Topic Review
Spare Parts with Additive Manufacturing of Aviation Industry
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a digital technology of layered fabrication by adding material where no cutting tool is required as in the case of a subtractive manufacturing process. AM is bridging the digital and physical world as a 3D computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) method. The usage of AM has made the supply chain of the aviation spare parts industry simpler, more effective, and efficient.
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  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
Occupational Safety and Health Management System Standards
Occupational accidents present a momentous effect on human well-being and, in addition, create large costs in any country’s social health/insurance system. Moreover, the topic of “safety and health” (OSH, OS&H) or “health and safety” (OHS, OH&S) concerning labor (or occupational work) is one of the most significant issues in any corporation. OSHMS systems were developed as a consequence of a plethora of several and severe industrial accidents throughout the decades of the 1970s and 1980s (for example, the Flixborough accident in 1974, the Seveso incident in 1976, and the Piper Alpha disaster in 1987). Thorough examinations of these events revealed insufficiencies in the dominant techniques for the regulation and the management of OSH and determined the necessity to use approaches that methodically address both engineering and educational action. The proliferation of OSH management systems, which have been used worldwide since the 1990s, has dramatically increased the concentration of performance measurement methods, tools, and techniques.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Additive Manufacturing and Circular Economy
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as three-dimensional (3D) printing has emerged as a disruptive and powerful tool for industrial systems in the Industry 4.0 era by helping businesses flourish in the contemporary dynamic competitive landscape. However, their achievements and development highly rely on “take-make-waste” linear business models, which come, all too often, to the detriment of the environment. Hence, a shift to Circular Economy (CE) practices promoting the acceleration of the transition to resource-efficient systems and the minimization of environmental degradation is now more imperative than ever. 
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  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Composite Material Recycling Technology
The recycling of fiber reinforced composite materials will therefore play an important role in the future, in particular for the wind energy, but also for aerospace, automotive, construction and marine sectors to reduce environmental impacts and to meet the demand.
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  • 18 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Machine-Vision-Based Leather Surface Defect Inspection
Machine-vision-based surface defect inspection is one of the key technologies to realize intelligent manufacturing. Leather products are regarded as the most traded products all over the world. Automatic detection, location, and recognition of leather surface defects are very important for the intelligent manufacturing of leather products, and are challenging but noteworthy tasks. Machine-learning-based defect inspection methods include three main links in industrial applications: data annotation, model training, and model inference. Real-time performance in real industrial applications focuses more on this part of model inference.
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  • 12 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Friction Spot Stir Welding
In the last decade, the friction stir welding of polymers has been increasingly investigated by the means of more and more sophisticated approaches. Since the early studies, which were aimed at proving the feasibility of the process for polymers and identifying suitable processing windows, great improvements have been achieved. This owes to the increasing care of academic researchers and industrial demands. These improvements have their roots in the promising results from pioneer studies; however, they are also the fruits of the adoption of more comprehensive approaches and the multidisciplinary analyses of results. The introduction of instrumented machines has enabled the online measurement of processing loads and temperature, and critical understanding of the principal aspects affecting the material flow and welds quality. Such improvements are also clearly demonstrated by the increase of the strength of recent joints (up to 99% of joining efficiency) as compared to those reached in early researches (almost 47%). This article provides a comprehensive review of the recent progresses on the process fundamentals, quality assessment and the influence of process parameters on the mechanical behavior. In addition, emphasis is given to new developments and future perspectives.
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  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
On Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, several concepts have arisen in parallel with this new revolution, such as predictive maintenance, which today plays a key role in sustainable manufacturing and production systems by introducing a digital version of machine maintenance. The data extracted from production processes have increased exponentially due to the proliferation of sensing technologies. Even if Maintenance 4.0 faces organizational, financial, or even data source and machine repair challenges, it remains a strong point for the companies that use it. Indeed, it allows for minimizing machine downtime and associated costs, maximizing the life cycle of the machine, and improving the quality and cadence of production.
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  • 24 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Sensor-Based Smart Factory
Smart factories have modern sensor technology, intelligent analytical programs, and networking components of production (machines, supplies, components, final products, equipment, etc.). Smart factories are a new way of organizing production. Their goal is to better serve customers through greater production flexibility and resource optimisation.
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  • 16 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Tool Wear Suppression Methods of Diamond-cutting Ferrous Metals
This entry introduces some common tool wear suppression methods of diamond-cutting ferrous metals.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Apple Cider Sensory
Apple cider and pear cider are defined as alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content between 1.2% and 8.5% (low-alcohol cider may have less than 1.2%) obtained by partial or complete fermentation of juice (fresh or reconstituted), with or without the addition of sugar, water or flavouring.
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  • 20 Apr 2021
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