Topic Review
Human Action Recognition Methods
In the field of artificial intelligence, human action recognition is an important part of research in this area, making human interaction with the external environment possible. While human communication can be conveyed with words, facial expressions, written text, etc., the relationship between computers and sensors to understand human intentions and behaviour is now a popular area of research. As a result, more and more researchers are devoting their time and experience to the study of human action recognition.
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  • 28 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Arabic Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Comments
Arabic sentiment analysis is a challenging task due to a variety of challenges with the language. In Arabic, the same word might have a variety of meanings depending on the context. Arabic also has a rich morphology, with verb forms that are difficult to understand and elaborate syntactic patterns. The wide range of dialects spoken in Arabic is a significant barrier to sentiment analysis. In the region of the Middle East and North Africa, Arabic is spoken in a number of dialects, with substantial variations in vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation. These factors make it challenging to develop accurate sentiment analysis models for Arabic texts. Despite the challenges, there have been successful research studies within the framework of sentiment analysis applied to the Arabic language.
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  • 28 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Digital Transformation for Achieving Sustainability
Sustainability through digital transformation is essential for contemporary businesses. Embracing sustainability, micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) can gain a competitive advantage, attracting customers and investors who share these values. Moreover, incorporating sustainable practices empowers MSMEs to drive innovation, reduce costs, and enhance their reputation.
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  • 28 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Swarm Exploration and Communications
Swarm exploration by multi-agent systems relies on stable inter-agent communication. However, so far both exploration and communication have been mainly considered separately despite their strong inter-dependency in such systems. By a semantic communication design, communication efficiency in terms of latency, required data rate, energy, and complexity may be improved. 
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  • 28 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Real-Time Intelligent Detection System for Illegal Wearing
Ensuring personal safety and preventing accidents are critical aspects of power construction safety supervision. However, current monitoring methods are inefficient and unreliable as most of them rely on manual monitoring and transmission, which results in slow detection and delayed warnings regarding violations.
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  • 27 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Cyber-Physical Systems with Process-Oriented Paradigm
Process Oriented Programming (POP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "processes" that determine the response (outputs) of a reactive system based on events (states of internal and external variables, timeouts). A process-oriented program is a set of interacting processes that can change their behavior (reaction to events), start and stop other processes, and be executed in parallel. The languages created within the framework of POP (e.g. Reflex, IndustrialC, poST) fit very well for specification various control algorithms, which can consist of hundreds and thousands of processes. In addition to the fact that process-oriented programs structurally and conceptually correspond to the technological description of the plant under control, they also have the following remarkable property. In process-oriented algorithms, the use of data is usually local, limited to one or more processes.
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  • 27 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Feature Extracted Deep Neural Collaborative Filtering
The electronic publication market is growing along with the electronic commerce market. Electronic publishing companies use recommendation systems to increase sales to recommend various services to consumers. However, due to data sparsity, the recommendation systems have low accuracy. Also, previous deep neural collaborative filtering models utilize various variables of datasets such as user information, author information, and book information, and these models have the disadvantage of requiring significant computing resources and training time for their training.
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  • 27 Jul 2023
Obinna Johnphill
Obinna Johnphill is a remarkable individual, a married man, and a devoted father of two. His journey in computer science has been one of dedication and continuous pursuit of knowledge. He laid the foundation for his academic career by earning a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Development in 2014 from the University of Wolverhampton. Building on his passion for computer science, he further
  • 407
  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
The Principles of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare
A blockchain may be seen as a distributed ledger that allows peers to exchange data. It was launched with Bitcoin and resolved a persistent issue: the double-spend problem. With Bitcoin, this is accomplished by a majority consensus of so-called mining nodes and the addition of legitimate transactions to the blockchain. Bitcoin was the first to use blockchain technology. Therefore, introducing a coin is not required to utilize blockchain and develop decentralized apps. 
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  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Transformer Architecture and Attention Mechanisms in Genome Data
The emergence and rapid development of deep learning, specifically transformer-based architectures and attention mechanisms, have had transformative implications across several domains, including bioinformatics and genome data analysis. The analogous nature of genome sequences to language texts has enabled the application of techniques that have exhibited success in fields ranging from natural language processing to genomic data. 
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  • 26 Jul 2023
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