Topic Review
As the next version of Windows NT after Windows 2000, as well as the successor to Windows Me, Windows XP introduced many new features but it also removed some others.
  • 789
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
XCore Architecture
The XCore Architecture is a 32-bit RISC microprocessor architecture designed by XMOS. The architecture is designed to be used in multi-core processors for embedded systems. Each XCore executes up to eight concurrent threads, each thread having its own register set, and the architecture directly supports inter-thread and inter-core communication and various forms of thread scheduling. Two versions of the XCore architecture exist: the XS1 architecture and the XS2 architecture. Processors with the XS1 architecture include the XCore XS1-G4 and XCore XS1-L1. Processors with the XS2 architecture include xCORE-200. The architecture encodes instructions compactly, using 16 bits for frequently used instructions (with up to three operands) and 32 bits for less frequently used instructions (with up to 6 operands). Almost all instructions execute in a single cycle, and the architecture is event-driven in order to decouple the timings that a program needs to make from the execution speed of the program. A program will normally perform its computations and then wait for an event (e.g. a message, time, or external I/O event) before continuing.
  • 787
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Iterared Skew Polynomial Rings
Skew polynomial rings used to be, especially during the 1970’s and 1980’s, a popular topic of the modern abstract Algebra with great theoretical interest. The researchers’ attention about them has renewed recently, due to the important applications that they have found to the study of Quantum Groups and to Cryptography. The present work studies a special class of iterated skew polynomial rings over a ring R, defined with respect to a finite set of pairwise commuting derivations of R.
  • 788
  • 17 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Robotic-Systems for Improving Upper-Limb Spasticity
Spasticity is a motor disorder that causes stiffness or tightness of the muscles and can interfere with normal movement, speech, and gait. Traditionally, the spasticity assessment is carried out by clinicians using standardized procedures for objective evaluation. However, these procedures are manually performed and, thereby, they could be influenced by the clinician’s subjectivity or expertise. The automation of such traditional methods for spasticity evaluation is an interesting and emerging field in neurorehabilitation. One of the most promising approaches is the use of robot-aided systems.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Shibboleth Single Sign-on Architecture
Shibboleth is a single sign-on log-in system for computer networks and the Internet. It allows people to sign in using just one identity to various systems run by federations of different organizations or institutions. The federations are often universities or public service organizations. The Shibboleth Internet2 middleware initiative created an architecture and open-source implementation for identity management and federated identity-based authentication and authorization (or access control) infrastructure based on Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Federated identity allows the sharing of information about users from one security domain to the other organizations in a federation. This allows for cross-domain single sign-on and removes the need for content providers to maintain user names and passwords. Identity providers (IdPs) supply user information, while service providers (SPs) consume this information and give access to secure content.
  • 788
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Forensic Serology
Forensic serology is the detection, identification, classification, and study of various bodily fluids such as blood, semen, saliva, and urine, and their relationship to a crime scene. A forensic serologist may also be involved in DNA analysis and bloodstain pattern analysis. Serology testing begins with presumptive tests which gives the analyst an indication that a specific bodily fluid may be present, but cannot completely confirm its presence. Following the presumptive tests, confirmatory tests are done on the same sample to confirm what the unknown substance actually is.
  • 787
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Orthodiagonal Quadrilateral
In Euclidean geometry, an orthodiagonal quadrilateral is a quadrilateral in which the diagonals cross at right angles. In other words, it is a four-sided figure in which the line segments between non-adjacent vertices are orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other.
  • 786
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Fyne is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) across desktop and mobile platforms. Fyne uses OpenGL to provide cross-platform graphics. It is inspired by the principles of Material Design to create applications that look and behave consistently across all platforms. It is licensed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD License, supporting the creation of free and proprietary applications. In December 2019 Fyne became the most popular GUI toolkit for Go, by GitHub star count and in early February 2020 it was trending as #1 project in GitHub trending ranks.
  • 786
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unique Prime
In recreational number theory, a unique prime or unique period prime is a certain kind of prime number. A prime p ≠ 2, 5 is called unique if there is no other prime q such that the period length of the decimal expansion of its reciprocal, 1 / p, is equal to the period length of the reciprocal of q, 1 / q. For example, 3 is the only prime with period 1, 11 is the only prime with period 2, 37 is the only prime with period 3, 101 is the only prime with period 4, so they are unique primes. In contrast, 41 and 271 both have period 5; 7 and 13 both have period 6; 239 and 4649 both have period 7; 73 and 137 both have period 8; 21649 and 513239 both have period 11; 53, 79 and 265371653 all have period 13; 31 and 2906161 both have period 15; 17 and 5882353 both have period 16; 2071723 and 5363222357 both have period 17; 19 and 52579 both have period 18; 3541 and 27961 both have period 20. Therefore, none of these is a unique prime. Unique primes were first described by Samuel Yates in 1980. The above definition is related to the decimal representation of integers. Unique primes may be defined and have been studied in any numeral base.
  • 786
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Droid Fonts
Droid is a font family first released in 2007 and created by Ascender Corporation for use by the Open Handset Alliance platform Android and licensed under the Apache License. The fonts are intended for use on the small screens of mobile handsets and were designed by Steve Matteson of Ascender Corporation. The name was derived from the Open Handset Alliance platform named Android.
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  • 02 Nov 2022
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