Topic Review
Fyne is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) across desktop and mobile platforms. Fyne uses OpenGL to provide cross-platform graphics. It is inspired by the principles of Material Design to create applications that look and behave consistently across all platforms. It is licensed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD License, supporting the creation of free and proprietary applications. In December 2019 Fyne became the most popular GUI toolkit for Go, by GitHub star count and in early February 2020 it was trending as #1 project in GitHub trending ranks.
  • 821
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Fitting Model for Indoor Positioning on Bluetooth
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a positioning technology that is commonly used in indoor positioning systems (IPS) such as shopping malls or underground parking lots, because of its low power consumption and the low cost of Bluetooth devices. It also maintains high positioning accuracy. However, it is necessary to configure a large number of devices in the environment to obtain accurate positioning results. A planar model that conforms to the signal strength in the environment was generated, wherein the database comparison method is replaced by an equation solution, to improve various costs but diminish the positioning accuracy. Researchers propose to further replace the planar model with a cost-effective fitting model to both save costs and improve positioning accuracy
  • 821
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
2D Filters
Two dimensional filters have seen substantial development effort due to their importance and high applicability across several domains. In the 2-D case the situation is quite different from the 1-D case, because the multi-dimensional polynomials cannot in general be factored. This means that an arbitrary transfer function cannot generally be manipulated into a form required by a particular implementation. The input-output relationship of a 2-D IIR filter obeys a constant-coefficient linear partial difference equation from which the value of an output sample can be computed using the input samples and previously computed output samples. Because the values of the output samples are fed back, the 2-D filter, like its 1-D counterpart, can be unstable.
  • 821
  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Toons Mag
Toons Mag is a cartoon magazine that offers a global online platform for publishing editorial cartoons, comics, caricatures, illustrations, and related news. It is a multilingual publication and organizer of an international cartoon contest and exhibitions. It was founded in 2009 by cartoonist Arifur Rahman, based in Drøbak, Norway.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Bilinear Filtering
Bilinear filtering is a texture filtering method used to smooth textures when displayed larger or smaller than they actually are. Most of the time, when drawing a textured shape on the screen, the texture is not displayed exactly as it is stored, without any distortion. Because of this, most pixels will end up needing to use a point on the texture that is "between" texels – assuming the texels are points (as opposed to, say, squares) – in the middle (or on the upper left corner, or anywhere else; it does not matter, as long as it is consistent) of their respective "cells". Bilinear filtering uses these points to perform bilinear interpolation between the four texels nearest to the point that the pixel represents (in the middle or upper left of the pixel, usually).
  • 819
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Enhancing the Decision-Making Process through Industry 4.0 Technologies
In order to meet the increasingly complex expectations of customers, many companies must increase efficiency and agility. In this sense, Industry 4.0 technologies offer significant opportunities for improving both operational and decision-making processes. These developments make it possible to consider an increase in the level of operational systems and teams’ autonomy. However, the potential for strengthening the decision-making process by means of these new technologies remains unclear in the current literature. To fill this gap, a Delphi study using the Régnier Abacus technique was conducted with a representative panel of 24 experts. The novelty of this study was to identify and characterize the potential for enhancing the overall decision-making process with the main Industry 4.0 groups of technologies. Our results show that cloud computing appears as a backbone to enhance the entire decision-making process. However, certain technologies, such as IoT and simulation, have a strong potential for only specific steps within the decision-making process. This research also provides a first vision of the manager’s perspectives, expectations, and risks associated with implementing new modes of decision-making and cyber-autonomy supported by Industry 4.0 technologies.
  • 818
  • 20 Jan 2022
Topic Review
This entry presents the problems of powering wireless sensor networks operating in the structures of the Internet of Things (IoT). This issue was discussed on the example of a universal end node in IoT technology containing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags. The basic methods of signal transmission in these types of networks are discussed and their impact on the basic requirements such as range, transmission speed, low energy consumption, and the maximum number of devices that can simultaneously operate in the network. The issue of low power consumption of devices used in IoT solutions is one of the main research objects. The analysis of possible communication protocols has shown that there is a possibility of effective optimization in this area. The wide range of power sources available on the market, used in nodes of wireless sensor networks, was compared. The alternative possibilities of powering the network nodes from Energy Harvesting (EH) generators are presented.
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  • 25 May 2021
Topic Review
DNN Platform (formerly DotNetNuke) is a web content management system and web application framework based on the .NET Framework. It is open source and part of the .Net Foundation. DNN is written in C#, though it existed for many years as a VB.NET project. It is distributed under an MIT license.
  • 818
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Nominet UK
Nominet UK is the .uk domain name registry in the United Kingdom , which was founded by Dr Willie Black and five others on 14 May 1996 when its predecessor, the "Naming Committee" was unable to deal with the volume of registrations then being sought under the .uk domain. Nominet is a non-profit company limited by guarantee. It has members who act as shareholders, but without the right to participate in the profits of the company. Anyone can become a member, but most members are internet service providers who are also registrars. As one of the first professional ccTLD operators, Nominet became the model for many other operators worldwide. Customers wishing to register a domain do not approach Nominet directly but register the domain via a domain registrar – a business entity authorised by Nominet to register and manage .uk domains on behalf of customers. Registrars for .uk domains were formerly known as "tagholders". As of 2019, the .uk register held over 12,000,000 .uk domain names, making it the fourth largest ccTLD in the world. Nominet also deals with disputes about registrations of .uk domain names, via its Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) which is similar to the UDRP system used for generic Top Level Domain Names, but with certain innovations such as a free mediation service. Nominet, which operates the .uk domain, has launched a charitable foundation, the Nominet Trust, funded with Nominet grants.
  • 817
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning Approaches in SCRM
Machine learning (ML) has already been implemented within the supply chain risk management (SCRM) field, both in theory and in practice. The applied examples relate primarily to the early identification of production, transport, and supply risks in order to counteract potential supply chain problems quickly. Through the analyzed case studies, we were able to identify the added value that ML integration can bring to the SCRM.
  • 816
  • 28 Sep 2021
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