Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in CORONA Virus
AI is the most demanding field of the world. It is playing a vital role in many aspects like prediction of any pandemic or making any vaccine faster.
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  • 11 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Radar-Based Non-Contact Continuous Identity Authentication
Non-contact vital signs monitoring using microwave Doppler radar has shown great promise in healthcare applications. Recently, this unobtrusive form of physiological sensing has also been gaining attention for its potential for continuous identity authentication, which can reduce the vulnerability of traditional one-pass validation authentication systems. Physiological Doppler radar is an attractive approach for continuous identity authentication as it requires neither contact nor line-of-sight and does not give rise to privacy concerns associated with video imaging.
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  • 01 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Comparison Between Esperanto and Ido
Ido, like Esperanto, is a constructed international auxiliary language. L. L. Zamenhof published his constructed language under the pseudonym Dr Esperanto in 1887. It immediately became popular, but soon people were making suggestions as to how they thought it might be improved. Zamenhof responded by making a list of possible changes to Esperanto and in 1894 put them before the Esperanto community. If accepted they would create what Dr Zamenhof called "a Reformed Esperanto". This proposed reformed Esperanto is sometimes referred to as Esperanto 1894. However, when the Esperanto community was invited to vote on whether to adopt the proposals, they rejected the proposals by a large majority. Ido was created around a quarter of a century after Esperanto. The name Ido means "offspring" in Esperanto and was so named by its creators because it was a development of Esperanto. The creation of Ido led to a schism between those who believed that Esperanto should be left as it was and those who believed that it had what they perceived as inherent flaws which made it not quite good enough to be the world's international auxiliary language. Those who opposed change maintained that it was endless tinkering that had led, in their opinion, to the decline of Volapük a once popular constructed language that had predated Esperanto's publication by a few years. They would also surely have pointed out that Dr Zamenhof's reform proposals of 1894 had been rejected by popular vote. The languages of Esperanto and Ido remain close, and largely mutually intelligible, like two dialects of the same language. Just as dialects of a language are quite often sources of new words for that language through literature, so Ido has contributed many neologisms to Esperanto (especially in poetic substitutes for long words using the mal- prefix). One study conducted with 20 college students at Columbia University circa 1933 suggests that Esperanto's system of correlative words is easier to learn than Ido's. Two other studies by the same researchers suggest no significant overall difference in difficulty of learning between Esperanto and Ido for educated American adults, but the sample sizes were again small: in the two tests combined, only 32 test subjects studied Ido. The researchers concluded that additional comparative studies of Esperanto and Ido are needed.
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  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Rainfall Prediction System
Rainfall prediction is one of the challenging tasks in weather forecasting process. Accurate rainfall prediction is now more difficult than before due to the extreme climate variations.
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  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
XC (Programming Language)
In computers, XC is a programming language for real-time embedded parallel processors, targeted at the XMOS XCore processor architecture. XC is an imperative language, based on the features for parallelism and communication in occam, and the syntax and sequential features of C. It provides primitive features that correspond to the various architectural resources provided, namely: channel ends, locks, ports and timers. In combination with XCore processors, XC is used to build embedded systems with levels of I/O, real-time performance and computational ability usually attributed to field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) devices.
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  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Bayesian Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
Nonlinear mixed effects models have become a standard platform for analysis when data is in the form of continuous and repeated measurements of subjects from a population of interest, while temporal profiles of subjects commonly follow a nonlinear tendency. While frequentist analysis of nonlinear mixed effects models has a long history, Bayesian analysis of the models has received comparatively little attention until the late 1980s, primarily due to the time-consuming nature of Bayesian computation. Since the early 1990s, Bayesian approaches for the models began to emerge to leverage rapid developments in computing power, and have recently received significant attention due to (1) superiority to quantify the uncertainty of parameter estimation; (2) utility to incorporate prior knowledge into the models; and (3) flexibility to match exactly the increasing complexity of scientific research arising from diverse industrial and academic fields. 
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  • 23 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Inti is the ancient Incan sun god. He is revered as the national patron of the Inca state. Although most consider Inti the sun god, he is more appropriately viewed as a cluster of solar aspects, since the Inca divided his identity according to the stages of the sun. Worshiped as a patron deity of the Inca Empire, Pachacuti is often linked to the origin and expansion of the Inca Sun Cult. The most common story says that he is the son of Viracocha, the god of civilization.
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  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Paranoid Android
Paranoid Android is an open-source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform. The latest official version is Sapphire, based on Android 12, released on 30 November 2021. In September 2015, PC Advisor called it the most famous ROM along with CyanogenMod, and The Economic Times called it the second-largest custom Android ROM in the world with over 200 000 users.
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  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
As the next version of Windows NT after Windows 2000, as well as the successor to Windows Me, Windows XP introduced many new features but it also removed some others.
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  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Domain Hack
A domain hack is a domain name that suggests a word, phrase, or name when concatenating two or more adjacent levels of that domain. For example, "bir.ds" and "examp.le", using the fictitious country-code domains .ds and .le, suggest the words birds and example respectively. In this context, the word hack denotes a clever trick (as in programming), not an exploit or break-in (as in security). Domain hacks offer the ability to produce short domain names. This makes them potentially valuable as redirectors, pastebins, base domains from which to delegate subdomains and URL shortening services.
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  • 30 Sep 2022
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