Topic Review
Core Technologies for Smart IoHT Applications
Some advanced technologies and solutions have been researched, developed, and deployed in the smart healthcare field, such as smart sensors, autonomous devices, robots, intelligent computing solutions, and virtual reality.
  • 374
  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Cyber-Physical System
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is a symbol of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) by integrating physical and computational processes which can associate with humans in various ways. In short, the relationship between Cyber networks and the physical component is known as CPS, which is assisting to incorporate the world and influencing our ordinary life significantly. In terms of practical utilization of CPS interacting abundant difficulties. CPS is involved in modern society very vastly with many uptrend perspectives. All the new technologies by using CPS are accelerating our journey of innovation. Researchers have explained the research areas of 14 important domains of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) including aircraft transportation systems, battlefield surveillance, chemical production, energy, agriculture (food supply), healthcare, education, industrial automation, manufacturing, mobile devices, robotics, transportation, and vehicular. 
  • 1.0K
  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Oriented Crossover in Genetic Algorithms
A genetic algorithm is a formula for resolving optimization issues that incorporate a constraint and natural selection similar to the biological process that propels evolution.
  • 520
  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
OMOP CDM for Data-Driven Studies for Cancer Prediction
The current generation of sequencing technologies has led to significant advances in identifying novel disease-associated mutations and generated large amounts of data in a high-throughput manner. Such data in conjunction with clinical routine data are proven to be highly useful in deriving population-level and patient-level predictions, especially in the field of cancer precision medicine. However, data harmonization across multiple national and international clinical sites is an essential step for the assessment of events and outcomes associated with patients, which is currently not adequately addressed. The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) is an internationally established research data repository introduced by the Observational Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI) community to overcome this issue. To address the needs of cancer research, the genomic vocabulary extension was introduced in 2020 to support the standardization of subsequent data analysis. Studies present multicentric investigations, in which the OMOP played an essential role in discovering and optimizing machine learning (ML)-based models. Ultimately, the use of the OMOP CDM leads to standardized data-driven studies for multiple clinical sites and enables a more solid basis utilizing, e.g., ML models that can be reused and combined in early prediction, diagnosis, and improvement of personalized cancer care and biomarker discovery.
  • 421
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Applications of Underwater Target Detection and Recognition Technology
Underwater turbid area target detection and identification technologies are used in a wide range of applications, including the detection of underwater organisms and underwater equipment. The need for productivity and automation in the aquaculture industry has given rise to technologies for the detection of underwater organisms, including fishes and sea cucumbers and shrimps, crabs, and scallops. This technology’s aim is to achieve automated identification of the species, numbers, health status, and behavior patterns of underwater organisms. The detection of coral reefs has also been extensively studied due to the need for ecological monitoring. In addition, some underwater environments require habitat mapping and mineral identification. The inspection of underwater equipment includes many aspects, such as cables, pipes, hull corrosion, cracks, and welds.
  • 447
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Task Scheduling in Satellite Edge Computing
Satellite edge computing has attracted the attention of many scholars due to its extensive coverage and low delay. Satellite edge computing research remains focused on on-orbit task scheduling. 
  • 316
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Digital Transformation in Energy Sector and Power Industry
Digital transformation is a phenomenon introduced by the transformative power of digital technologies, and it has become a key driver for the energy sector, with advancements in technology leading to significant changes in the way energy is produced, transmitted, and consumed. The impact of digital transformation on the energy sector is profound, with benefits such as improved efficiency, cost reduction, and enhanced customer experience.
  • 1.1K
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Surveillance Video Anomaly Detection
The Surveillance Video Anomaly Detection (SVAD) system is a sophisticated technology designed to detect unusual or suspicious behavior in video surveillance footage without human intervention. The system operates by analyzing the video frames and identifying deviations from normal patterns of movement or activity. This is achieved through advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques that can detect and analyze the position of pixels in the video frame at the time of an event.
  • 967
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Transformers for Computer Vision
Vision transformers (ViTs) are designed for tasks related to vision, including image recognition. Originally, transformers were used to process natural language (NLP). As a special type of transformer, vision transformers (ViTs) can be used for various computer vision (CV) applications.
  • 671
  • 09 May 2023
Topic Review
Evolution of Personal Data Store
The idea of the personal data store goes back to the early 2000s. The initial idea of this concept was to store and capture digital materials (e.g., books, photos, and other digital documents). This idea was developed for MyLifeBits as a platform to store scanned paper files and record, store, and access a personal lifetime archive. Personal web observatories are another concept based on the idea of Personal Data Stores (PDS). A personal web observatory is a technical platform that, first and foremost, enables individuals to consolidate and archive their data that is dispersed among multiple sources. Later, the concept of Personal Information Management (PIM) and Personal dataspace management was introduced to specifically focus on the process of managing personal digital information such as emails, images, HTML, XML, audio, video, and so on.
  • 874
  • 08 May 2023
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