, climate change, the increased urbanization and inequality of human societies, and the power of information, and the COVID-19 syndemic. Sustainability for complex systems implies enough efficiency to explore and exploit their dynamic phase spaces and enough flexibility to coevolve with their environments. This means solving intractable nonlinear semi-structured dynamic multi-objective optimization problems, with conflicting, incommensurable, non-cooperative objectives and purposes, under dynamic uncertainty, restricted access to materials, energy, and information, and a given time horizon. Given the high stakes; the need for effective, efficient, diverse solutions; their local and global, and present and future effects; and their unforeseen short-, medium-, and long-term impacts; achieving sustainable complex systems implies the need for Sustainability-designed Universal Intelligent Agents (SUIAs). The proposed philosophical and technological SUIAs will be heuristic devices for harnessing the strong functional coupling between human, artificial, and nonhuman biological intelligence in a non-zero-sum game to achieve sustainability.
  • 706
  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Universal Functions Originator
Universal Functions Originator, or just UFO, is a new multi-purpose machine learning (ML) computing system that explains everything as pure mathematical equations. These expressions could be simple or highly complicated linear/nonlinear equations. Although the purpose of this technique is similar to that of classical symbolic regression (SR) algorithms, UFO works differently and it has its own mechanism, search space, and building strategy. For example, in UFO, each equation term (of intercepts, weights, exponents, arithmetic operators, and analytic functions) has its own search space and cannot be mixed with others. Also, UFO can be executed by any optimization algorithm, while SR algorithms require some special tree-based optimization algorithms; like genetic programming (GP).
  • 416
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unique Properties of the Immune System
The human body is unquestionably one of the most complex systems known to humanity. There are three main regulation systems in the human body (the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system). These three systems are integrated into one ultimate information communication network within the human body. However, each regulation system has its specific roles and unique properties. Consequently, each of these regulation systems has served as inspiration for computational models to efficiently solve real-world problems. An overview of these models and their applications is presented.
  • 296
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Unique Prime
In recreational number theory, a unique prime or unique period prime is a certain kind of prime number. A prime p ≠ 2, 5 is called unique if there is no other prime q such that the period length of the decimal expansion of its reciprocal, 1 / p, is equal to the period length of the reciprocal of q, 1 / q. For example, 3 is the only prime with period 1, 11 is the only prime with period 2, 37 is the only prime with period 3, 101 is the only prime with period 4, so they are unique primes. In contrast, 41 and 271 both have period 5; 7 and 13 both have period 6; 239 and 4649 both have period 7; 73 and 137 both have period 8; 21649 and 513239 both have period 11; 53, 79 and 265371653 all have period 13; 31 and 2906161 both have period 15; 17 and 5882353 both have period 16; 2071723 and 5363222357 both have period 17; 19 and 52579 both have period 18; 3541 and 27961 both have period 20. Therefore, none of these is a unique prime. Unique primes were first described by Samuel Yates in 1980. The above definition is related to the decimal representation of integers. Unique primes may be defined and have been studied in any numeral base.
  • 680
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unique Games Conjecture
In computational complexity theory, the unique games conjecture (often referred to as UGC) is a conjecture made by Subhash Khot in 2002. The conjecture postulates that the problem of determining the approximate value of a certain type of game, known as a unique game, has NP-hard computational complexity. It has broad applications in the theory of hardness of approximation. If the unique games conjecture is true and P ≠ NP, then for many important problems it is not only impossible to get an exact solution in polynomial time (as postulated by the P versus NP problem), but also impossible to get a good polynomial-time approximation. The problems for which such an inapproximability result would hold include constraint satisfaction problems, which crop up in a wide variety of disciplines. The conjecture is unusual in that the academic world seems about evenly divided on whether it is true or not.
  • 979
  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Uniform Distribution (Continuous)
In probability theory and statistics, the continuous uniform distribution or rectangular distribution is a family of symmetric probability distributions. The distribution describes an experiment where there is an arbitrary outcome that lies between certain bounds. The bounds are defined by the parameters, a and b, which are the minimum and maximum values. The interval can be either be closed (eg. [a, b]) or open (eg. (a, b)). Therefore, the distribution is often abbreviated U (a, b), where U stands for uniform distribution. The difference between the bounds defines the interval length; all intervals of the same length on the distribution's support are equally probable. It is the maximum entropy probability distribution for a random variable X under no constraint other than that it is contained in the distribution's support.
  • 2.0K
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unfollow Everything
Facebook (and parent company Meta Platforms) has been the subject of criticism and legal action. Criticisms include the outsize influence Facebook has on the lives and health of its users and employees, as well as Facebook's influence on the way media, specifically news, is reported and distributed. Notable issues include Internet privacy, such as use of a widespread "like" button on third-party websites tracking users, possible indefinite records of user information, automatic facial recognition software, and its role in the workplace, including employer-employee account disclosure. The use of Facebook can have negative psychological effects that include feelings of sexual jealousy, stress, lack of attention, and social media addiction that in some cases is comparable to drug addiction. Facebook's operations have also received coverage. The company's electricity usage, tax avoidance, real-name user requirement policies, censorship policies, handling of user data, and its involvement in the United States PRISM surveillance program and Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal have been highlighted by the media and by critics. Facebook has come under scrutiny for 'ignoring' or shirking its responsibility for the content posted on its platform, including copyright and intellectual property infringement, hate speech, incitement of rape, violence against minorities, terrorism, fake news, Facebook murder, crimes, and violent incidents live-streamed through its Facebook Live functionality. The company and its employees have also been subject to litigation cases over the years, with its most prominent case concerning allegations that CEO Mark Zuckerberg broke an oral contract with Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra to build the then-named "HarvardConnection" social network in 2004, instead allegedly opting to steal the idea and code to launch Facebook months before HarvardConnection began. The original lawsuit was eventually settled in 2009, with Facebook paying approximately $20 million in cash and 1.25 million shares. A new lawsuit in 2011 was dismissed. Some critics point to problems which they say will result in the demise of Facebook. Facebook has been banned by several governments for various reasons, including Syria, China, Iran and Russia.
  • 880
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
UNet and Conventional DL Systems for CAD
The ability of UNet-based deep learning models as shown before is very powerful in the imaging domain and can handle image noise, structure, scale, size, resolution, and further, the variability in the shapes.
  • 97
  • 22 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
The underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) is a network used to perform monitoring of tasks over a specific region; it is equipped with smart sensors and vehicles that are adapted to communicate cooperatively through wireless connections [1]. The surface sink retrieves the data from sensor nodes. The sink node has a transceiver that can control acoustic signals received from underwater nodes. The transceiver also can transmit and receive long-range radio frequency signals for communication with the onshore station. The collected data are used locally or connected to another network for a particular purpose [2].
  • 8.5K
  • 26 Oct 2020
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