Topic Review
Traffic Load Distribution Fairness in Mobile Social Networks
Mobile social networks suffer from an unbalanced traffic load distribution due to the heterogeneity in mobility of nodes (humans) in the network. A few nodes in these networks are highly mobile, and the proposed social-based routing algorithms are likely to choose these most “social” nodes as the best message relays.
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  • 04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Oblivious Ram
An Oblivious RAM (ORAM) simulator is a compiler that transforms algorithms in such a way that the resulting algorithms preserve the input-output behavior of the original algorithm but the distribution of memory access pattern of the transformed algorithm is independent of the memory access pattern of the original algorithm. The definition of ORAMs is motivated by the fact that an adversary can obtain nontrivial information about the execution of a program and the nature of the data that it is dealing with, just by observing the pattern in which various locations of memory are accessed during its execution. An adversary can get this information even if the data values are all encrypted. The definition suits equally well to the settings of protected programs running on unprotected shared memory as well as a client running a program on its system by accessing previously stored data on a remote server. The concept was formulated by Oded Goldreich in 1987.
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  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Low-Light Object Tracking in UAV Videos
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) visual object tracking under low-light conditions serves as a crucial component for applications, such as night surveillance, indoor searches, night combat, and all-weather tracking. However, the majority of the existing tracking algorithms are designed for optimal lighting conditions. In low-light environments, images captured by UAV typically exhibit reduced contrast, brightness, and a signal-to-noise ratio, which hampers the extraction of target features. Moreover, the target’s appearance in low-light UAV video sequences often changes rapidly, rendering traditional fixed template tracking mechanisms inadequate, and resulting in poor tracker accuracy and robustness. 
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  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Leak Detection Using Water Pipeline Vibration Sensor
Water leakage from aging water and wastewater pipes is a persistent problem, necessitating the improvement of existing leak detection and response methods. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based leak detection systems can quickly determine the source and location of a leak by analyzing data collected from various sensors and suggesting the best course of action to resolve it. IoT technology can be utilized to monitor leaks in real-time and respond automatically in conjunction with a centralized control system. 
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  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Neuromorphic Sentiment Analysis Using Spiking Neural Networks
Spiking neural networks, often employed to bridge the gap between machine learning and neuroscience fields, are considered a promising solution for resource-constrained applications. Since deploying spiking neural networks on traditional von-Newman architectures requires significant processing time and high power, typically, neuromorphic hardware is created to execute spiking neural networks. The objective of neuromorphic devices is to mimic the distinctive functionalities of the human brain in terms of energy efficiency, computational power, and robust learning. 
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  • 20 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Arabic Text Clustering
Arabic text clustering is an essential topic in Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP). Its significance resides in various applications, such as document indexing, categorization, user review analysis, and others. 
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Orientation Detection Mechanism Based on Artificial Visual System
As an important part of the nervous system, the human visual system can provide visual perception for humans. The research on it is of great significance to improve our understanding of biological vision and the human brain. Orientation detection, in which visual cortex neurons respond only to linear stimuli in specific orientations, is an important driving force in computer vision and biological vision. However, the principle of orientation detection is still unknown. 
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  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Archy is a software system whose user interface introduced a different approach for interacting with computers with respect to traditional graphical user interfaces. Designed by human-computer interface expert Jef Raskin, it embodies his ideas and established results about human-centered design described in his book The Humane Interface. These ideas include content persistence, modelessness, a nucleus with commands instead of applications, navigation using incremental text search, and a zooming user interface (ZUI). The system was being implemented at the Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces under Raskin's leadership. Since his death in February 2005 the project was continued by his team, which later shifted focus to the Ubiquity extension for the Firefox browser. Archy in large part builds on Raskin's earlier work with the Apple Macintosh, Canon Cat, SwyftWare, and Ken Perlin's Pad ZUI system. It can be described as a combination of Canon Cat's text processing functions with a modern ZUI. Archy is more radically different from established systems than are Sun Microsystems' Project Looking Glass and Microsoft Research's "Task Gallery" prototype. While these systems build upon the WIMP desktop paradigm, Archy has been compared as similar to the Emacs text editor, although its design begins from a clean slate. Archy used to be called The Humane Environment ("THE"). On January 1, 2005, Raskin announced the new name, and that Archy would be further developed by the non-profit Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces. The name "Archy" is a play on the Center's acronym, R-CHI. It is also an allusion to Don Marquis' archy and mehitabel poetry. Jef Raskin jokingly stated: "Yes, we named our software after a bug" (a cockroach), further playing with the meaning of bugs in software.
  • 366
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Matrix Function
In mathematics, a matrix function is a function which maps a matrix to another matrix.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Maintenance for Offshore Wind Turbine Farms
The rapid increase in the use of renewable electricity, driven by the development of photovoltaic technologies and wind farms, compels the development of appropriate facilities to ensure their maintenance. Since wind farms are more efficient than traditional sources of electricity and their share in global electricity production is prominent, the development of techniques and maintenance methods dedicated to wind farms will also be prominent. The logistics and supply chain management of offshore wind turbine farms (OWFs) maintenance have a fundamental impact on their availability and, as a result, profitability.
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  • 28 Jul 2023
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