Topic Review
Conditional Frontier Analysis (DEA)
Conditional Frontier Analysis is part of the Nonparametric Robust Estimators proposed to overcome some drawbacks in the traditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH) measures for the technical efficiency. In special, this methodology extends the nonparametric input/output production technology to robustly account for extreme values or outliers in the data, and allow measuring the effect of external environmental variables on the efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). 
  • 996
  • 01 May 2021
Topic Review
Efficient and Effective Rankings
In the simple words of Peter Drucker, efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficient and Effective Rankings are ranking classifications for Decision-Making Units (DMUs) based on a combination of the efficiency score (obtained by parametric or non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis frontier estimations) with a multiple effectiveness measure (often obtained using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis). This study aims at providing a non-compensatory ranking classification combining Conditional Frontier Analysis with the PROMETHEE II methodology for the multidimensional efficiency and effectiveness analysis of Police. The results on Pernambuco (Brazil) Police departments offer interesting perspectives for public administrations concerning prioritizations of units based on the mitigation of resources and strategic objectives.
  • 1.0K
  • 30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Data-Driven Production Logistics
A data-driven approach in production logistics is adopted as a response to challenges such as low visibility and system rigidity. within data-driven production logistics, data is the backbone of the system and all the components are bound together with data. Any decision is made based on data rather than intuition or even experience. All production logistics related activities are supported by data, which is constantly collected from data sources such as machines, human resources, sensors, actuators, etc. A data-driven approach facilitates transition towards a smart, autonomous production logistics system.
  • 1.1K
  • 28 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Decision-making for manufacturing and maintenance operations is benefiting from the advanced sensor infrastructure of Industry 4.0, enabling the use of algorithms that analyze data, predict emerging situations, and recommend mitigating actions. 
  • 650
  • 22 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Digital Technologies towards Circular Economy
The enabling role of Digital Technologies towards the Circular Economy transition has been recognized. Nonetheless, to support the transition, the operationalization of the discourse is still needed. The present study performs a systematic literature review, deepening the knowledge on the role of Digital Technologies in operationalizing the Circular Economy transition. The analysis is shaped according to the ReSOLVE framework, as it has been recognized as able to operationally guide industrial firms towards the Circular Economy transition. Despite the broad focus on the topic by the extant literature, the results of the analysis show limited Circular Economy aspects addressed and specific technologies considered, making it difficult to have a complete overview on the implementation of Digital Technologies in the Circular Economy transition, operatively addressing it. Shortcomings are identified regarding the lack of an integrated and holistic analysis of the relationships, the need for investigating the decision-making process and specific Circular Economy practices, all from an empirical perspective
  • 730
  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Apple Cider Sensory
Apple cider and pear cider are defined as alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content between 1.2% and 8.5% (low-alcohol cider may have less than 1.2%) obtained by partial or complete fermentation of juice (fresh or reconstituted), with or without the addition of sugar, water or flavouring.
  • 1.4K
  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
4D Printing
4D printing is the fabrication process of 3D objects that can change their shape over time or in response to an environmental stimulus. This process demonstrates a radical shift in additive manufacturing.
  • 1.8K
  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Additive Manufacturing in Automotive Sector
Triple bottom line (3BL) approaches to sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) often involve trade-offs between their three dimensions (economic, environmental, and social). Under some circumstances, however, synergic approaches (typically involving disruptive innovations) might allow simultaneous improvement in one or more dimensions without compromising the others. This entry analyzes one such case: the potential of properly designed additive manufacturing approaches in the automotive spare parts industry to simultaneously boost profits and reduce environmental impact.It is based on the systematic analysis of the real spare parts business of a mid-size automotive brand in Spain. Its results suggest that such synergic, self-reinforcing opportunities do indeed exist, and might even be further developed by  strategically integrating sustainability constituents, while completely changing the current spare parts' business model. 
  • 741
  • 19 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Intermediate Strain Rate Testing Devices
The existing experimental tests are mainly designed to study the mechanical response of materials at various strain rates. Many researchers performed the experimental test in tension, compression, and shear (with torsion test) over a wide range of strain rates. They found out that material exhibits an increase in yield stress as well as flows stress with an increase in strain rate. It illustrates that there is a need for experimental data to study the material behaviour over the full range of strain rates, from quasi-static to high strain rate test. Many special techniques have been developed to bridge the strain rate gap between quasi-static and high strain rate testing to provide a method for an intermediate strain rate test for engineering materials. Some researchers have tried to conduct intermediate strain rate tests with standard servo-hydraulic load frames. However, the results of such tests are not accurate. The problem is that during the experiment, the whole machine is not in static equilibrium. The inertial effect influences the experimental data. The records obtained from these machines are often noisy with large oscillation. therefore, the comprehensive review is given to describes the development and evolution of the existing intermediate strain rate testing devices which includes the working principles, some critical theories, technological innovation in load measurement techniques, components of the device, basic technical assumption, and measuring techniques. In addition, some research direction on future implementation and development of an intermediate strain rate apparatus is also discussed in detail.
  • 1.7K
  • 18 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing systems are generally “physical” systems in a physical world. The internet is a cyber-world. The internet has allowed for global connectedness. At the same time, infused with this connectedness, is a “dark web.” The dark web constitutes malware, viruses, “ransomware-as-a-service,” and other divisive instruments. Industry 4.0 brings together in the form of “cyber-physical” systems a new range of opportunities for additive manufacturing. While the opportunity of connectedness maps, at the same time, the challenges of the “dark web” also maps into this world of manufacturing. On a growing basis, measures to improve cybersecurity continue to develop. These measures include the lever of machine and deep learning. In this entry, the authors use engineering control systems and other relevant theories, including augmented artificial intelligence, as a way of making more secure cyber-physical systems and thereby making practical the considerations for Industry 4.0.
  • 1.2K
  • 14 Apr 2021
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