Topic Review
Predictive Modeling of Student Dropout in MOOCs
The features of massive open online courses (MOOCs), such as internet-based massiveness, openness, and flexible learning, create a unique blend of a large number of learners, making the prediction of learner success (as well as providing support based on these predictions) particularly challenging. 
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Customer Segmentation in the Retail Market
Peoples’ awareness of online purchases has significantly risen. This has given rise to online retail platforms and the need for a better understanding of customer purchasing behaviour. Retail companies are pressed with the need to deal with a high volume of customer purchases, which requires sophisticated approaches to perform more accurate and efficient customer segmentation. Customer segmentation is a marketing analytical tool that aids customer-centric service and thus enhances profitability. 
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Regional-to-Local Point-Voxel Transformer
Semantic segmentation of large-scale indoor 3D point cloud scenes is crucial for scene understanding but faces challenges in effectively modeling long-range dependencies and multi-scale features. Researchers present RegionPVT, a novel Regional-to-Local Point-Voxel Transformer that synergistically integrates voxel-based regional self-attention and window-based point-voxel self-attention for concurrent coarse-grained and fine-grained feature learning. The voxel-based regional branch focuses on capturing regional context and facilitating inter-window communication. The window-based point-voxel branch concentrates on local feature learning while integrating voxel-level information within each window.
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Continuous Pain Intensity Monitoring
The continuous pain intensity recognition system analyzes the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) sensor modality modality, compares the results obtained from both EDA and facial expressions modalities, and late fuses EDA and facial expressions modalities.
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
For autonomous vehicles driving in off-road environments, it is crucial to have a sensitive environmental perception ability. However, semantic segmentation in complex scenes remains a challenging task. Most current methods for off-road environments often have the problems of single scene and low accuracy. 
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Sequential Spacecraft Depth Completion
The recently proposed spacecraft three-dimensional (3D) structure recovery method based on optical images and LIDAR has enhanced the working distance of a spacecraft’s 3D perception system.
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Illegal IPTV Technologies
Technologies providing copyright-infringing IPTV content are commonly used as an illegal alternative to legal IPTV subscriptions and services, as they usually have lower monetary costs and can be more convenient for users who follow content from different sources. These infringing IPTV technologies may include websites, software, software add-ons, and physical set-top boxes. Due to the free or low cost of illegal IPTV technologies, illicit IPTV content providers will often resort to intrusive advertising, scams, and the distribution of malware to increase their revenue.
  • 434
  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Keystroke Dynamics as a Language Profiling Tool
Understanding the distinct characteristics of unidentified Internet users is helpful in various contexts, including digital forensics, targeted advertising, and user interaction with services and systems. Keystroke dynamics (KD) enables the analysis of data derived from a user’s typing behaviour on a keyboard as one approach to obtain such information. 
  • 224
  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Safety in Traffic Management Systems
Traffic management systems play a vital role in ensuring safe and efficient transportation on roads. However, the use of advanced technologies in traffic management systems has introduced new safety challenges. Therefore, it is important to ensure the safety of these systems to prevent accidents and minimize their impact on road users.
  • 278
  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Machine Failure Prediction Using Survival Analysis
With the rapid growth of cloud computing and the creation of large-scale systems such as IoT environments, the failure of machines/devices and, by extension, the systems that rely on them is a major risk to their performance, usability, and the security systems that support them. The need to predict such anomalies in combination with the creation of fault-tolerant systems to manage them is a key factor for the development of safer and more stable systems. 
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  • 19 Oct 2023
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