Topic Review
APT (Debian)
Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. APT simplifies the process of managing software on Unix-like computer systems by automating the retrieval, configuration and installation of software packages, either from precompiled files or by compiling source code.
  • 763
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
ML-Based Detection Approaches of Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis
Computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) systems can assist radiologists in detecting coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) in their chest X-rays. Early diagnosis of the CWP can significantly improve workers’ survival rate.  The feature extraction and detection approaches of computer-based analysis in CWP using chest X-ray radiographs (CXR) can be summarised into three categories: classical methods including computer and international labor organization (ILO) classification-based detection; traditional machine learning methods; and CNN methods.
  • 762
  • 10 Jul 2024
Topic Review
Descartes' Rule of Signs
In mathematics, Descartes' rule of signs, first described by René Descartes in his work La Géométrie, is a technique for getting information on the number of positive real roots of a polynomial. It asserts that the number of positive roots is at most the number of sign changes in the sequence of polynomial's coefficients (omitting the zero coefficients), and that the difference between these two numbers is always even. This implies, in particular, that if the number of sign changes is zero or one, then there are exactly zero or one positive roots, respectively. By a homographic transformation of the variable, one may use Descartes' rule of signs for getting a similar information on the number of roots in any interval. This is the basic idea of Budan's theorem and Budan–Fourier theorem. By repeating the division of an interval into two intervals, one gets eventually a list of disjoints intervals containing together all real roots of the polynomial, and containing each exactly one real root. Descartes rule of signs and homographic transformations of the variable are, nowadays, the basis of the fastest algorithms for computer computation of real roots of polynomials (see Real-root isolation). Descartes himself used the transformation x → –x for using his rule for getting information of the number of negative roots.
  • 762
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Computer-Aided Diagnosis Using Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system based on deep learning to assist doctors in diagnosis is of great significance, because diagnosing lesions in the stomach, intestines, and esophagus is laborious for doctors. In addition, misdiagnoses can occur based on a subjective judgment.
  • 761
  • 22 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Universal Intelligence for Sustainability
Artificial intelligence (AI), as a product of biological intelligence, is a technological tool based on data and the information-processing power of discrete machines that carry out a series of interdependent operations to generate and store discrete data and information, using discrete, finite, and closed algorithms. In turn, the concept of sustainability is increasingly considered an almost essential component of discourses designed to support and justify decision-making at all levels of human activities.  The strong and functional couplings among ecological, economic, social, and technological processes explain the complexification of human-made systems, and phenomena such as globalization, climate change, the increased urbanization and inequality of human societies, and the power of information, and the COVID-19 syndemic. Sustainability for complex systems implies enough efficiency to explore and exploit their dynamic phase spaces and enough flexibility to coevolve with their environments. This means solving intractable nonlinear semi-structured dynamic multi-objective optimization problems, with conflicting, incommensurable, non-cooperative objectives and purposes, under dynamic uncertainty, restricted access to materials, energy, and information, and a given time horizon. Given the high stakes; the need for effective, efficient, diverse solutions; their local and global, and present and future effects; and their unforeseen short-, medium-, and long-term impacts; achieving sustainable complex systems implies the need for Sustainability-designed Universal Intelligent Agents (SUIAs). The proposed philosophical and technological SUIAs will be heuristic devices for harnessing the strong functional coupling between human, artificial, and nonhuman biological intelligence in a non-zero-sum game to achieve sustainability.
  • 760
  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Augmented Reality in Tourism Industry (2002-2022)
Augmented reality has emerged as a transformative technology, with the potential to revolutionize the tourism industry.
  • 760
  • 24 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Developing IoT Artifacts in a MAS Platform
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a computational paradigm where a massive number (perhaps billions) of ordinary objects are endowed with interconnection capabilities, making them able to communicate and cooperate with other (surrounding) devices, generally via the Internet.. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing computational paradigm where all kinds of everyday objects are interconnected, forming a vast cyberphysical environment at the edge between the virtual and the real world. Since the emergence of the IoT, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) technology has been successfully applied in this area, proving itself to be an appropriate paradigm for developing distributed, intelligent systems containing sets of IoT devices. However, this technology still lacks effective mechanisms to integrate the enormous diversity of existing IoT devices systematically.
  • 760
  • 15 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
For ensuring the safety and reliability of high-speed trains, fault diagnosis (FD) technique plays an important role. Benefiting from the rapid developments of artificial intelligence, intelligent FD (IFD) strategies have obtained much attention in the field of academics and applications, where the qualitative approach is an important branch.
  • 759
  • 14 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks
Quantum mechanics studies nature and its behavior at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. By applying quantum mechanics, a lot of problems can be solved in a more convenient way thanks to its special quantum properties, such as superposition and entanglement. In the current noisy intermediate-scale quantum era, quantum mechanics finds its use in various fields of life. Following this trend, researchers seek to augment machine learning in a quantum way. The generative adversarial network (GAN), an important machine learning invention that excellently solves generative tasks, has also been extended with quantum versions. Since the first publication of a quantum GAN (QuGAN) in 2018, many QuGAN proposals have been suggested. A QuGAN may have a fully quantum or a hybrid quantum–classical architecture, which may need additional data processing in the quantum–classical interface. Similarly to classical GANs, QuGANs are trained using a loss function in the form of max likelihood, Wasserstein distance, or total variation. The gradients of the loss function can be calculated by applying the parameter-shift method or a linear combination of unitaries in order to update the parameters of the networks. 
  • 758
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Convolutional Neural Network in the Medical Imaging
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), commonly known as ConvNet, is one of the common types of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that comes under the supervised method category. This method is known for its ability to discover and interpret patterns. This pattern detection brings up the usefulness of CNN for image analysis. 
  • 757
  • 10 Apr 2023
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